MSHA - Code of Federal Regulations - 30 CFR 104.5
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MSHA - Title 30 CFR
Editorial Note: Based on FedReg. Doc. 2013-01250, this section has changed. The changes
are in bold italic. The effective date is March 25, 2013.
Both versions will remain until the next publication of the 30 CFR.


30 CFR § 104.5
Termination of notice.

(a) Termination of a section 104(e)(1) of the Act pattern of violations notice shall occur when an inspection of the entire mine by MSHA finds no significant and substantial violations or if no withdrawal order is issued by MSHA in accordance with section 104(e)(1) of the Act within 90 days of the issuance of the pattern notice.

(b) The mine operator may request an inspection of the entire mine or portion of the mine. No advance notice of the inspection shall be provided, and the scope of inspection shall be determined by MSHA. Partial mine inspections covering the entire mine within 90 days shall constitute an inspection of the entire mine for the purposes of this part.

For more information: See MSHA's Program Policy Manual


This section will be removed.