
LiveAtState is the U.S. Department of State’s interactive on-line video platform for engaging with international media on top foreign policy issues. These on-the-record "virtual press briefings" offer invited journalists and bloggers in other countries unique opportunities to engage with senior U.S. Government officials in Washington. By harnessing cutting edge web-chat technology, LiveAtState offers international media unparalleled opportunities for meaningful discussions with U.S. policymakers.

-10/04/12  LiveAtState: U.S. Foreign Policy Priorities and UNGA Highlights;  Assistant Secretary Michael A. Hammer, Bureau of Public Affairs; Washington, DC
-09/27/12  LiveAtState: Freedom of Expression; Deputy Assistant Secretary Daniel Baer, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor; Washington, DC
-09/20/12  LiveAtState: U.S. Policy Toward Sub-Saharan Africa;  Assistant Secretary Johnnie Carson, Bureau of African Affairs; Washington, DC
-08/21/12  LiveAtState: U.S. Humanitarian Assistance to Syria; Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary David M. Robinson, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration; Washington, DC
-06/28/12  LiveAtState: Assistant Secretary of State Michael Posner on the 2011 Human Rights Reports;  Assistant Secretary Michael H. Posner, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor; Washington, DC
-06/26/12  LiveAtState: Senior Advisor for Western Hemisphere Affairs Paula Uribe on LGBT Pride Month; Washington, DC
-05/31/12  LiveAtState: With Ambassador Ivo Daalder, U.S. Permanent Representative to NATO; U.S.-European Media Hub; Brussels, Belgium
-05/08/12  LiveAtState: Upcoming NATO Summit in Chicago;  Permanent Representative to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Ivo Daalder; Washington, DC
-04/19/12  LiveAtState: United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice, U.S. Mission to the United Nations; New York City
-04/17/12  LiveAtState: Doing Business With the United States;  Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment Robert D. Hormats; Washington, DC
-01/31/12  LiveAtState: LGBT Issues and U.S. Policy; Deputy Assistant Secretary Daniel Baer, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor; Washington, DC
-01/24/12  LiveAtState: Foreign Policy Priorities for 2012;  Director of Policy Planning Jake Sullivan; Washington, DC
-01/10/12  LiveAtState: 21st Century Statecraft Month; Senior Advisor for Innovation Alec Ross; Washington, DC
-12/13/11  LiveAtState: Internet Freedom and U.S. Foreign Policy; Deputy Assistant Secretary Daniel Baer, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor; Washington, DC
-11/23/11  LiveAtState: U.S. Exchanges with South and Central Asia; Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Adam Ereli, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs; Washington, DC
-11/22/11  LiveAtState: U.S. Foreign Policy in Asia;  Director of Policy Planning Jake Sullivan; Washington, DC
-11/16/11  LiveAtState: U.S. Multilateral Economic Engagement;  Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs Robert D. Hormats; Washington, DC
-11/01/11  State Department Live: Arab Spring; Deputy Assistant Secretary Tamara C. Wittes, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs; Washington, DC
-10/18/11  State Department Live: Economic Relationships Between the United States and Latin America;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs; Washington, DC
-10/06/11  Interview on State Department Live;  Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Thomas Nides; Washington, DC
-09/07/11  State Department Live: U.S. Engagement In Libya; U.S. Ambassador to Libya Gene Cretz; Washington, DC
-07/08/11  State Department Live: U.S.-India Strategic Dialogue;  Assistant Secretary Robert O. Blake, Jr., Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs; Via Interactive Web Chat; Washington, DC


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