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Office of Defense Cooperation

The Office of Defense Cooperation (ODC) Denmark is responsible to the U.S. Ambassador and the U.S. European Command for administering U.S. Security Cooperation and International Armaments Cooperation (IAC) Programs, as well as reinforcing defense logistics planning activities for Denmark.

Security Cooperation

Security Cooperation includes Foreign Military Sales (FMS) of U.S. defense equipment and training. Specifically, Security Cooperation concerns the transfer of military equipment, technology and services through sale, grant, lease, or loan to friendly foreign governments. Such transfers are carried out under the principle that if they are essential to the security and economic well-being of friendly foreign governments, they are equally vital to the security and economic well being of the United States. This is in keeping with US European Command’s “Stronger Together” vision.

International Armaments Cooperation

IAC includes support for bilateral government-to-government cooperative programs such as the F-16 Multinational Fighter Program, Data Exchange Agreements, Foreign Comparative Testing, Engineer & Scientist Exchanges, and support to U.S. defense industries seeking to do business in Denmark.

Logistics Planning

Logistics planning includes coordinating bilateral mutual logistics support agreements, which provide the U.S. and Denmark flexible and responsive logistics support during peacetime and war.

The primary constituency of ODC-Denmark includes U.S. Department of Defense personnel, Danish Ministry of Defense staff, Danish Chief of Defense staff, the Joint Materiel Command of Danish military services – the Danish Defense Acquisitions and Logistics Organization/Forsvarets Materiel Tjeneste (DALO/FMT) , U.S. defense vendors, and Danish defense-related industries wishing to participate in cooperative programs in order to gain access to the U.S. market. Specific areas in which the ODC may provide assistance include:

  • National and defense decision-making process
  • Defense procurement regulations and policies
  • Defense budget and procurement plans
  • Defense industries and product lines
  • Points of contact for specific procurement programs
  • Coordination with other U.S. Embassy offices
  • Industrial cooperation requirements
  • Bilateral logistics agreements
  • Data Exchange Agreements
  • Foreign Comparative Testing programs