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Title of Poster

60-year Changes in Patuxent Breeding Birds (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Chandler S. Robbins USGS PWRC


Status & Trends

A Database of Seabird Occurrence and Biophysical Data for the U.S. Atlantic Coastal and Offshore Marine Environment: Assessing our Knowledge of Seabird Distribution in the Context of Evaluating Offshore Development (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Andrew T. Gilbert; Allan F. O'Connell, Jr. USGS PWRC, and Scott Johnston USFWS


Status & Trends

Amphibian and Reptile Diversity of Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, North Carolina (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

J. Michael (Joe) Meyers USGS PWRC and David A. Pike, Warnell School of Forest Resources, The U. of Georgia


Status & Trends

A Source of Gene-Pool Loss to the Eastern Population of the Painted Bunting: the Illegal Cage-Bird Trade in South Florida (Abstract)

Paul Sykes USGS PWRC, Larry Manfredi, and Miguel Padura


Any Theme

Assessing Patterns of Nocturnal Bird Migration in the Appalachian Region (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Deanna K. Dawson, USGS PWRC, Tim Jones, USFWS, Sarah Mabey, NC State Univ., D Mizrahi NJ AS


Wildlife & Invasives

Behavior and Ecology of the Alder Flycatcher (Empidonax alnorum) in Early Winter (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Mercedes S. Foster USGS PWRC


Tropical Bird Conservation

Breeding Bird Survey and Distance Sampling to Estimate Breeding Bird Density (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Scott G. Somershoe, Daniel J. Twedt USGS PWRC, and Bruce Reid


Breeding Bird Survey

Comparing Mallard Population Indexes in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley Between January 1988-1990 and 2005-2006 (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Ken Reinecke, USGS PWRC, Aaron Pearse and Richard Kaminski, Mississippi State University


Wildlife & Invasives

CSI: Patuxent--Forensic research supporting widlife law enforcement (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

N. B. Vyas, J. W. Spann, C. S. Hulse, D. Patterson, J. J. Butterbrod, J. Mengelkoch, K. MacDougall, B. I. Williams, P. Pendergrass, M. Torrez, R. Leffel, W. Bauer, and S. Olson


Contaminant Biology

Deterioration of a Mid-Atlantic Coastal Marsh (Abstract)

Daniel J. Soeder, USGS and Dixie L. Birch, USFWS



Determining How Avian Embryos Differ in their Sensitivity to Methylmercury (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Gary H. Heinz, David J. Hoffman, Katie R. Schoen, and Jon D. Klimstra USGS PWRC


Contaminant Biology

Development of a Protocol for Monitoring Freshwater Wetlands at Acadia National Park (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Hilary A. Neckles, Glenn R. Guntenspergen, and Andrew Gilbert USGS PWRC


Status & Trends

DOI Northeast Alternative Energy Roundtable (Abstract)

Various representatives from USGS, FWS, NPS, MMS


Any Theme

Effects of Chlorfenapyr on Birds (Abstract)

P.H. Albers, P.N. Klein, D.E. Green, M.J. Melancon, B. Bradley, G. Noguchi


Contaminant Biology

Effects of Habitat Fragmentation and Landscape Context on Mammalian Predators in Northeastern National Parks (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Neil Talancy, University of Rhode Island, Thomas Husband, Dept. of Natural Res. Sciences, Kingston, RI, Allan O'Connell, USGS PWRC, Andrew Gilbert, USGS PWRC, Elizabeth Annand, IAP World Services


Status & Trends

Effects of Methyl Mercury on Reproduction in American Kestrels (Abstract)

P.H. Albers, M.T. Koterba USGS PWRC, R. Rossmann, W.A. Link, J.B. French USGS PWRC, R.S. Bennett, W.C. Bauer USGS PWRC


Contaminant Biology

Effects of Multiple Stressors on Aquatic Communities in the Prairie Pothole Region (Abstract)

G.R. Guntenspergen USGS PWRC, P.K. Schoff, L.B. Johnson, W.C. Johnson



Egg Injections as a Hybrid Field-Lab Technique for Assessing the Embryotoxicity of Methylmercury to Different Birds (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Gary H. Heinz, David J. Hoffman, Jon D. Klimstra, and Katie Schoen USGS PWRC


Contaminant Biology

Establishing a Mexican Breeding Bird Survey Program (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

K.L. Pardieck USGS PWRC, H.A. Berlanga, C.M. Downes, B.G. Peterjohn, D.J. Ziolkowski USGS PWRC, B. Collins


Breeding Bird Survey

Estimating Site Occupancy and Detection Probability Parameters for Meso- and Large Mammals in a Coastal Ecosystem
(Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Allan F. O'Connell, Jr., John R. Sauer, Andrew T. Gilbert, Larissa L. Bailey USGS PWRC


Status & Trends

Evolutionary Relationships among Tropical Nectar-feeding Bats (Glossophaginae: Lonchophyllinae), Based on Morphological Characters (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Neal Woodman USGS PWRC


Any Theme

Food Selection Among Atlantic Coast Seaducks in Relation to Historic Food Habits (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Matthew C. Perry, Peter C. Osenton, Alicia M. Wells-Berlin, and David M. Kidwell USGS PWRC


Wildlife & Invasives

Hair Identification: Applications and Cooperative Efforts (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Suzanne C. Peurach USGS PWRC


Any Theme

Herbivory by Resident Geese: the Loss and Recovery of Wild Rice along the Tidal Patuxent River
(Abstract | PDF of Poster)

G. M. Haramis USGS PWRC and G. Kearns MD NCPPC


Habitat Restoration

Identifying Stopover Sites for Migrating Passerine Birds in the Lower Chesapeake Bay Region (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Sarah Mabey, NC State Univ., Bryan Watts, Bart Paxton, Fletcher Smith, Center for Conservation Biology, College of W&M, Barry Truitt, TNC, Deanna Dawson, USGS PWRC


Wildlife & Invasives

Information transport and synchronization in a spatially extended predator-prey model (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Linda Moniz, James D. Nichols USGS PWRC, and John M. Nichols (DOD NRL)



More Than an Atlas: The Virginia Breeding Bird Book (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Roger B. Clapp, Claudia J. Angle USGS PWRC


Any Theme

North American Breeding Bird Atlas Viewer (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Mark Wimer, Bruce Peterjohn, Naoko Griffin, and Anna Ott USGS PWRC


Status & Trends

Phosphorus Amendment Reduces Hematological, Hepatic and Renal Toxicity of Lead-Contaminated Sediment to Mallards (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

D. J. Hoffman, G. H. Heinz USGS PWRC and D. J. Audet FWS


Contaminant Biology

Population Demographics and Breeding Ecology of the Long-tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis) in the Churchill, Manitoba Area (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Matthew C. Perry USGS PWRC and Robert M. Alison


Wildlife & Invasives

Population Study of the Diamondback Terrapin in the Chesapeake Bay: 2003-2005

Paula F. P. Henry, Daniel D. Day and G. Michael Haramis USGS PWRC



Population Trends of Sea Ducks from the Christmas Bird Count and North American Breeding Bird Survey (Abstract)

D. K. Niven, J. R. Sauer USGS PWRC, and G. Butcher


Hierarchical Modeling

Predicting the Response of Coastal Wetlands to Sea-Level Rise (Abstract)

G. R. Guntenspergen and D. R. Cahoon USGS PWRC



Proposed "Desired Forest Condition" for Bottomland Forests
(Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Forest Resource Conservation Working Group, Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture


Habitat Restoration

Restoration of the Lake Michigan Ecosystem: a 33-year Study of Declines in Pollutants in Red-Breasted Merganser Eggs (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Gary H. Heinz, USGS PWRC, Kenneth L. Stromborg, FWS, and Raymond Faber, St. Mary's College, MN


Habitat Restoration

Routes, Timing, and Stopovers of Migrating Sub-Adult Florida Bald Eagles (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

E. K. Mojica, WSFNR, J. M. Meyers, USGS PWRC, B. A. Millsap, FWS, K. Haley, FL F&WCC


Any Theme

Small Patches of Fast-Growing Trees Enhance Forest Structure on Restored Bottomlands (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Daniel J. Twedt USGS PWRC


Habitat Restoration

Spatial Models of Northern Bobwhite Populations for Conservation Planning in the West Gulf Coastal Plain (Abstract)

Daniel J. Twedt USGS PWRC, R.R. Wilson, A.S. Keister



Stream Salamander Species Richness in Relation to Environmental Factors in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Evan H. Campbell Grant, Robin E. Jung USGS PWRC and Karen C. Rice USGS WR


Status & Trends

Surf Scoter (Melanitta perspicillata) Habitats in the Mesohaline Chesapeake Bay (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

David M. Kidwell, Matthew C. Perry USGS PWRC


Wildlife & Invasives

Survival and Recruitment of Common Eiders (Somateria mollissima dresseri) in the Gulf of Maine (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Daniel G. McAuley USGS PWRC, R. Bradford Allen, Patrick O. Corr USGS PWRC, Linda Welch, Brian Benedict


Wildlife & Invasives

Systematics and Invasive Species - Strengthening the Federal Capacity (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Robert P. Reynolds USGS PWRC and Marsha Sitnik SI NMNH


Wildlife & Invasives

Terrestrial Vertebrate Contaminant Exposure and Effects Data for Mid-Atlantic National Park Service Lands (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Betty K. Ackerson, Barnett A. Rattner, Moira A. McKernan USGS PWRC


Contaminant Biology

The Effect of Varying Protein Levels on Blood Chemistry, Food Consumption, and Behavior of Captive Seaducks (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Alicia M. Berlin, Matthew C. Perry, and Glenn H. Olsen USGS PWRC


Any Theme

The Evaluation of Risk to Songbirds from Heavy Metals in Soil (Abstract)

J .H. Hansen, FWS, D. J. Audet, FWS, W. N. Beyer, USGS PWRC, K. Healy, G. Gaston, FWS


Contaminant Biology

The Role of Contamination and Pollution in Endangered Species Decline (Abstract)

V. Wegner, UMD-ES, O.H. Pattee, USGS PWRC, D.L. Bounds, FWS, B.A. Rattner, USGS PWRC, R. Eisler


Wildlife Diseases

Transmission Dynamics and Efficient Management of Vector-Borne Zoonoses (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Howard S. Ginsberg, USGS PWRC


Wildlife Diseases

Uncertainty in Detection Bias: Hidden Management Costs of Index-Based Population Monitoring (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Clinton T. Moore and William L. Kendall USGS PWRC


Wildlife & Invasives

Use of a Traditional Harvest Method to Sample Diamondback Terrapins in Winter in Chesapeake Bay (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Mike Haramis, Paula Henry, Dan Day USGS PWRC and Dwight Marshall


Wildlife & Invasives

USGS Contributions to FWS Aquatic Resource Conservation in the Southeast (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Robin B. Goodloe FWS and Mary C. Freeman USGS PWRC


Habitat Restoration

USGS Contributions to Wildlife Resource Protection and Management in the FWS Southeast Region (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

J. Michael Meyers USGS PWRC and Emily J. Williams FWS


Habitat Restoration

USGS Research Assists Nutria Eradication in Maryland: Detection and Monitoring a Major Need (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Mike Haramis and Allan O'Connell USGS PWRC; Steve Kendrot USDA APHIS


Wildlife & Invasives

Vegetation Monitoring at the Reconstructed Anacostia River Fringe Wetlands (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Cairn Krafft, Dick Hammerschlag USGS PWRC, and Peter Hill DC Dept. of Health


Habitat Restoration

Volunteers Drive the North American Breeding Bird Survey (Abstract | PDF of Poster)

Dave Ziolkowski, Jr. and Keith L. Pardieck USGS PWRC


Breeding Bird Survey

Vulnerability of Northern Prairie Wetlands to Climate Change: Implications for Waterfowl

Glenn R. Guntenspergen USGS PWRC, W. Carter Johnson, D. Naugle



West Nile Virus : Patterns of Susceptibility and Immunity in Two Avian Species (Abstract)

C. Hahn USGS PWRC, W. K. Reisen UC-Davis, N. Nemeth CSU-VetSci, R. Bowen CSU-BiomSci, N. Komar CDC-Ft.Collins, CO


Wildlife Diseases

Will the colonization of Penikese Island, Massachusetts, by Endangered Roseate Terns Result in Long-term Success? (Abstract)

J. A. Spendelow USGS PWRC, C. Mostello MA DFW, I. C. T. Nisbet


Wildlife & Invasives

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