Helping Hollywood Tell the Wounded Warrior Story

By Kathreyn Harris, AW2 Advocate and Spouse

AW2 Advocate Kathreyn Harris and her husband, AW2 Veteran Shilo Harris at the Joining Forces panel discussion in Los Angeles, CA.

Editor’s Note: AW2 Advocate Kathreyn Harris and her husband, AW2 Veteran Shilo Harris participated in a panel discussion as part of first lady Michelle Obama’s Joining Forces campaign to inform the Hollywood community on ways it can help communicate to US citizens the experiences of military Families during and after war.

I never thought my voice would represent so many amazing people. I have the opportunity daily to help on a one-on-one basis. This trip to Los Angeles for the first lady’s Joining Forces campaign event, however, gave my husband Shilo and me a chance to show our country what our wounded warrior population is made of.

We brought awareness to a larger population. We, as Families of wounded warriors, experienced the stares and snickers. Hopefully by talking to members from the Hollywood guilds we were able to open the door to awareness about what we went through.

We talked about the firsthand adversity we face and how we overcome it. We talked about many of our friends that face these challenges as well. We shared some of our personal experiences—and explained how they are not always pretty, but are necessary. We spoke about the heartache that the public seldom sees.

We talked about our children and how they had to grow up. One of the speakers spoke about how there are so many kids in our country that have no idea what their freedom costs another child. I could see as we talked about our kids and their pain, how so many people in the audience could never dream of it.

The fact that so many Families are ripped apart emotionally is something few know about. These Families may still live in the same home and carry on day to day, but they are separated because of so many reasons. This is something we as wounded warrior Families know about—maybe not firsthand, but through a friend.

With the help of the Joining Forces campaign, I hope the appreciation and awareness we feel in the city of San Antonio, will be felt throughout the nation. I know the Hollywood guilds will be able to bring this awareness into the homes of so many who might not otherwise ever gain an understanding. I also know I talked about the heartbreak and heartache, but that there are so many stories of excitement and happiness to share also.

There is amazing strength and resilience that not only the warriors express, but their spouses and children as well. Our stories need to be told, so that others will know why they are able to carry on with their lives without interruption.


AW2 Veteran Throws First Pitch of World Series

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AW2 Veteran Tony Odierno throws the first pitch of the 2009 World Series, as First Lady Michelle Obama, Dr. Jill Biden, and Yogi Berra look on. (Official White House Photo by Samantha Appleton)

New York Yankees and Philadelphia Phillies fans cheered widely last night when AW2 Veteran Tony Odierno threw out the ceremonial first pitch to kick off the 2009 Major League Baseball World Series between the two clubs. Prior to the throwing out the first pitch, Odierno was joined on the field by First Lady Michelle Obama, Dr. Jill Biden, and baseball legend Yogi Berra, who served in the U.S. Navy during D-Day as a Gunner’s Mate.

Retired CPT Odierno currently works for the New York Yankees in stadium operations and his father is General Ray Odierno, U.S. Commander in Iraq.

To watch video of AW2 Veteran Tony Odierno with Mrs. Obama, Dr. Biden, and Yogi Berra, click here to watch the highlights from game one of the World Series on

Update: To view more photos from the event, click here to view the official White House photo gallery.

In addition to attending the World Series, Mrs. Obama and Dr. Biden also honored Veterans by visiting the James J. Peters VA Medical Center in the Bronx and gave out gift bags with Yankees baseball caps and teddy bears to Veterans at the hospital according to the Associated Press.


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