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Botany and Horticulture
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Botany Department of the Museum of Natural History

Botany Department of the Museum of Natural History
Mission is to discover and describe plant life in marine and terrestrial environments, to interpret the evolutionary origin of this diversity, and to understand how humans are affected by and have altered plant diversity on the planet

Horticulture Services Division of the Smithsonian Horticulture Services Division of the Smithsonian
Managing the gardens of the Smithsonian and interior spaces as horticulture exhibitions. Research and educational programs promote the ongoing development of collections of living plants, horticultural artifacts, and garden documentation
Catalog of Botanical Illustrations
Database of the more than 3000 botanical illustrations curated by the scientific illustrator, Alice Tangerini
Description Botanique du Chiranthodendron
By José Dionisio Larreátegui (1805). Scan of the original work on the Aztec Plant “Chiranthodendron”
Encyclopedia of Life Encyclopedia of Life
A new effort to document the 1.8 million known species of insects, animals, plants and other forms of life on Earth and make this information available on the Web
Lewis and Clark as Naturalists
Follow the Lewis and Clark Trail and discover the flora and fauna as they described them two centuries ago.
Observationum Botanicarum
By Romanus Adolph Hedwig (1802). Scan of the original 1802 work on German botany
Orchids at the Smithsonian
Learn more about orchids, their habitats, and flowers through the educational materials provided
Gardens & Horticulture
American Seed and Nursery Industry
Bibliography of the history of the American seed and nursery industry, their trade catalogs, and biographies
Doubtless as Good: Thomas Jefferson’s Dream for American Wine Fulfilled
20th anniversary of the 1976 Paris wine tasting, where American wines first triumphed in an international competition
From Old World to New World: Plant Migration to the New World
Heritage and present use of food which migrated from Old World to New
Plant Fact Sheets
Information for gardeners
Seeds of Change Garden
The agricultural influence of Columbus' voyages
Shade Grown Coffee Shade Grown Coffee
Many resources—from technical research to sources of "Bird Friendly®" Coffee
Shade-grown Cacao
Research papers on the ecological and social sustainability of cacao farms
Plant Ecosystems
Amazon GIS
Interactive resource for Amazon conservation
Amazonia: Deforestation and Development in Brasil
Reseach from the Center for Earth and Planetary Studies (CEPS)
American Prairie
Complexity and fragility of North America's western grasslands
Bright Edges of the World, The Earth's Evolving Drylands
Shows the importance these environments have in the lives of people everywhere, and the threats they face

Butterfly Habitat Garden
Wetland, meadow, woods' edge and urban garden habitats

Conservation and Research Center Animal Collection
Get to know the animals living at Smithsonian’s Conservation Research Center
Land Cover Change in the Washington DC Metropolitan Area
As the population and economy expands, areas covered by pavement are expanding into agricultural or forested areas. This process has many effects on the geomophology, ecology, and economy of the Washington area
Nesting Sea Turtles and Costa Rica's Tropical Rainforest
Photographer Laurie Minor-Penland describes her trip to Costa Rica
The Indian River Lagoon Species Inventory
3,000 species of animals and plants
Tropical Rain Forests
Selected resources
National Zoo
3,600 animals from 475 species in a 163-acre biological park
Natural History Museum
Dedicated to the natural and cultural history of the world
Archives of American Gardens
Offers a collection of approximately 60,000 photographic images and records documenting American gardens
Discovers and Describes the diversity of plant life in marine and terrestrial environments
Horticulture Library
Materials relating to horticulture in America
Joseph F. Cullman 3rd Natural History Rare Book Library
Rare books on anthropology and the natural sciences
Monitoring and Assessment of Biodiversity (MAB) Program
Promotes the conservation of biodiversity
Paleobiology Department
Investigates fossils as once living organisms
Tropical Research Institute (STRI)
Leading center for basic research on the ecology, behavior and evolution of tropical organisms
Gardens and Gardening Programs
Sponsored by the Smithsonian Associates
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