BSAI Crab Rationalization

Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Crab Rationalization Program

The Council’s BSAI crab rationalization program was implemented in 2005. Because few vessels had participated in both the crab and groundfish fisheries, the Council only included sideboard limits for non-AFA vessels qualifying for the Bering Sea snow crab fishery. These vessels are subject to sideboard limits for GOA groundfish generally, and also specifically for GOA Pacific cod. GOA groundfish sideboard limits for non-AFA crab vessels are based on their proportion of GOA groundfish landings from 1996 to 2000. In addition, participation in the GOA Pacific cod fishery is restricted to vessels that landed more than 50 mt of GOA groundfish during the same period. Those vessels that had a low dependence on Bering Sea snow crab and a high dependence on GOA Pacific cod during the qualifying years are exempt from the GOA Pacific cod sideboard limits. Although not yet implemented, in October 2008, the Council modified this exemption for Pacific cod and added an exemption for the GOA pollock sideboard. The intent of this action is to exempt GOA Pacific cod and pollock dependent vessels that may been unduly prevented from participating in the GOA Pacific cod and pollock fisheries due to sideboard limits. The goal is to have these sideboard changes effective January 2011. Other Archived documents and Council motions here.


Reviews of BSAI Crab Rationalization Program:

18-Month Review 3/07

3-Year Review, Appendix 11/08

5-Year Review; Executive Summary (only), Executive Summaryto Appendix A (Social Impact Assessment); Appendix B 12/10

Discussion Papers:


Crab Data Collection 2/12

Crab Data Collection Disc Paper 4/11

Crab EDR Discussion Paper 10/10

Community First Right of Refusal Disc Paper; 2/10

WAG Landing Exemption Disc Paper 2/10

Data Collection Discussion Paper 2/10

Council Motions:





  • Crab Emergency Exemption Motion 2/09


  • Exemption from Regional Landing Requirements Motion 10/08

  • Crab management motion 6/08

  • BSAI Crab Management Motion 4/08

Analyses of Completed Actions

BSAI KTC AM30: Modify the Arbitration System and Categorical Exclusion; RIR/IRFA dated: June 15, 2011

BSAI KTC AM37: An Exemption to West Region Landing Requirement in the Western Aleutian Islands Golden King Crab Fishery. January 5, 2011

RIR: Emergency Rule to Relieve Regional Delivery Requirements for the Western Aleutian Islands Golden King Crab Fishery, January 5, 2010

RIR/FRFA: Online transfers and crab individual processing quota transfers through automated, online submittals. July 17, 2009

BSAI KTC AM28: RIR/FRFA Provision allowing post delivery transfers, May 21, 2009

BSAI KTC AM27: RIR/IRFA Custom Processing Exemption

BSAI KTC AM26: Exempting C Shares from Processor Share and Regional Landing Requirements, February 1, 2008

RIR: Regulatory Amendment to the Crab Rationalization Program, December 3, 2007

BSAI KTC AM21: Binding Arbitration, February 1, 2006

BSAI KTC AM20: Bairdi crab split, July 1, 2005

FRFA: Crab Rationalization Program, February 1, 2005

Social Impact Assessment: EIS for the BSAI Crab Fisheries - Overview and Community Profiles, August 1, 2004

RIR/IRFA: Voluntary Three-Pie Cooperative Program for the BSAI Crab Fisheries, August 1, 2004

Final EIS for the Bering Sea Aleutian Islands King and Tanner Crab Fisheries, August 1, 2004

Other information:

Original Program Analysis
, and
Current Regulations


Report to Congress (letter and attachment) 2002, 2003

Community Profiles, updated 2/01
Volume 1:  Unalaska, Akutan, King CoveVolume 2:  Sand Point, Adak, St. Paul, St. George

Committees and Information:

Bering Sea Crab Crew workshop, May 3, 2011,
Agenda and Materials

Other Archived Documents and Council Motions