Court Information

Court Details
Court's NameDistrict of Delaware
Software VersionCM/ECF-DC V5.0.3
ECF Go Live DateFebruary 14, 2005
Maximum PDF File Size4 MB
Maximum Merge Document Size10 MB

Court Locations
Court's Name District of Delaware
Court's Address 844 N. King Street, Wilmington, DE 19801
Court's Phone Number 302-573-6170
Court's Email Address -
Court's Hours 8:30 A.M. - 4:00 P.M., Monday-Friday

PACER Details
PACER's AddressPACER Service Center, P.O. Box 780549, San Antonio, TX 78278-0549
PACER's Phone Number(800) 676-6856 or (210) 301-6440 if residing in the San Antonio area
PACER's Email

Flag Definitions
ADMINCLOSINGAdministrative Closing
ASBESTOS-MDL-875Asbestos - MDL 875
BKMEDIATIONBankruptcy Mediation Panel
BKMEDIATION-CJBBK Appeal Mediation - Judge Burke
BKMEDIATION-MPTBK Appeal Mediation - Judge Thynge
BKMEDIATION-SRFBK Appeal Mediation - Judge Fallon
CASREFCase referred
CLOSEDCase Closed
CODEFTCo-Defendant Criminal Case
DEATHPENALTYDeath Penalty Case
DISCOVERY-CJBDiscovery Referral - Judge Burke
DISCOVERY-MPTDiscovery Referral - Judge Thynge
DISCOVERY-SRFDiscovery Referral - Judge Fallon
DirectAssignmentDirect Assignment to Magistrate Judge
HABEASHabeas Case
LEADLead Case
MDLMulti-District Litigation
MEDIATIONMediation MPT - used prior to 8/2007
MEDIATION-CJBMediation - Judge Burke
MEDIATION-LPSMediation - Judge Stark
MEDIATION-MPTMediation - Judge Thynge
MEDIATION-OtherMediatorMediator other than a Magistrate Judge
MEDIATION-SRFMediation - Judge Fallon
MEDIATION-VJMediation - Visiting Judge
MERGEDMerged Case
MJSELECTMagistrate Judge Selected
MOTREFMotion referred
PATENTPatent Case
PATSTUDYPatent Case Study
PaperDocumentsPaper Documents for Archiving
SEALEDCase Sealed
STAYEDCase Stayed
TRIALBRIEFINGPost Trial Briefing
TSTUDYTime Study