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2011 Speeched, Interviews and Talks:

  • June 09, 2011 - The 12 month Travel and Work Program for students and recent Grads
    U.S. Consul Dana Deree gave a talk on the 12 Month Work and Travel program for students and recent grads. It is open to New Zealand and Australian students, and recent graduates. It allows up to one year of work and travel in the U.S. The podcast includes Dana's talk as well as a questions and answers session

    Audio (duration: 44' 37", MP3 Stream, 10.9Mb)
    Listen and Subscribe to our Podcasts on iTunes: Listen to Presentation on iTunes
  • May 02, 2011 - Smart Justice, Judge Peggy Fulton Hora
    Judge Peggy Fulton Hora retired from the California Superior Court after serving 21 years. She had a criminal assignment that included presiding over the Drug Treatment Court. She is a former dean of the B E Witkin Judicial College of California and has been on the faculty of the US National Judicial College for 17 years. Judge Hora is a Senior Judicial Fellow for the National Drug Court Institute, and Judicial Outreach Liaison for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

    Judge Hora has been instrumental in building the problem-solving courts movement. Her work in this area, informed by therapeutic jurisprudence, focuses on the improvement of justice throughout the world.She has lectured nationally and internationally and has written extensively on justice issues. The appellate court and over 100 journals and law reviews have cited her work.

    She was the 2009-2010 Thinker in Residence appointed by the Premier of South Australia. She advised the government on justice issues.

    Her latest article, 'Courting New Solutions Using Problem-Solving Justice: Key Components, Guiding Principles, Strategies, Responses, Models, Approaches, Blueprints and Tool Kits', will be published in the Chapman Law Review in 2011.

    It's all about Smart Justice - a range of new ideas and approaches on how the justice system could work differently. These include therapeutic jurisprudence and restorative justice.

    "We have to be smart on crime and spend our dwindling dollars wisely on justice initiatives."

    "Incarceration does nothing to reduce reoffending for many non-violent offenders, who could be better managed through court-supervised treatment and community corrections." Judge Peggy Fulton Hora

    Audio (duration: 47' 54", MP3 Stream, 11.5Mb)
    Listen and Subscribe to our Podcasts on iTunes: Listen to Presentation on iTunes

2010 Speeches, Interviews and Talks:

  • October 14 - Edward Gresser - The 2010 Elections: A Foreign Policy Non-Debate?
    Edward Gresser spoke at U.S. Embassy Wellington on October 14, 2010, on the 2010 Elections: A Foreign Policy Non-Debate?

    Audio (duration: 20' 04", MP3 Stream, 9.3Mb)
    Listen and Subscribe to our Podcasts on iTunes: Listen to Presentation on iTunes
  • September 23 - William Chafe - Obama and the Legacy of the Civil Rights Movement.
    William Chafe spoke at U.S. Embassy Wellington on September 23, 2010, on the expectations associated with the Obama presidency and the challenges he faces in trying to realize those expectations. He spoke of the dramatic changes in human rights in America that have occurred in the past 50 years, but also the degree to which we (and the President) have generated expectations that are hard to achieve.

    Audio (duration: 40' 10", MP3 Stream, 9Mb)
    Listen and Subscribe to our Podcasts on iTunes: Listen to Presentation on iTunes
  • September 13 - Joseph Cirincione - The Policy and Politics of the New U.S. Nuclear Security Agenda.
    Audio (duration: 28' 32", MP3 Stream, 8Mb)
    Listen and Subscribe to our Podcasts on iTunes: Listen to Presentation on iTunes
  • January 30 - Nina Federoff - genes and food: Interview with Kim Hill on Radio New Zealand. Nina Federoff is  a Molecular biologist who is Science and Technology Adviser to US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, and to the US Agency for Independent Development. Interview (duration: 28′14″, MP3 stream).

2009 Speeches:

  • June 5 - Dr. Terry Michael - Obama's First 100 Days
  • May 13 - Dr. Brian Linn - A New American Way of War? The US Army from Vietnam to Iraq
  • March 5 - Dr. Jerry Jordan - Economic and Financial Crisis: Origins and Consequences

2008 Speeches:

  • September 30 - Dr. Lonnie Thompson - Understanding Climate Change: A Paleoclimate Perspective from the World's Highest Mountains
  • September 17 - Thomas Mann & John Mercurio  - The 2008 U.S. Election: History’s Unique Race to the White House
  • August 21 - Professor Michael Hanemann  - The Economics of Climate Change Reconsidered
  • March 27 - Dr Roger Davidson - How U.S. Parties Pick Their Presidential Candidates
  • March 18 - Ms. Amy Walter - The 2008 U.S. Elections
  • February 12 - Dr. Bronson Percival - China Looks South: Implications For The United States

2007 Speeches:

  • August 8 - Dr. Pamela Chasek - Mind The Gap: Confronting the MEA Implementation Gap in the Pacific Island Countries
      Part 1 (mp3 audio stream, 3.9MB)/ Part 2 (mp3 audio stream, 3.8MB)

  • June 21 - Dr. Karen Litfin - Scientific Uncertainty and Precautionary Action in Protecting the Ozone Layer: Are There Lessons for Climate Change?
      Part 1 (mp3 audio stream, 3.9MB)/ Part 2 (mp3 audio stream, 4.1MB)

  • May 30 - Larry Colton - Larry Colton: The Revised Edition
      Part 1 (mp3 audio stream, 4.9MB)/ Part 2 (mp3 audio stream, 4.8MB)

  • May 18 - Frances Hesselbein - Volunteerism: Management, Motivation, Recruitment, Retention
      Part 1 (mp3 audio stream, 4.8MB)/ Part 2 (mp3 audio stream, 4.8MB)

  • May 17 - Frances Hesselbein - The Leadership Imperative
      Part 1 (mp3 audio stream, 4.2MB)/ Part 2 (mp3 audio stream, 4.8MB)

  • May 4 - Greg Notess - Reinventing Ourselves as Internet Librarians
  • March 21 - Jackie Ogden - Zoos in the 21st Century: Meeting the Challenges of Inspiring and Engaging Audiences

  • March 1 - Zachary Abuza - The Potential for Terrorism in Southeast Asia and the Pacific

2006 Speeches:

  • November 15 - Dr. Erin Griffey - Facing Status: Contemporary Portraiture in the United States and New Zealand

  • November 14 - Amy Walter - 2006 mid-term election analysis

  • October 25 - Dr. Timothy J. Coutts - Thin-Film Solar Cells: Successes and Challenges

  • September 25 - Dr. Gerard Finin - Aotearoa Policy in the Pacific Islands Region: Exemplar for Australia and the USA

  • September 20 - Dr. Charles Quigley - Cultural Diversity and Citizenship Education: Learning From Each Other

  • September 11 - Dr. Anthony Cordesman - Dr. Cordesman of the Center for Strategic Studies Washington, D.C speaks at the U.S. Embassy Wellington

  • July 11 - Patrick Lencioni-The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
  • June 19 - Dr Robert Sutter - China's Rise in Asian and World Affairs: U.S. Debate Over the Implications for the United States and U.S. Policy
  • June 14 - Peter Brookes - A Security Srategy for a New Century?

  • May 22 - Professor Stan Taylor - Intelligence Reform: Have More Agencies, Money, and Personnel Fixed the Problem?
      Part 1 (mp3 audio stream, 4.2Mb) / Part 2 (mp3 audio stream, 4.6Mb)

  • May 18 - Dr. Kevin Trenberth - A presentation by Dr. Kevin Trenberth, Head of the Climate Change Analysis Section, National Center for Atmospheric Research at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

  • March 15 - Dr Norwood Knight-Richardson - The Human Brain in Crisis: Mental Health in the Age of Unreason

  • March 14 - Dr Rita Colwell - Chairman of Canon US Life Sciences

  • February 10 - Deborah Jowitt - A discussion with Deborah Jowitt, Senior Dance Critic with The Village Voice magazine (New York) on dance criticism and writing

  • February 8 - Steven Emerson - Maintaining the Balance: Civil Liberties and Counter-Terrorism

Audio Downloads

  • This page contains links to various speeches that were held at the U.S. Embassy in Wellington.

    To listen to a speech, click the link button (it will play in your default media player). To download the audio file, right click the link of the speech you wish to download, click "save target as" (Internet Explorer) or "save link as" (Netscape Navigator). A window will pop up letting you choose the location to save the file on your hard-drive.


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