More on Congressional Issues

Feb 4, 2013

Congressman Bob Gibbs to Hold North Ridgeville Town Hall Meeting

Gibbs will hold a Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday, February 6th in North Ridgeville, Ohio to discuss the start of the 113th Congress and issues concerning constituents of Ohio’s 7th District.

Jan 31, 2013

Nation's Finances Demand We Pass a Budget

"Responsibly managing our nation’s finances must be the top priority, and 'No Budget No Pay' brings us one step closer to holding our colleagues across the aisle accountable for not doing so." -Rep. Gibbs

Jan 24, 2013

Washington Doesn't Like Me Very Much

This nation’s debt has reached $16.4 trillion. The passage of ‘No Budget, No Pay’ is a plea from House Republicans to Senate Democrats and the White House to get to work and pass a budget that puts us on a path toward living within our means.

Jul 27, 2012

Congressman Gibbs Meets with Local Community Leaders to Hear Their Concerns with Obama’s Impending Tax Hike

Congressman Bob Gibbs held a roundtable discussion this morning in Ashland, OH to address the looming tax hike that will take place at the end of the year if Congress does not act to prevent it.

Jul 26, 2012

Congressman Bob Gibbs to Hold Roundtable Discussion to Address Avoiding the Largest Tax Increase in History

Congressman Gibbs will be holding a roundtable discussion on Friday morning at Bookmasters, Inc. with local members of the small- to medium-business community to discuss the disastrous effects this tax increase would have on their industries.

Jul 26, 2012

Congressman Bob Gibbs Votes to Protect Small Businesses and American Jobs

I am pleased to say that today, the House passed a bill that significantly cuts the Obama Administration’s ability to place harmful regulations on America’s small businesses.

Jun 11, 2012

Congressman Bob Gibbs to tour Zoar Levee with Leaders of Army Corp of Engineers

U.S Congressman Bob Gibbs will be touring the Village of Zoar with senior leaders from the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, which is tasked with repairing the levee.

Jun 11, 2012

Congress’ output almost grinds to a halt

It wasn’t a bill becoming law that caused Rep. Bob Gibbs to step off the floor of the House last year and proudly call his wife. It was a vote to kill a law. “I just voted to repeal Obamacare,” the Lakeville Republican told her, referring to President Barack Obama’s 2010 health-care law.  High-school civics teachers might tell students that Congress’ job is to pass laws, but in this Congress it’s become increasingly clear that many lawmakers measure progress in repealing or rolling back existing laws. Gibbs concedes as much, saying it’s because the government has gotten so big. read more...

Jun 7, 2012

Congressman Bob Gibbs Votes to Protect American Jobs and Innovation

Congressman Bob Gibbs released the following statement following passage of H.R. 436, The Health Care Cost Reduction Act of 2012:

Jun 7, 2012

Gibbs Named “2012 Great Lakes Legislator of the Year”

Congressman Bob Gibbs received the “2012 Great Lakes Legislator of the Year” from the Great Lakes Maritime Task Force, the largest labor/management coalition representing workers and industries dependent on shipping on America’s Fourth Sea Coast.
