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Questions Questions

If your question relates specifically to Nellis Air Force Base, please see the questions below. If you have a question which is not addressed here, you may find the answer by visiting the Questions page of Air Combat Command, or the Questions page of Air Force Link. For general military questions, please refer to the Department of Defense's FAQs page.
tab Topics 
FAQ: Can I get a map of the base?
FAQ: Can I use the Golf Course?
FAQ: Does the base have shuttle service?
FAQ: How do I complete a Security and Policy Review?
FAQ: Is there a Thunderbirds Museum?
FAQ: Nellis AFB Economic Impact
FAQ: Noise Complaints
FAQ: Where can I eat on base?
FAQ: Who is Nellis AFB named after?
Requests: Honor Guard
Requests: Media Inquiries
Requests: Public Speakers
Requests: Tours

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Creech Air Force Base
Civil Air Patrol Nellis Squadron
Mike O'Callaghan Federal Medical Center
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