Non Targeted Species Management

The Council is considering plan amendments to the BSAI and GOA Groundfish FMPs to develop criteria for management of groundfish at the complex (e.g., pelagic shelf rockfish), group (e.g., sharks), and species (e.g., Pacific ocean perch) levels. The process uses data quality and species vulnerability (to overfishing) to "sort" complexes, groups, and species to prioritize management strategies.

An ad hoc working group of scientists has convened three times to develop these criteria. The reports of their meetings are provided below. The group sorted complexes, groups, and species into two categories: (1) "targets" are those species intended to be harvested, and (2) "non-targets" or those incidentally-caught.

The management goal of target species categories would be to optimize sustainable yields. Target species would be managed at the species level; this category would include the following: pollock, Pacific cod, sablefish, Atka mackerel, rock sole, yellowfin sole, flathead sole, dover sole, rex sole, Greenland turbot, Pacific ocean perch, shortraker rockfish and rougheye rockfish (trawl fisheries only), shortspine thornyheads, yelloweye rockfish, GOA northern rockfish, GOA dusky rockfish, GOA arrowtooth flounder, and GOA skates. 

The goal of non-target management is to protect them from fishing effects. Management options would include prohibiting directed fishing and Maximum Retainable Allowances (MRAs). These would be divided into two sub-categories: (1) monitor only, and (2) monitor with additional (as yet unspecified) management measures. All species not listed as targets would be included. Real bycatch complexes (observed to be caught together) would be allowed.

Documents and Council Motions

EA for Groundfish ACLs; April 2010 Motion;
Click for more information on ACLs

Non-Target Species Committee Meeting - March 23, 2010 Minutes

Non-Target Species Committee Meeting -December 2009 Minutes

Non-Target Species Committee Meeting: Room 2039, National Marine Mammal Laboratory Meeting Room Building 4, Alaska Fisheries Science Center Seattle, Washington September 15, 2009 - AGENDA

Draft Action Plans to revise management of: 

Evaluating Potential Fishery Effects of Changes to Other Species Management 2/08

Other Species Dicsussion paper, March 2007

Other Species Discussion paper, October 2005

Draft case study for Bering Sea Rockfish, May 2005

Non-target Species Committee, May 2005 Report

Gulf of Alaksa Other Species Problem Statement

Non-target Species Committee, November 11, 2004, Report

Non-target Species Committee, September 11, 2004, Report

Non-target Species Committee, June 3-4, 2004, Report 

Discussion paper for the June 2004 committee meeting

Harvest Control Rules Power Point Presentation

What's in a SAFE Power Point Presentation

Non-Target Committee, October 8, 2003 Minutes

Power Point presentation on Non-Target Species Management:  October 2003

Working Group on Groundfish Management September 4, 2003 Minutes

Working group on Groundfish Management May 2003 Report, Appendix

Working group on Groundfish Management March 2003 Report

Working group on Groundfish Management, August 2002 Report


Committee Membership:  Appointed 7/25/03

Dave Benson, Chairman
Trident Seafoods
5303 Shilshole Ave NW
Seattle, WA 98107-4000
(206) 783-3818
Fax: (206) 781-7883

Julie Bonney
Alaska Groundfish Data Bank
P.O. Box 788
Kodiak, AK 99615
Phone: 907-486-3033
Fax: 907-486-3461

John Gauvin
2104 SW 170th Street
Burien, WA  98166
Fax: 206-243-7686

Dr. Ken Goldman
Alaska Department of Fish and Game
3298 Douglas Place
Homer, AK  99603
Fax:  907-235-2448

Karl Haflinger
Sea State, Inc.
PO Box 74
Vashon, WA 98070
Phone: 206-463-7370
Fax: 206-463-7371

Janet Smoker
Fisheries Information Service (FIS)
20007 Cohen Drive
Juneau, AK 99801

Dr. Paul Spencer
7600 Sand Point Way NE, Bldg. 4
Seattle, WA 98115
(206) 526-4248

Lori Swanson
Groundfish Forum
4241 21st Ave W Ste 200
Seattle WA 98119
FAX: 206-213-5272

Michelle Ridgway
Oceanus Alaska
119 Seward Street, Suite 9
Juneau, AK 99801-1268
(907) 463-6782
FAX: (907) 463-6781

Anne Vanderhoeven
Bristol Bay Economic Development Corp.
8427 Laviento Dr., Suite 104
Anchorage, AK  99501
Fax:  907-644-8647
Cell:  907-242-1820

Jon Warrenchuk
175 South Franklin, Suite 418
Juneau, AK  99801