The California National Guard - Always Ready, Always There

Peer-to-Peer Support Program 




The goal of peer support is to provide all California National Guard members with the opportunity to receive emotional and tangible peer support through times of personal or professional crises and to help anticipate and address potential difficulties. 

The California National Guard Peer-to-Peer support program is geared toward the "First Line Treatment" approach.  This is a proven approach to to help minimize the effects of combat stress.


General Information:


A Peer Support Person (PSP), enlisted, warrant officer or commissioned officer, is a specifically trained colleague not a counselor or therapist. PSPs should be chosen from volunteers who are currently in good standing with their unit and who have received recommendations from their superiors and/or peers.  Considerations for selection of PSP candidates include but are not limited to previous education and training, resolved traumatic experience, and desirable interpersonal qualities, such as maturity, judgment and personal and professional credibility.

The training we provide normally requires 3 full days to provide information and engage in the interactive elements of the program.  The basic subjects we cover are:

Definition of and in-depth discussions of a "Critical Incident" and its effects on people.

Personality Profiles - what makes us tick.

Peer Support Mechanics

Military Service Stress

Deployment Issues

Overcoming Depression 

Active Constructive Response/Active Listening Skills

Peer Support Response

Substance Abuse and Prevention Training

Suicide Intervention

Sexual Assault Prevention Overview

After Action Debriefs

Financial Assistance and Benefits

Situational Scenario Training - This is the final portion of the training which allows the students to use the information from the previous 2 1/2 days and participate as a peer counselor with a role player.

End of Course Survey results are on file and available upon request.


Supporting Documents:


The documents listed below may be helpful in your decision to become a part of this volunteer program.

Microsoft Powerpoint presentation of the Peer-to-Peer Support Orientation Brief
Peer Support Brief
Peer-to-Peer Support Program Guidelines
Peer-to-Peer Support Flyer - This is a good document to post on a unit bulletin board

Current Class Schedule: 
6-7 April 2013 - 649th EN - Chico, CA 
21-23 May 2013 - Fairchild AFB, Spokane, WA
Schedules are posted as we receive training dates.  We provide training at your request.

If you are interested in requesting this training for your unit - please call 916-854-3409 or email

Photos From Previous Classes