NMFS News Release

Northeast Regional Office
One Blackburn Drive
Gloucester, MA 01930

Sea Scallop Closed Area I Exemption Area Coordinates
& Observer Payment Protocol

Date: October 11, 2000

Dear Limited Access Scallop Permit Holder:

This letter is to clarify the Sea Scallop Closed Area I Exemption Area coordinates and also to explain again the observer payment protocol for vessels participating in the Sea Scallop Exemption Program (Exemption Program).

Closed Area I Sea Scallop Exemption Area

The corrected coordinates for the Closed Area I Exemption Area are shown in bold below. The Closed Area I Exemption Area defined by straight lines connecting the following points in the order stated:

Point N. Latitude W. Longitude
SC3 41°04.5' 69°01.2'
SC4 41°09' 68°30'
CI4 41°30' 68°30'
SC5 41°30' 68°35'
SC6 41°08' 69°04.2'
SC3 41°04.5' 69°01.2'

Possession Limit Increase and Observer Payment Protocol

It has been brought to our attention that there is confusion regarding the sea scallop possession limit increase and protocol for observer payment for vessels declared and accepted into the Exemption Program and carrying a NMFS approved observer on board the vessel.

Please note that the hours used to calculate the possession limit increase and observer payment are based on the total time the vessel has been on a fishing trip. A fishing trip means a period of time during which fishing is conducted, beginning when the vessel leaves port and ending when the vessel returns to port. The calculation is not based on the vessel leaving and returning at a specified time.

As you are aware, vessels selected to carry an observer while participating in the Exemption Program are authorized to possess and to land an additional 200 pounds of scallop meats for each day the vessel is gone from port for six or more hours. Also, vessels selected to carry an observer while participating in the Exemption program are required to pay $570 per day for the observer coverage.

The following is an example of a vessel that has declared and been accepted into the Exemption Program, and that has been selected to carry an observer for that trip. If this vessel is gone from port for 5 days, starting from the time the vessel left port and ending when the vessel returned to port (i.e., left port at 1 AM on Monday and returned to port at 1 AM the following Saturday), it would be authorized to possess and land up to 11,000 pounds of scallop meats for that trip (10,000 pound trip limit + 200 pounds for each of the 5 observer days). If this same vessel was gone from port for 5 days and 6 hours (i.e., left port at 1 AM on Monday and returned to port at 7 AM the following Saturday), it would be allowed to possess and land up to 11,200 pounds of scallop meats (10,000 pound trip limit + 200 pounds for each of the 6 observer days).

Using the 5 days and 6 hour Exemption Program trip example from above and an average scallop price of $5.00 per pound, 200 pounds x 6 days (or 1,200 pounds), would yield a total of $6,000 (1,200 pounds x $5.00 per pound). A vessel that declared into the Exemption Program for 5 days and 6 hours while carrying an observer on board would be allowed to possess up to 11,200 pounds of scallop meats, and would be required to compensate the observer $3,420 ($570 x 6 days). The remaining money, in this case $2,580 ($6,000 - $3,420), would go to the vessel and crew.

If you have any questions, please call the Fisheries Information Line at (978) 281-9278.

This notice is authorized by the Regional Administrator of the National Marine Fisheries Service

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