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Northeast Fisheries Science Center Reference Document 05-16

Northeast Fisheries Science Center Publications, Reports, and Abstracts for Calendar Year 2004

Laura Garner
National Marine Fisheries Serv., Woods Hole Lab., 166 Water St., Woods Hole, MA 02543

Web version posted October 27, 2005.

Citation: Garner L. 2005. Northeast Fisheries Science Center Publications, Reports, and Abstracts for Calendar Year 2004. US Dep Commer, Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc. 05-16; 22 p.

Information Quality Act Compliance: In accordance with section 515 of Public Law 106-554, the Northeast Fisheries Science Center completed both technical and policy reviews for this report. These predissemination reviews are on file at the NEFSC Editorial Office.

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The online version of this document links each bibliographic entry to an e-mail request to the senior NEFSC author or a contact acting in his/her stead. Requesting a copy of a work via e-mail is recommended.

Should you want to request a copy of a work by postal mail, the postal address for the senior NEFSC author or contact is associated with the two-letter code at the end of the bibliographic entry. The key to the codes is as follows:

MF   = NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, 212 Rogers Ave., Milford, CT 06460-6435
NG   = NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, 28 Tarzwell Dr., Narragansett, RI 02882-1199
NS    = NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, National Systematics Laboratory, Smithsonian Institution, P.O. Box 37012, National Museum of Natural History, Room 57WC, MRC 0153, Washington, DC 20013-7012
OR    = NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, ASRC Field Station, P.O. Box 190, Orono, ME 04473
RG    = NOAA/Rutgers University Cooperative Marine Education and Research Program, c/o Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, P.O. Box 231, New Brunswick, NJ 08903-0231
RI     = NOAA/University of Rhode Island Cooperative Marine Education and Research Program, c/o Graduate School of Oceanography, Narragansett Bay Campus, Narragansett, RI 02882-1197
SH    = NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, 74 Magruder Rd., Highlands, NJ 07732
VA    = NOAA/Virginia Cooperative Marine Education and Research Program, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA 23062
WH   = NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, 166 Water St., Woods Hole, MA 02543-1026


The following bibliography consists of three sections: 1) anonymously peer-reviewed publications (“publications”), 2) transparently (i.e., not anonymously) peer-reviewed and non-peer reviewed publications (“reports”), and 3) abstracts for oral presentations and poster displays (“abstracts”). The bibliography covers those works which were prepared by Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) employees, and which have a 2004 publication date. Authors who were NEFSC employees at the time they composed their works, and/or who were NEFSC employees during all or part of 2004, are denoted in the list by capital letters.

Editorial treatment of bibliographic entries is largely based on the Council of Biology Editors style manuals, fifth[1] and sixth[2] editions. Special treatment includes the use of the abbreviations “pnk” and “np” throughout the "Abstracts" section of this bibliography to indicate, respectively, that the pagination is not known or the document is not paginated. Also, there are foreign recipients of the issues of this series, many of whom do not use English as a primary language. Consequently, because English-language-based acronyms are particularly difficult to comprehend by non-English-using readers, the standardized abbreviations of these acronyms – when such acronyms appear in serial titles – have been included within square brackets immediately following the acronyms.

Availability of reprints of publications and of photocopies of reports and abstracts varies for each work. UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES, THOUGH, ANY INITIAL REQUEST FOR A REPRINT OR PHOTOCOPY SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO THE SOLE/SENIOR NEFSC AUTHOR OF THE WORK. SEE “ORDERING INFORMATION” FOR DETAILS. The NEFSC’s Woods Hole Laboratory Library maintains an extensive, although not complete, archive for publications and reports by NEFSC authors, and may be able to supply a reprint or photocopy if the author cannot do so. Secondary requests to the library for a publication or report should be in writing (National Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Woods Hole Laboratory Library, 166 Water St., Woods Hole, MA 02543-1026). Expect a significant delay in receiving a reprint or photocopy when requesting it from the library rather than from the author.

Bibliographies of publications, reports, and abstracts for earlier years are available online at

[1] Neter, E (chairman); Altman, PL; Burgan MW; Holmgren, NH; Pollack, G; Zipf, EM. 1983. CBE style manual: a guide for authors, editors, and publishers in the biological sciences. 5th ed. Bethesda, MD: Council of Biology Editors; 324 p.

[2] Huth, EJ (chairman); Dancik, BP; Kommedahl, T; Nadziejka, DE; Robinson, P; Swanson, W. 1994. Scientific style and format: the CBE manual for authors, editors, and publishers. 6th ed. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press; 825 p.


I would like to thank Jon Gibson for the years he put into single-handedly building, refining, and maintaining the Center publications lists. His attention to detail and interest in keeping up-to-date on ever-changing bibliographic techniques made this annual volume a comprehensive and very useful document, and greatly eased the transition from paper to internet.


Allcock, AL; Collins, MA; Piatkowski, U; VECCHIONE, M.  2004.  Thaumeledone and other deep water octopodids from the Southern Ocean.  Deep-Sea Res. II 51:1883-1901.  Postal address code: NS.

Baker, CS; CLAPHAM, PJ.  2004.  Modelling the past and future of whales and whaling.  Trends Ecol. Evol. 19(7):365-371.  Postal address code: WH (c/o R. Merrick).

Banford, HM; Bermingham, E; COLLETTE, BB.  2004.  Molecular phylogenetics and biogeography of transisthmian and amphi-Atlantic needlefishes (Belonidae: Strongylura and Tylosurus): perspectives on New World marine speciation.  Molec. Phylog. Evol. 31:833-851.  Postal address code: NS.

Barot, S; Heino, M; O'BRIEN, L; Dieckmann, U.  2004.  Estimating reaction norms for age and size at maturation when age at first reproduction is unknown.  Evol. Ecol. Res. 6:659-678.  Postal address code: WH.

Barot, S; Heino, M; O'BRIEN, L; Dieckmann, U.  2004.  Long-term trend in the maturation reaction norm of two cod stocks.  Ecol. Appl. 4(4):1257-1271.  Postal address code: WH.

Beland, KF; Trial, JG; KOCIK, JF.  2004.  Use of riffle and run habitats with aquatic vegetation by juvenile Atlantic salmon.  N. Am. J. Fish. Manage. 24:525-533.  Postal address code: OR.

Bérubé, M; Rew, MB; Swartz, SL; COLE, TVN; Øien, N; Palsbøll, PJ.  2004.  Genetic identification of an individual humpback whale between the eastern Caribbean and the Norwegian Sea.  Mar. Mamm. Sci. 20(3):657-663.  Postal address code: WH.

BRODZIAK, JKT; MACE, P; OVERHOLTZ, WJ; RAGO, P.  2004.  Ecosystem trade-offs in managing New England fisheries.  Bull. Mar. Sci. 74(3):529-548.  Postal address code: WH.

BUCKLEY, LJ; CALDARONE, EM; LOUGH, RG.  2004.  Optimum temperature and food-limited growth of larval Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) on Georges Bank.  Fish. Oceanogr. 13(2):134-140.  Postal address code: RI.

CADRIN, SX; Boutillier, JA; IDOINE, JS.  2004.  A hierarchical approach to determining reference points for pandalid shrimp.  Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 61:1373-1391.  Postal address code: WH.

CLAPHAM, PJ; Good, C; QUINN, SE; Reeves, RR; Scarff, JE; Brownell, RL Jr.  2004.  Distribution of North Pacific right whales (Eubalaena japonica) as shown by 19th and 20th century whaling catch and sighting records.  J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 6(1):1-6.  Postal address code: WH (c/o R. Merrick).

Clark, CS; CLAPHAM, PJ.  2004.  Acoustic monitoring on a humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) feeding ground shows continual singing into late spring.  Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 271:1051-1057.  Postal address code: WH (c/o R. Merrick).

Clarke, LM; FRIEDLAND, KD.  2004.  Influence of growth and temperature on strontium deposition in the otoliths of Altantic salmon, Salmo salar L.  J. Fish Biol. 65:744-759.  Postal address code: NG.

Cohen, DM; COLLETTE, BB.  2004.  Giles W. Mead Jr. - 1928-2003 - Obituary.  Copeia 2004(3):723-726.  Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, BB.  2004.  Family Hemiramphidae Gill 1859 - halfbeaks.  Calif. Acad. Sci. Annotat. Checklists Fishes 22; 35 p.  Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, BB.  2004.  Family Scomberesocidae Müller 1843 - sauries.  Calif. Acad. Sci. Annotat. Checklists Fishes 21; 6 p.  Postal address code: NS.

EDWARDS, SF; LINK, JS; ROUNTREE, BP.  2004.  Portfolio management of wild fish stocks.  Ecol. Econ. 49:317-329.  Postal address code: NG.

FitzGerald, JL; SHEEHAN, TF; KOCIK, JF.  2004.  Visibility of visual implant elastomer tags in Atlantic salmon reared for two years in marine net-pens.  N. Am. J. Fish. Manage. 24(1):222-227.  Postal address code: WH.

FOGARTY, MJ; Miller, TJ.  2004.  Impact of a change in reporting systems in the Maryland blue crab fishery.  Fish. Res. 68(1-3):37-43.  Postal address code: WH.

Galloway, JN; Dentener, FJ; Capone, DG; Boyer, EW; Howarth, RW; SEITZINGER, SP; Asner, GP; Cleveland, C; Green, P; Holland, H; Karl, DM; Michaels, AF; Porter, JH; Townsend, A; Vörösmarty, C.  2004.  Nitrogen cycles: past, present, and future.  Biogeochemistry 70(2):153-226.  Postal address code: RG.

Gavaris, S; MURAWSKI, SA.  2004.  The role and the determination of residence proportions for fisheries resources across political boundaries: the Georges Bank example.  Chapter 16 in: Payne, A; O'Brien, C; Rogers, S, eds.  Management of shared fish stocks.  Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd; p. 261-278.  Postal address code: WH.

Govoni, JJ; West, MA; Zivotofsky, D; Zivotofsky, AZ; Bowser, PR; COLLETTE, BB.  2004.  Ontogeny of squamation in swordfish, Xiphias gladius.  Copeia 2004(2):391-396.  Postal address code: NS.

GREEN, JR; JONES, R; BROWNELL, S.  2004.  Age and growth of larval cod and haddock on Georges Bank during 1995 and 1996.  Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 263:255-268.  Postal address code: NG.

HART, DR; CADRIN, SX.  2004.  Yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea) off the northeastern United States: implications for movement among stocks.  In: Akçakaya, HR; Burgman, MA; Kindvall, O; Wood, C; Sjögren-Gulve, P; Hatfield, J; McCarthy, MA, eds.  Species conservation and management: case studies. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; p. 230-244.  Postal address code: WH.

HÉGARET, H; WIKFORS, GH; Soudant, P; Delaporte, M; ALIX, JH; SMITH, BC; DIXON, MS; Quére, C; Le Coz, JE; Paillard, C; Moal, J; Samain, J-F.  2004.  Immunological competence of eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, fed different microalgal diets and challenged with a temperature elevation.  Aquaculture 234:541-560.  Postal address code: MF.

HENDRICKSON, LC.  2004.  Population biology of northern shortfin squid (Illex illecebrosus) in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean and initial documentation of a spawning area.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] J. Mar. Sci. 61(2): 252-266.  Postal address code: WH.

Hobson, KA; Sinclair, EH; York, AE; Thomason, JR; MERRICK, RL.  2004.  Retrospective isotopic analyses of Steller sea lion tooth annuli and seabird feathers: a cross-taxa approach to investigating regime and dietary shifts in the Gulf of Alaska.  Mar. Mamm. Sci. 20(3):621-638.  Postal address code: WH.

Hoshino, K; Amaoka, K; MUNROE, TA.  2004.  New records of sexual dimorphisms among the Pleuronectiformes exhibited by differences in urogenital papilla structure of Citharichthys platophrys (Paralichthyidae : Pleuronectiformes).  Ichthyol. Res. 51(1):81-83.  Postal address code: NS.

Hoshino, K; MUNROE, TA.  2004.  Neoetropus macrops Hildebrand and Schroeder, 1928: a reversed specimen and a junior synonym of Cithafichthys arctifrons Goode, 1880 (Teleostei; Pleuronectiformes; Paralichthyidae).  Copeia 2004(3):583-591.  Postal address code: NS.

KOCIK, JF.  2004.  Book review: North Atlantic climate book: a one-stop reference for a complicated subject.  Trends Ecol. Evol. 19(12):624-625.  Postal address code: OR.

Laursen, AE; SEITZINGER, SP.  2004.  Diurnal patterns of denitrification, oxygen consumption, and nitrous oxide production in rivers.  Freshw. Biol. 49:1448-1458.  Postal address code: RG.

LINK, JS.  2004.  Using fish stomachs as samplers of the benthos: integrating long-term and broad scales.  Mar. Ecol.  Prog. Ser. 269:265-275.  Postal address code: WH.

Lovejoy, NR; Iranpour, M; COLLETTE, BB.  2004.  Phylogeny and jaw ontogeny of beloniform fishes.  Integr. Comp. Biol. 44(5):366-377.  Postal address code: NS.

MacKENZIE, CL Jr; PIKANOWSKI, R.  2004.  Gear effects on marine habitats: harvesting northern quahogs in a shallow sandy bed at two levels of intensity with a short rake.  N. Am. J. Fish. Manage. 24(4):1221-1227.  Postal address code: SH.

MANDERSON, JP; PESSUTTI, J; HILBERT, JG; Juanes, F.  2004.  Shallow water predation risk for a juvenile flatfish (winter flounder; Pseudopleuronectes americanus, Walbaum) in a Northwest Atlantic estuary.  J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 304(2):137-157.  Postal address code: SH.

MILLIKEN, HO; DeAlteris, JT.  2004.  Evaluation of a large-mesh panel to reduce the flatfish bycatch in the small-mesh bottom trawls used in the New England silver hake fishery.  N. Am. J. Fish. Manage. 24(1):20-32.  Postal address code: WH.

Moore, JA; VECCHIONE, M; COLLETTE, BB; GIBBONS, R; Hartel, KE.  2004.  Selected fauna of Bear Seamount (New England Seamount chain), and the presence of "natural invader" species.  Arch. Fish. Mar. Res. 51(1-3):241-250.  Postal address code: NS.

MOUNTAIN, DG.  2004.  Variability of the water properties in NAFO Subareas 5 and 6 during the 1990s.  J. Northwest Atl. Fish. Sci. 34:101-110.  Postal address code: WH.

Muchhala, N; MUNROE, TA.  2004.  A new species of Soleichthys (Soleidae: Pleuronectiformes) from tropical seas off northern Australia.  Ichthyol. Res. 51:57-62.  Postal address code: NS.

MUNROE, TA; Menke, SB.  2004.  Two new soleid flatfishes (Pleuronectiformes: Soleidae: Soleichthys) from Australian waters, with a re-description of Soleichthys microcephalus (Gunther).  Rec. Aust. Mus. 56(2):247-258.  Postal address code: NS.

MURRAY, KT.  2004.  Magnitude and distribution of sea turtle bycatch in the sea scallop (Placoplecten magellanicus) dredge fishery in two areas of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean, 2001-2002.  Fish. Bull. (Wash. DC) 102(4):671-681.  Postal address code: WH.

Nero, RW; Thompson, CH; JECH, JM.  2004.  In situ acoustic estimates of the swimbladder volume of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus).  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] J. Mar. Sci. 61(3):323-337.  Postal address code: WH.

NOONAN, C.  2004.  James J. Howard Marine Science Laboratory.  In: Lurie, MN; Mappen, M, eds.  Encyclopedia of New Jersey.  New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press; p. 418.  Postal address code: SH.

OLSON, J.  2004.  Book review: Fishers at work, workers at sea: a Puerto Rican journey through labor and refuge, by D Griffith and MV Pizzini.  Amer. Ethnol. 31(2):np (online only).  Postal address code: WH.

ORRELL, TM; Carpenter, KE.  2004.  A phylogeny of the fish family Sparidae (porgies) inferred from mitochondrial sequence data.  Molec. Phylog. Evol. 32(2):425-434.  Postal address code: NS.

Peck, MA; BUCKLEY, LJ; Bengston, DA.  2004.  Inter-individual differences in rates of routine energy loss and growth in young-of-the-year juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua).  J. Fish Biol. 64:984-995.  Postal address code: RI.

Peck, MA; BUCKLEY, LJ; O'Bryan, LM; Lapolla, AE.  2004.  Efficacy of egg surface disinfectants in captive spawning Atlantic cod Gadus morhua L. and haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus L.  Aquac. Res. 35(10):992-996.  Postal address code: NG.

PINTO DA SILVA, P.  2004.  From common property to co-management: lessons from Brazil’s first maritime extractive reserve.  Mar. Pol. 28:419-428.  Postal address code: WH.

PINTO DA SILVA, P.  2004.  History, culture and participatory marine conservation in a Brazilian fishing community.  Pol. Matters [special issue for IUCN World Conservation Congress: History, Culture & Conservation] 13:86-97.  Postal address code: WH.

Reddin, DG; FRIEDLAND, KD; Downton, P; Dempson, JB; Mullins, CC.  2004.  Thermal habitat experienced by Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) kelts in coastal Newfoundland waters.  Fish. Oceanogr. 13:24-35.  Postal address code: NG.

Reeder, DJ; JECH, JM; Stanton, TK.  2004.  Broadband acoustic backscatter and high-resolution morphology of fish: measurement and modeling.  J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 116(2):729-746.  Postal address code: WH.

Reeves, RR; JOSEPHSON, E; SMITH, TD.  2004.  Putative historical occurrence of North Atlantic right whales in mid-latitude offshore waters: ‘Maury’s Smear’ is likely apocryphal.  Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 282:295-305.  Postal address code: WH.

Reeves, RR; SMITH, TD; JOSEPHSON, E; CLAPHAM, PJ; Woolmer, G.  2004.  Historical observations of humpback and blue whales in the North Atlantic Ocean: clues to migratory routes and possibly additional feeding grounds.  Mar. Mamm. Sci. 20(4):774-786.  Postal address code: WH.

Scharf, FS; MANDERSON, JP; FABRIZIO, MC; PESSUTTI, JP; Chant, RJ; Bejda, AJ.  2004.  Seasonal and interannual patterns of distribution and diet of bluefish within a Middle Atlantic Bight estuary in relation to abiotic and biotic factors.  Estuaries 27(3):426-436.  Postal address code: SH.

Shaheen, PA; MANDERSON, JP; FAHAY, MP.  2004.  Stage-specific spatial and temporal variability in the diets of larval winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) in a northeastern U.S. estuarine nursery.  Estuaries 27(6):958-965.  Postal address code: SH.

Sharp, JH; Beauregard, AY; Burdige, D; Cauwet, G; Curless, SE; Lauck, R; Nagel, K; Ogawa, H; Parker, AE; Primm, O; Pujo-Pay, M; Savidge, WB; SEITZINGER, SP; Spyres, G; Styles, R.  2004.  A direct instrument comparison for measurement of total dissolved nitrogen in seawater.  Mar. Chem. 84:181-193.  Postal address code: RG.

Sissenwine, M; MURAWSKI, S.  2004.  Moving beyond 'intelligent tinkering': advancing an ecosystem approach to fisheries.  Mar. Ecol.  Prog. Ser. 274:291-295.  Postal address code: WH.

Skomal, GB; WOOD, G; Caloyianis, N.  2004.  Archival tagging of a basking shark, Cetorhinus maximus, in the western North Atlantic.  J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 84(4):795-799.  Postal address code: NG.

SMITH, BC; Persson, A.  2004.  Dinoflagellate cyst production in one-liter containers.  J. Appl.  Phycol. 16:401-405.  Postal address code: MF.

STEHLIK, LL; PIKANOWSKI, RA; McMILLAN, DG.  2004.  The Hudson-Raritan Estuary as a crossroads for distribution of blue (Callinectes sapidus), lady (Ovalipes ocellatus), and Atlantic rock (Cancer irroratus) crabs.  Fish. Bull. (Wash. DC) 102(4):693-710.  Postal address code: SH.

Stein, AB; FRIEDLAND, KD; Sutherland, M.  2004.  Atlantic sturgeon marine bycatch and mortality on the continental shelf of the northeast United States.  N. Am. J. Fish. Manage. 24(1):171-183.  Postal address code: NG.

Stein, AB; FRIEDLAND, KD; Sutherland, M.  2004.  Atlantic sturgeon marine distribution and habitat use along the northeastern coast of the United States.  Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 133:527-537.  Postal address code: NG.

STEINBACK, S.  2004.  Using ready-made regional input-output models to estimate backward linkage effects of exogenous output shocks.  Rev. Reg. Stud. 34(1):57-71.  Postal address code: WH.

STEINBACK, S; Gentner, B; Castle, J.  2004.  The economic importance of marine angler expenditures in the United States.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Adm.] Prof. Pap. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-2; 169 p.  Postal address code: WH.

Stone, HH; Gavaris, S; LEGAULT, CM; Neilson, JD; CADRIN, SX.  2004.  Collapse and recovery of the yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea) fishery on Georges Bank.  J. Sea Res. 51(3-4):261-270.  Postal address code: WH.

Surveiss, VB; Bowen, JL; DOW, D; Valiela, I.  2004.  Using ecological risk assessment to identify the major anthropogenic stressor in the Waquoit Bay watershed, Cape Cod, Massachusetts.  Environ. Manage. 33(5):730-740.  Postal address code: WH.

Switzer, TL; Baltz, DM; Allen, RL; MUNROE, TA.  2004.  Habitat selection by sympatric tonguefishes (Symphurus: Cynoglossidae) in coastal Louisiana, USA: unravelling seasonal, spatial, and size-specific patterns in resource utilisation.  J. Sea Res. 51(3-4):229-242.  Postal address code: NS.

THUNBERG, E.  2004.  Buyback programs for overcapitalized fisheries: approaches, experiences, and impacts for Southeast fisheries: discussion.  J. Agric. Appl. Econ. 36(2):347-349.  Postal address code: WH.

Triant, DA; PACE, RM, III; Stine, M.  2004.  Abundance, genetic diversity and conservation of Louisiana black bears (Ursus americanus luteolus) as detected through noninvasive sampling.  Conserv. Genet. 5:647-659.  Postal address code: WH.

Voigt, O; COLLINS, AG; Pearse, VB; Pearse, JS; Hadrys, H; Schierwater, B.  2004.  Placozoa – no longer a phylum of one.  Curr. Biol. 14:R944-R945.  Postal address code: NS.

Wiegner, RN; SEITZINGER, SP.  2004.  Seasonal bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen from pristine and polluted freshwater wetlands.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 49(5):1703-1712.  Postal address code: RG.

WIKFORS, GH.  2004.  Book review: Live feeds in marine aquaculture, by J Stottrup & LA McEvoy.  J.  Phycol. 40:999-1000.  Postal address code: MF.

Yatsu, A; Watanabe, T; Ishida, M; Sugisaki, H; JACOBSON, L.  2004.  Environmental effects on recruitment and productivity of Japanese sardine Sardinops melanostictus and chub mackerel Scomber japonicus with recommendations for management.  Fish. Oceanogr. 14(4):263–278.  Postal address code: WH.


BASCUÑÁN, C; TAYLOR, MH; MANNING, JP.  2004.  Description of the 2003 oceanographic conditions on the Northeast Continental ShelfNortheast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 04-12; 81 p.  Postal address code: WH.

BRILL, R; Swimmer, Y; Southwood, A.  2004.  Investigations of sea turtle and pelagic fish sensory physiology and behavior, with the aim of developing techniques that reduce or eliminate the interactions of sea turtles with fishing gear.  In: Long, KJ; Schroeder, BA, eds.  Proceedings of the International Technical Expert Workshop on Marine Turtle Bycatch in Longline Fisheries.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Adm.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-OPR-26; p. 154-157.  Postal address code: VA.

BRODZIAK, JKT; CADRIN, SX; LEGAULT, C; MURAWSKI, S.  2004.  Goals and strategies for rebuilding New England groundfish stocks.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2004/K:42; 32 p.  Postal address code: WH.

BRODZIAK, JKT; LEGAULT, CM; COL, LA; OVERHOLTZ, WJ.  2004.  Estimation of demersal and pelagic species biomasses in the Northeast USA Continental Shelf Ecosystem.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2004/FF:07; 31 p.  Postal address code: WH.

BUCKLEY, LJ; Durbin, EG.  2004.  Annual and inter-annual trends in the zooplankton prey and growth of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) larvae on Georges Bank.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2004/O:08; 19 p.  Postal address code: RI.

CADRIN, SX; WESTWOOD, AD.  2004.  The use of electronic tags to study fish movement: a case study with yellowtail flounder off New England.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2004/K:81; 34 p.  Postal address code: WH.

[Ecosystems Surveys Branch].  2004.  Resource survey report: 2003 fall bottom trawl survey.  Informal report available from ESB; 33 p.  Postal address code: WH (c/o L. Despres).

[Ecosystems Surveys Branch].  2004.  Resource survey report: 2003 sea scallop survey.  Informal report available from ESB; 21 p.  Postal address code: WH (c/o L. Despres).

[Ecosystems Surveys Branch].  2004.  Resource survey report: 2004 fall bottom trawl survey.  Informal report available from ESB; 34 p.  Postal address code: WH (c/o L. Despres).

[Ecosystems Surveys Branch].  2004.  Resource survey report: 2004 spring bottom trawl survey.  Informal report available from ESB; 37 p.  Postal address code: WH (c/o L. Despres).

[Ecosystems Surveys Branch].  2004.  Resource survey report: 2004 summer sea scallop survey.  Informal report available from ESB; 24 p.  Postal address code: WH (c/o L. Despres).

[Ecosystems Surveys Branch].  2004.  Resource survey report: 2004 winter bottom trawl survey.  Informal report available from ESB; 24 p.  Postal address code: WH (c/o L. Despres).

FABRIZIO, MC; PESSUTTI, JP; MANDERSON, JP; DROHAN, AF; PHELAN, BA.  2004.  Use of the Historic Area Remediation Site by black sea bass and summer flounder.  Final report submitted to US Army Corps of Engineers, US Engineer Research and Development Center; 93 p.  Postal address code: SH.

GARNER, LS.  2004.  Northeast Fisheries Science Center publications, reports, and abstracts for calendar year 2003Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 04-14; 21 p.  Postal address code: WH.

GIBSON, JA.  2004.  Revised and updated edition of F. Bruce Sanford's 1957 “Planning Your Scientific Research Paper.”  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Adm.] Tech. Mem. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-185; 36 p.  Postal address code: WH.

HART, D; CHUTE, A.  2004.  Essential fish habitat source document: sea scallop, Placopecten magellanicus, life history and habitat characteristics (2nd ed.)NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Adm.] Tech. Mem. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-189; 21 p.  Postal address code: WH.

HENDRICKSON, LC. 2004. Population biology of northern shortfin squid (Illex illecebrosus) in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean and initial documentation of a spawning area. ICES J Mar Sci 61:252-266. Postal address code: WH.

HENDRICKSON, LC; Dawe, EG; Showell, MA.  2004.  Assessment of northern shortfin squid (Illex illecebrosus) in Subareas 3+4 for 2003.  NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] SCR [Sci. Counc. Res.] Doc. 04/38; 18 p.  Postal address code: WH.

HENDRICKSON, LC; HOLMES, E.  2004.  Essential fish habitat source document: northern shortfin squid, Illex illecebrosus, life history and habitat characteristics (2nd ed.)NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Adm.] Tech. Mem. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-191; 36 p.  Postal address code: WH.

Hunt, JJ; Hatt, B; O'BRIEN, L.  2004.  Population status of eastern Georges Bank cod (Unit Areas 5Xj,m) for 1978-2005.  TRAC [Transbound. Resour. Assess. Comm.] Ref. Doc. 2004/02; 46 p.  Postal address code: WH.

JOHNSON, DL; FINNERAN, TW; PHELAN, BA; DESHPANDE, AD; NOONAN, CL; FROMM, S; DOWDS, DM, Compilers.  2004.  Current fisheries research and future ecosystems science in the Northeast Center: collected abstracts of the Northeast Fisheries Science Center's Eighth Science Symposium, Atlantic City, New Jersey, February 3-5, 2004Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 04-01; 64 p.  Postal address code: SH.

Jones, EG; Glass, CW; MILLIKEN, HO.  2004.  The reaction and behavior of fish to visual components of fishing gears and the effect on catchability in survey and commercial situations.  Annex 2 in: Report of the ICES Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behavior (WGFTFB); Gdynia, Poland; Apr. 20-23, 2004.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2004/B:05; p. 68-112.  Postal address code: WH.

Kulka, DW; Miri, CM; Simpson, MR; SOSEBEE, KA.  2004.  Thorny skate (Amblyraja radiata Donovan, 1808) on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland.  NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] S.C.R. [Sci. Counc. Res.] Doc. 04/57; 108 p.  Postal address code: WH.

Kulka, DW; SOSEBEE, KA; Miri, M; Simpson, MR.  2004.  The status of white hake (Urophycis tenuis), in NAFO Divisions 3L, 3N, 3O and Subdivision 3Ps.  NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] S.C.R. [Sci. Counc. Res.] Doc. 04/57; 18 p.  Postal address code: WH.

LEGAULT, CM.  2004.  Salmon PVA: a population viability analysis model for Atlantic salmon in the Maine Distinct Population SegmentNortheast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 04-02; 88 p.  Postal address code: WH.

LEGAULT, CM; Stone, HH.  2004.  Stock assessment of Georges Bank (5Zhjmn) yellowtail flounder for 2004.  TRAC [Transbound. Resour. Assess. Comm.] Ref. Doc. 2004/03; 102 p.  Postal address code: WH.

LOCK, M; PACKER, D.  2004.  Essential fish habitat source document: silver hake, Merluccius bilinearis, life history and habitat (2nd ed.)NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Adm.] Tech. Mem. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-186; 68 p.  Postal address code: SH.

LOUGH, RG. 2004. Essential fish habitat source document: Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, life history and habitat characteristics (2nd ed.). NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Adm.] Tech. Mem. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-190; 94 p.  Postal address code: WH.

McCARTHY, K.  2004.  Identification and description of the common sponges of Jeffreys Ledge as an aid in tentative field operationsNortheast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 04-07; 2 p.  Postal address code: WH (c/o J. Gibson).

MERCALDO-ALLEN, R (Chair, Conference Steering Committee); CALABRESE, A (retired); Danila, DJ; DIXON, MS; JEARLD, A; Pacileo, DJ; Powell, C; SUTHERLAND, SJ.  2004.  Ninth Flatfish Biology Conference, December 1-2, 2004, Water's Edge Resort, Westbrook, ConnecticutNortheast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 04-13; 69 p.  Postal address code: MF.

MERRICK, RL (Chair); Allen, L; Angliss, R; Antonelis, G; Eagle, T; Epperly, S; Jones, L; Reilly, S; Schroeder, B; Swartz, S.  2004.  A requirements plan for improving understanding of the status of U.S. protected marine species.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Adm.] Tech. Mem. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-F/SPO-63; 112 p.  Postal address code: WH.

MOUNTAIN, DG; TAYLOR, M; BASCUÑÁN, C.  2004.  Revised procedures for calculating regional average water properties for Northeast Fisheries Science Center cruisesNortheast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 04-08; 53 p.  Postal address code: WH.

MURAWSKI, SA; Gavaris, S.  2004.  Computation of allocation shares for Canada and the USA of the transboundary resources of Atlantic cod, haddock, and yellowtail flounder on Georges Bank.  TRAC [Transbound. Resour. Assess. Comm.] Ref. Doc. 2004/05; 25 p.  Postal address code: WH.

MURAWSKI, SA; WIGLEY, S; FOGARTY, M; RAGO, P; Curtis, R; MOUNTAIN, D.  2004.  Adaptive responses by fishermen to marine protected areas in temperate seas.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2004/Y:02; 37 p.  Postal address code: WH.

MURRAY, KT.  2004.  Bycatch of sea turtles in the Mid-Atlantic sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) dredge fishery during 2003 (2nd ed.)Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 04-11; 25 p.  Postal address code: WH.

Musyl, MK; McNaughton, LM; Swimmer, JY; BRILL, RW.  2004.  Convergent evolution of vertical movement behaviour in swordfish, bigeye tuna, and bigeye thresher sharks: vertical niche partitioning in the pelagic environment as shown by electronic tagging studies.  PFRP [Newsletter of the Pelagic Fisheries Research Program, Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa] 9(4):1-4.  Postal address code: VA.

NIZINSKI, MS; Ross, SW; Sulak, KJ.  2004.  Macrofaunal structure and habitat utilization within deep coral bank communities on the southeastern United States slope.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2004/AA:05; 3 p.  Postal address code: NS.

[Northeast Fisheries Science Center].  2004.  Report of the 38th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (38th SAW): advisory reportNortheast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 04-04; 24 p.  Postal address code: WH (c/o SAW Chair).

[Northeast Fisheries Science Center].  2004.  Report of the 38th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (38th SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) consensus summary of assessmentsNortheast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 04-03; 246 p.  Postal address code: WH (c/o SAW Chair).

[Northeast Fisheries Science Center].  2004.  39th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (39th SAW) assessment reportNortheast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 04-10b; 211 p.  Postal address code: WH (c/o SAW Chair).

[Northeast Fisheries Science Center].  2004.  39th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (39th SAW) assessment summary reportNortheast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 04-10a; 16 p.  Postal address code: WH (c/o SAW Chair).

O’Connor, T; Matlock, G; SHERMAN, K; Pait, T; Hyland, J.; BUSCH, D; Aquarone, M-C.  2004.  Large marine ecosystem fisheries.  In: EPA, NOAA, FWS, and USGS. National Coastal Condition Report II.  US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Development/Office of Water; EPA-620/R-03/002:49-50.  Postal address code: NG.

OVERHOLTZ, WJ, Chairman.  2004.  Proceedings of the Seventh Meeting of the Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee (TRAC), Woods Hole, Massachusetts, May 27-29, 2003Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 04-05; 19 p.  Postal address code: WH.

OVERHOLTZ, WJ; Jacobson, J; Melvin, GD; Cieri, M; Power, M; Libby, D; Clark, K.  2004.  Stock assessment of the Gulf of Maine - Georges Bank Atlantic herring complex, 2003Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 04-06; 290 p.  Postal address code: WH.

SHEPHERD, G.  2004.  Estimation of striped bass discards in the multispecies groundfish fishery, during the 2002 fishing year (May 2002 - April 2003)Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 04-09; 15 p.  Postal address code: WH.

SHERMAN, K.  2004.  Large marine ecosystem fisheries data.  In: EPA, NOAA, FWS, and USGS.  National Coastal Condition Report II.  US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Development/Office of Water; EPA-620/R-03/002:21-22.  Postal address code: NG.

SHERMAN, K; KANE, J; O'REILLY, J.  2004.  Climate, ocean regimes and biomass yields of five North Atlantic large marine ecosystems.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2004/M:05; 24 p.  Postal address code: NG.

SOSEBEE, KA.  2004.  United States research report for 2003.  NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] SCS [Sci. Counc. Summ.] Doc. 04/7; 21 p.  Postal address code: WH.

Sulak, KJ; Ross, SW; NIZINSKI, MS.  2004.  Lophelia pertusa landscapes and megafaunal biotopes on the Blake Plateau off the southeastern U.S.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2004/AA:12; 3 p.  Postal address code: NS.

Van Eeckhaute, L; BRODZIAK, JKT.  2004.  Assessment of eastern Georges Bank haddock.  TRAC [Transbound. Resource Assessment Committee] Ref. Doc. 2004/01; 70 p.  Postal address code: WH.

WARING, GT; PACE, RM; QUINTAL, JM; Fairfield, CP; Maze-Foley, K, Editors.  2004.  U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico marine mammal stock assessments -- 2003NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Adm.] Tech. Mem. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-182; 287 p.  Postal address code: WH.


ADAMS, SP; SHERMAN, K.  2004.  A history of ecosystem studies of the U.S. Northeast Shelf Ecosystem, 1807-2004.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 12.  Postal address code: NG.

Addison, J; Tully, O; Agnalt, A-L; IDOINE, JS.  2004.  Geographical variation in size-at-maturity and fecundity in Homarus gammarus: implications for management.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 7th International Conference and Workshop on Lobster Biology and Management; Hobart, Tasmania; Feb. 8-13, 2004; np.  Postal address code: WH.

Aldred, J; PITCHFORD, S; Allam, B.  2004.  A non-elucidated mortality event of juvenile hard clams in a hatchery system.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 24th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 2004.  J. Shellfish Res. 23(2):631.  Postal address code: MF.

ALIX, J; WIKFORS, GH.  2004.  A flow-cytometric method for counting microalgal and bacterial cells in the same sample.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: 24th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 2004.  J. Shellfish Res. 23(2):631-632.  Postal address code: MF.

ALIX, J; WIKFORS, GH.  2004.  A flow-cytometric method for counting microalgal and bacterial cells in the same sample.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: 43rd Northeast Algal Symposium; Avery Point, CT; Apr. 23-25, 2004; p. 13.  Postal address code: MF.

ANDERSON, J; GREEN, J.  2004.  Identification of Pseudocalanus moultoni and Pseudocalanus newmani from the Northeast Continental Shelf.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 47.  Postal address code: NG.

BERMAN, MS; Oviatt, C; Melrose, C.  2004.  Narragansett Bay Window, a prototype ocean observing system.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: ASLO/TOS Ocean Research Conference; Honolulu, HI; Feb. 15-20, 2004; p. 70.  Postal address code: NG.

BLOGOSLAWSKI, WJ.  2004.  Overview, 24th Milford Aquaculture Seminar.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 24th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 2004.  J. Shellfish Res. 23(2):631.  Postal address code: MF.

BRILL, RW.  2004.  Bigeye tuna behavior and physiology … their relevance to stock assessments and fishery biology.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: ICCAT Second World Meeting on Bigeye Tuna; Madrid, Spain; Mar. 12-13, 2004; np.  Postal address code: VA.

BRILL, RW; Musyl, M.  2004.  Results from PSAT attachments to swordfish … a cautionary tale.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 34.  Postal address code: VA.

BRODZIAK, JKT.  2004.  Maximum likelihood estimation of stock composition.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 2004 ICES Annual Science Conference; Vigo, Spain; Sep. 19-21, 2004.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2004/EE:90; p. 4.  Postal address code: WH.

BRODZIAK, JKT; CADRIN, SX; LEGAULT, C; MURAWSKI, S.  2004.  Goals and strategies for rebuilding New England groundfish stocks.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 2004 ICES Annual Science Conference; Vigo, Spain; Sep. 19-21, 2004.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2004/K:42; p. 18-19.  Postal address code: WH.

BRODZIAK, JKT; LEGAULT, CM; COL, LA; OVERHOLTZ, WJ.  2004.  Production of demersal and pelagic species biomasses in the northeast USA continental shelf ecosystem.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 2004 ICES Annual Science Conference; Vigo, Spain; Sep. 19-21, 2004.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2004/FF:07; p. 4.  Postal address code: WH.

BRODZIAK, JKT; O'BRIEN, L.  2004.  Do environmental factors affect recruit per spawner anomalies in the Gulf of Maine - Southern New England region?  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: ICES Symposium on the Influence of Climate Change on North Atlantic Fish Stocks; Bergen, Norway; May 11-14, 2004; np.  Postal address code: WH.

Brooks, H; Lowery, WA; MUNROE, TA.  2004.  Abundance and distribution of Etropus microstomus and Etropus crossotus in Virginia's portion of Chesapeake Bay and its major tributaries.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Ninth Flatfish Biology Conference; Westbrook, CT; Dec. 1-2, 2004; p. 44.  Postal address code: NS.

BROUGHTON, E.  2004.  Plankton monitoring utilizing a MOCNESS mounted Video Plankton Recorder.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 21.  Postal address code: WH.

BUCKLEY, LJ; Davies, EJ.  2004.  Optimum photoperiod for survival and growth of larval cod (Gadus morhua).  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: ICES Symposium - Gadoid Mariculture: Development and Future Challenges; Bergen, Norway; Jun. 13-16, 2004; p. 59.  Postal address code: WH.

BUCKLEY, LJ; Durbin, EG.  2004.  Annual and inter-annual trends in the zooplankton prey and growth of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) larvae on Georges Bank.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 2004 ICES Annual Science Conference; Vigo, Spain; Sep. 19-21, 2004.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2004/O:08; p. 4.  Postal address code: RI.

CABANA, N.  2004.  Safer surveys -- a model for developing safer marine mammal aerial surveys.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 48.  Postal address code: WH (c/o R. Merrick).

CADRIN, SX; FRIEDLAND, KD.  2004.  Morphometric stock identification.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 2004 ICES Annual Science Conference; Vigo, Spain; Sep. 19-21, 2004.  [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] 2004/EE:05; p. 2-3.  Postal address code: WH.

CADRIN, SX; FRIEDLAND, KD; Waldman, J.  2004.  Stock identification methods: from working group to book.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 2004 ICES Annual Science Conference; Vigo, Spain; Sep. 19-21, 2004.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2004/EE:03; p. 2.  Postal address code: WH.

CADRIN, SX; WESTWOOD, AD.  2004.  The use of electronic tags to study fish movement: a case study with yellowtail flounder off New England.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 2004 ICES Annual Science Conference; Vigo, Spain; Sep. 19-21, 2004.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2004/K:81; p. 34.  Postal address code: WH.

CADRIN, SX; WESTWOOD, AD; ALADE, L; KEITH, N; Rountree, R; Martins, D; Kessler, R; Jones, D; Valliere, A; King, J; Boardman, J; Stone, H; New England Fishermen.  2004.  Movement of yellowtail flounder: a cooperative tagging study.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Ninth Flatfish Biology Conference; Westbrook, CT; Dec. 1-2, 2004; p. 13.  Postal address code: WH.

CHAMBERS, RC; WITTING, DA.  2004.  Size-based predation risk in young-of-the-year Atlantic tomcod in the Hudson River Estuary, USA.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 2004 ICES Annual Science Conference; Vigo, Spain; Sep. 19-21, 2004.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2004/J:11; p. 6.  Postal address code: SH.

CHAMBERS, RC; WITTING, DA; CERINO, D; Wirgin, I.  2004.  Evidence of rapid evolution in an estuarine dependent gadid, Atlantic tomcod (Microgadus tomcod), in response to environmental contamination with PCBs.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 49.  Postal address code: SH.

CHAMBERS, RC; WITTING, DA; Wirgin, I.  2004.  Evidence of rapid local adaptation in an anadromous gadid, Atlantic tomcod (Microgadus tomcod), in response to industrial contaminants released into the Hudson River Estuary, USA.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 2004 ICES Annual Science Conference; Vigo, Spain; Sep. 19-21, 2004.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2004/S:11; p. 5-6.  Postal address code: SH.

CHANG, S; BERRIEN, P; JOHNSON, D; KANE, J; O'REILLY, J; TAYLOR, M.  2004.  Species-habitat characterization for the Georges Bank ecosystem.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 18.  Postal address code: SH.

CHEVRIER, DF; JECH, JM.  2004.  Three-dimensional visualization of fisheries' acoustics data and models.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 20.  Postal address code: WH.

CHOROMANSKI, J; STILES, S; JEFFRESS, D; GOLDBERG, R; VEILLEUX, DJ.  2004.  Tracking lab-bred bay scallop growth and survival in the Niantic River.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 24th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 2004.  J. Shellfish Res. 23(2):634.  Postal address code: MF.

Chu, D; Foote, G; Hammar, TR; Hufnagle, LC Jr; JECH, JM.  2004.  Calibrating a 90-kHz multibeam sonar: illustrating protocols.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: MTS/IEEE [Mar. Technol. Soc./Inst. Elect. Electron. Eng.] Oceans 2004 Conference; Kobe, Japan; Nov. 9-12, 2004; np.  Postal address code: WH.

Clark, A; STILES, S; JEFFRESS, D; CHOROMANSKI, J.  2004.  Observations on phenotypic plasticity and behavior in a genetic line of the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians irradians.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 24th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 2004.  J. Shellfish Res. 23(2):634.  Postal address code: MF.

CLARK, PE; GOLDBERG, R; KUROPAT, C; MERCALDO-ALLEN, R; PEREIRA, JJ; Vinokur, LM.  2004.  Hard-substrate reef as habitat for finfish: preliminary results.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 50.  Postal address code: MF.

CLARK, PE; PEREIRA, JJ; Juanes, F.  2004.  Stomach content analysis of northern, Prionotus carolinus (Linnaeus) and striped, Prionotus evolans (Linnaeus) searobins from Long Island Sound.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 51.  Postal address code: MF.

CLAY, PM; COLBURN, LL; OLSON, J; PINTO DA SILVA, P.  2004.  Communities in fishing in the Northeast US: building knowledge from the ground.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: The Society for Applied Anthropology 64th Annual Meeting; Dallas, TX; Mar. 31 - Apr. 4, 2004; p. 151.  Postal address code: NG.

CLAY, PM; COLBURN, LL; OLSON, J; PINTO DA SILVA, P.  2004.  Promoting social and cultural sustainability of marine resource conservation and management in the Northeast.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: The Coastal Society’s 19th Biennial Conference; Newport, RI; May 23-26, 2004; p. 42.  Postal address code: WH.

CLEARY, TH; GUIDA, VG; SAMSON, JC.  2004.  Comparison of two different methods of lipid analysis in fish tissue.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 29.  Postal address code: SH.

COLBURN, LL.  2004.  The challenge of federal fisheries regulations and stakeholder interests: anthropological applications and NOAA Fisheries.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Social Science and Advocacy: The Society for Applied Anthropology 64th Annual Meeting; Dallas, TX; Mar. 31 - Apr. 1, 2004; p. 74.  Postal address code: WH.

COLBURN, LL; OLSON, J.  2004.  A thousand drops in the ocean: communities and collaboration in fisheries.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Crossroads: Critical Issues in Community-Based Research Partnerships; Hartford, CT; Jun. 10-13, 2004; p. 15.  Postal address code: WH.

COLE, TVN; DULEY, PA; HOULE, KA; NELSON, MD; PACE, RM III; RONE, BK; STIMPERT, AK; WENZEL, FW.  2004.  Update on NOAA Fisheries aerial surveys for right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) off the northeastern United States.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 45.  Postal address code: WH.

CROXTON, A; WIKFORS, GH; Gragg, R III.  2004.  Immune responses in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, exposed to benthic diatoms contaminated with polyaromatic hydrocarbons.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: 43rd Northeast Algal Symposium; Avery Point, CT; Apr. 23-25, 2004; p. 23.  Postal address code: MF.

DESHPANDE, AD; DOCKUM, BW; Testaverde, S.  2004.  Sand lance as an intermediate vector in the trophic transfer of contaminants in the endangered humpback whales.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 46.  Postal address code: SH.

DESHPANDE, AD; SCHAFER, MW; DRAXLER, AFJ; WIECZOREK, D.  2004.  Methods and importance of analyzing PCB concentrations in lobster hepatopancreas tissues.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 28.  Postal address code: SH.

DIXON, MS; WIKFORS, GH.  2004.  True confessions: lessons learned and new research initiatives in the microalgal mass culture room at Milford.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]   Prepared for: 43rd Northeast Algal Symposium; Avery Point, CT; Apr. 23-25, 2004; p. 24.  Postal address code: MF.

DIXON, MS; WIKFORS, GH.  2004.  True confessions: lessons learned and new research initiatives in the microalgal mass culture room at Milford.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 17.  Postal address code: MF.

DOCKUM, BW; DESHPANDE, AD; Tesolin, AM.  2004.  A petroleum fingerprinting study of ribbed mussels and sediments from a previously and a freshly contaminated site in the Arthur Kill.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 42.  Postal address code: SH.

DRAXLER, AFJ; ROBOHM, RA; WIECZOREK, D; SCHAFER, M; KAPAREIKO, D; PITCHFORD, S.  2004.  A system for simulating the biogeochemical habitats of lobsters, and its use for determining survival at elevated temperatures.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 26.  Postal address code: SH.

DRAXLER, AFJ; Sherrell, RM; WIECZOREK, D; Lavigne, MG.  2004.  Manganese uptake by lobsters during seasonal hypoxia in western Long Island Sound.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: The 227th ACS [Am. Chem. Soc.] National Meeting; Anaheim, CA; Mar. 28 - Apr. 1, 2004; np.  Postal address code: SH.

DRAXLER, AFJ; WIECZOREK, D; Davias, L: SCHAFER, M; Waguespack, Y; Balogun, B.  2004.  Effect of contaminated sediments on mortality and predation avoidance in winter flounder.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Ninth Flatfish Biology Conference; Westbrook, CT; Dec. 1-2, 2004; p. 51.  Postal address code: SH.

FABRIZIO, MC.  2004.  Experimental design and sampling strategies for mixed stock analysis.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 2004 ICES Annual Science Conference; Vigo, Spain; Sep. 19-21, 2004.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2004/EE:13; p. 5-6.  Postal address code: SH.

FABRIZIO, MC; MANDERSON, JP; PESSUTTI, J.  2004.  Habitat affinity of demersal fishes in a disturbed environment.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: AFS [Am. Fish. Soc.] Mid-Atlantic Chapter meeting; Upper Freehold, NJ; May 6, 2004; np.  Postal address code: SH.

FRIEDLAND, KD; CADRIN, SX.  2004.  Analyses of calcified structures - texture and spacing patterns.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 2004 ICES Annual Science Conference; Vigo, Spain; Sep. 19-21, 2004.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2004/EE:01; p. 1-2.  Postal address code: NG.

FRIEDLAND, KD; Chaput, G; MacLean, JC.  2004.  The emerging role of climate in post-smolt growth of Atlantic salmon.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: ICES Symposium on the Influence of Climate Change on North Atlantic Fish Stocks; Bergen, Norway; May 11-14 2004; np.  Postal address code: NG.

Giray, C; Opitz, HM; MacLEAN, SA; Bouchard, D.  2004.  Comparison of lethal versus non-lethal sample sources for the detection of infectious salmon anemia virus (ISAV).   [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Second Maine Salmon Technical Advisory Committee Research Forum; Orono, ME; Jan. 7, 2004; p. 10-11.  Postal address code: NG.

GOLDBERG, R.  2004.  Bay scallop, Argopecten irradians irradians, restoration efforts in the northeastern United States.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 14.  Postal address code: MF.

GUIDA, VG; Valentine, PC; ALMEIDA, F; FAHAY, M; VITALIANO, JJ; TAYLOR, MH; NIZINSKI, MS; Pandolfo, L.  2004.  The outer shelf of the Mid-Atlantic: terra incognita at our doorstep.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 23.  Postal address code: SH.

HAAS-CASTRO, R; SHEEHAN, T; CADRIN, S; Trial, J.  2004.  Scale pattern analysis discriminates Atlantic salmon by river-reach rearing origin.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Second Maine Salmon Technical Advisory Committee Research Forum; Orono, ME; Jan. 7, 2004; p. 7.  Postal address code: WH.

HAWKES, JP; KOCIK, JF; Mackey, G.  2004.  Update on coastal Maine river Atlantic salmon smolt studies: 2003.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 43.  Postal address code: OR.

HAWKES, JP; KOCIK, JF; Mackey, G.  2004.  Update on coastal Maine river Atlantic salmon smolt studies: 2003.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Second Maine Salmon Technical Advisory Committee Research Forum; Orono, ME; Jan. 7, 2004; p. 3.  Postal address code: OR.

HÉGARET, H; WIKFORS, GH.  2004.  Immune responses of two populations of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, to natural and simulated blooms of the dinoflagellate,  Prorocentrum minimum.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 24th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 2004.  J. Shellfish Res. 23(2):637.  Postal address code: MF.

HÉGARET, H; WIKFORS, GH.  2004.  Time-dependent changes in hemocytes of eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, and northern bay scallops, Argopecten irradians irradians, exposed to a cultured strain of Prorocentrum minimum.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 43rd Northeast Algal Symposium; Avery Point, CT; Apr. 23-25, 2004; p. 28.  Postal address code: MF.

HILBERT, JG Jr; PHELAN, B; ROSENDALE, JE; MEISE, C.  2004.  The distribution, diet, and growth of young-of-the-year bluefish, in a Northwest Atlantic estuary.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 16.  Postal address code: SH (c/o B. Phelan).

JECH, JM.  2004.  Multi-frequency analyses of fish distributions in the Northwest Atlantic.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Acoustical Society of America meeting; New York, NY; May 24-28, 2004.  J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 115:2558.  Postal address code: WH.

JECH, JM; MICHAELS, W.  2004.  Multi-frequency analyses of acoustical survey data.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: ICES Annual Meeting -- Report of the Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics Science and Technology (WGFAST); Gdynia, Poland; Apr. 20-23, 2004.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2004/B:06; p. 10.  Postal address code: WH.

KOCIK, JF; Beland, KF.  2004.  Fresh water and marine elements of salmon survival: how change impacts population recovery.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Tenth Annual Maine Water Conference 2004; Augusta, ME; Apr. 21, 2004; p. 18.  Postal address code: OR.

KOCIK, JF; WILLIAMSON, D.  2004.  Integrating estuarine environmental modeling, telemetry data, and visualization to understand migration ecology of Atlantic salmon in eastern Maine.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 134th Annual Meeting; Madison, WI; Aug. 22-26, 2004; pnk.  Postal address code: OR.

LANG, KL; LEGAULT, CM; Applegate, AJ; Stone, HH; BURNETT, J; SILVA, VM.  2004.  Investigations into the growth of yellowtail flounder in and around a closed area.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Ninth Flatfish Biology Conference; Westbrook, CT; Dec. 1-2, 2004; p. 35.  Postal address code: WH.

LINK, JS.  2004.  Top 10 ingredients for implementing ecosystem-based fisheries management.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 4th World Fisheries Congress; Vancouver, BC; May 2-6, 2004; p. 155.  Postal address code: WH.

LINK, JS; SMITH, TD; OVERHOLTZ, WJ; BRODZIAK, JKT; MURAWSKI, SA; METHRATTA, L; EDWARDS, S; NOJI, TT.  2004.  Translation of ecosystem indicators into decision criteria.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Quantitative Ecosystem Indicators for Fisheries Management - International Symposium; Paris, France; Mar. 31 - Apr. 3, 2004; p. 97.  Postal address code: WH.

LIPSKY, CA; Loftin, J; HASTINGS, E.  2004.  Changes in the proportion of naturally reared Atlantic salmon smolts to hatchery smolts emigrating from the Penobscot River, ME, during 2000-2003.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Second Maine Salmon Technical Advisory Committee Research Forum; Orono, ME; Jan. 7, 2004; p. 3.  Postal address code: OR.

LIPSKY, CA; Loftin, J; HASTINGS, E; BROWN, R.  2004.  Changes in the proportion of naturally reared Atlantic salmon smolts to hatchery smolts emigrating from the Penobscot River, ME, from 2000-2003.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 44.  Postal address code: OR.

LONG, A.  2004.  Observations on the systematics of Etropus crossotus Jordan & Gilbert 1882.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Ninth Flatfish Biology Conference; Westbrook, CT; Dec. 1-2, 2004; p. 28.  Postal address code: NS.

Lowery, WA; Brooks, H; MUNROE, TA.  2004.  Temporal trends in distribution and abundance of flatfishes in lower Chesapeake Bay and its major tributaries.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Ninth Flatfish Biology Conference; Westbrook, CT; Dec. 1-2, 2004; p. 41.  Postal address code: NS.

MacKENZIE, CL Jr.  2004.  How invertebrate abundances correlate with quahog abundances in four bays in the northeastern United States.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 24th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 2004.  J. Shellfish Res. 23(2):639.  Postal address code: SH.

MacKENZIE, CL Jr.  2004.  The slow development and future of commercial culture of shellfish and finfish in the estuaries of eastern North America.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 24th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 2004.  J. Shellfish Res. 23(2):639-640.  Postal address code: SH.

MacKENZIE, CL Jr; McMILLAN, DG; PIKANOWSKI, R; ROSENDALE, JE; WIECZORECK, D; HILBERT, J; BROWN, C.  2004.  Long-term effects of quahoging and crabbing gear on the benthic ecosystem of Raritan Bay.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 25.  Postal address code: SH.

MacLEAN, SA; ST ONGE-BURNS, J.  2004.  Non-lethal measurement of recent growth in Atlantic salmon smolts using RNA-DNA ratios.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Second Maine Salmon Technical Advisory Committee Research Forum; Orono, ME; Jan. 7, 2004; p. 10.  Postal address code: NG.

MANDERSON, JP; Quinlan, J; Shaheen, P.  2004.  Observing larval supply processes on coastal ocean seascapes: adaptive surveys in the New Jersey Shelf Observation System and a preliminary description of pelagic habitat associations with special reference to larval flatfishes.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for:  Ninth Flatfish Biology Conference; Westbrook, CT; Dec. 1-2, 2004; p. 25.  Postal address code: SH.

McCANDLESS, CT; Pratt, HL Jr; KOHLER, KE.  2004.  Monitoring the juvenile sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus, population in the Delaware Bay nursery grounds.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 35.  Postal address code: NG.

McCARTHY, JE; GUIDA, VG; DRAXLER, AFJ.  2004.  A comparison of organic nutrient levels in near-shore and offshore environments.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 22.  Postal address code: SH.

McKenna, JE Jr; Davis, BM; Todd, TN; FABRIZIO, MC; Savino, JF.  2004.  Ichthyoplankton assemblages and associated habitats in west-central Lake Erie.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: International Association for Great Lakes Research 47th Annual Conference; Waterloo, ON; May 24-28, 2004; np.  Postal address code: SH.

Melrose, DC; Oviatt, CA, O'REILLY, JE; BERMAN, M.  2004.  Underway profiling of photosynthesis in Narragansett Bay, RI using a fast repetition rate fluorometer.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: ASLO/TOS [Am. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr./Oceanogr. Soc.] Ocean Research Conference; Honolulu, HI; Feb. 15-20, 2004; p. 105.  Postal address code: NG.

MERCALDO-ALLEN, R; KUROPAT, C; CALDARONE, E; GOLDBERG, R.  2004.  A model to estimate growth rate in young-of-the-year tautog, Tautoga onitis, based on RNA/DNA ratio and seawater temperature.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 37.  Postal address code: MF.

MESECK, SL; ALIX, J.  2004.  How different light regimes and intensities affect growth rates and nutrient uptake in Tetraselmis chui (PLY429).  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 39.  Postal address code: MF.

MESECK, SL; ALIX, J; WIKFORS, GH; DIXON, M.  2004.  How different light regimes and intensities affect growth rates and nutrient uptake in the algal strain Tetraselmis chui (PLY 429).  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 43rd Northeast Algal Symposium; Avery Point, CT; Apr. 23-25, 2004; p. 37.  Postal address code: MF.

MESECK, SL; SMITH, BC.  2004.  How high pH's can affect the chemistry in large volume cultures of Tetraselmis chui (PLY429).  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 24th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 2004.  J. Shellfish Res. 23(2):640-641.  Postal address code: MF.

METHRATTA, ET; LINK, JS.  2004.  Benthic habitat and its relationship with assemblage structure and vital population rates for demersal fish in the Northwest Atlantic.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 134th Annual Meeting; Madison, WI; Aug. 22-26, 2004; pnk.  Postal address code: WH.

METHRATTA, ET; LINK, JS.  2004.  Identification and vetting of ecosystem indicators.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Quantitative Ecosystem Indicators for Fisheries Management - International Symposium; Paris, France; Mar. 31-Apr. 3, 2004; p. 99.  Postal address code: WH.

METHRATTA, ET; LINK, JS.  2004.  Sediment grain size and assemblage structure in the northeastern continental shelf ecosystem.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 53.  Postal address code: WH.

METHRATTA, ET; SMITH, BE; LINK, JS.  2004.  Habitat for flatfish: the relative importance of depth, temperature, and substrate.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Ninth Flatfish Biology Conference; Westbrook, CT; Dec. 1-2, 2004; p. 61.  Postal address code: WH.

Moore, M; Lefkovitz, L; Hall, M; Hillman, R; Mitchell, D; BURNETT, J.  2004.  Reduction in organic contaminant exposure and resultant hepatic hydropic vacuolation in winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) following improved effluent quality and relocation of the Boston sewage outfall in Massachusetts Bay, USA: 1987-2003.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Ninth Flatfish Biology Conference; Westbrook, CT; Dec. 1-2, 2004; p. 47.  Postal address code: WH.

Moore, M; Smolowitz, R; Uhlinger, K; Lefkovitz, L; ZISKOWSKI, J; SENNEFELDER, G; King, J; Hall, M; Schwartz, J; Pierce, D.  2004.  Ulcerative dermatitis in Massachusetts Bay winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Ninth Flatfish Biology Conference; Westbrook, CT; Dec. 1-2, 2004; p. 46.  Postal address code: MF.

MOSER, J; SHEPHERD, G.  2004.  Seasonal movement of black sea bass.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 54.  Postal address code: WH.

MOUNTAIN, DG; GREEN, JR; SIBUNKA, J; JOHNSON, DL.  2004.  Early larval mortality for cod and haddock on Georges Bank, 1995-1999.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 2004 ICES Annual Science Conference; Vigo, Spain; Sep. 19-21, 2004.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2004/J:02; p. 1.  Postal address code: WH.

MUNROE, TA; Brooks, H; Lowery, W.  2004.  Flatfishes of Chesapeake Bay: an overview of species diversity, abundance and occurrence.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Ninth Flatfish Biology Conference; Westbrook, CT; Dec. 1-2, 2004; p. 38.  Postal address code: NS.

MURAWSKI, SA; WIGLEY, S; FOGARTY, M; RAGO, P; Curtis, R; MOUNTAIN, DG.  2004.  Adaptive responses by fishermen to marine protected areas in temperate seas.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 2004 ICES Annual Science Conference; Vigo, Spain; Sep. 19-21, 2004.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2004/Y:02; p. 1-2.  Postal address code: WH.

MURRAY, KT.  2004.  Distribution of sea turtle bycatch in sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) dredge gear in two areas of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean, 2001-2002.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 24th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation; San Jose, Costa Rica; Feb. 23-27, 2004; pnk.  Postal address code: WH.

MURRAY, KT.  2004.  Use of observer data in supporting initiatives to reduce sea turtle bycatch in commercial fisheries.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 4th International Fisheries Observer Conference; Sydney, Australia; Nov. 8-11, 2004; np.  Postal address code: WH.

NELSON, DA; PERRY, DM; Baker, E.  2004.  Natural spawning of black sea bass, Centropristis striata, at the NMFS Milford Laboratory and the UMass Dartmouth Laboratory with observations on spawning behavior.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 55.  Postal address code: MF.

NELSON, DA; PERRY, DM; KATERSKY, R; Metzler, S.  2004.  Growth of juvenile black sea bass, Centropritis striata, in a recirculating seawater system.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 38.  Postal address code: MF.

NIZINSKI, MS; Ross, SW; Sulak, KJ.  2004.  Deep coral bank fishes on the southeastern United States slope: is there a deep water primary reef ichthyofauna?  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: XI European Congress of Ichthyology; Tallinn, Estonia; Sep. 6-10, 2004; pnk.  Postal address code: NS.

NIZINSKI, MS; Ross, SW; Sulak, KJ.  2004.  Macrofaunal structure and habitat utilization within deep coral bank communities on the southeastern United States slope.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 2004 ICES Annual Science Conference; Vigo, Spain; Sep. 19-21, 2004.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2004/AA:05; p. 2-3.  Postal address code: NS.

NIZINSKI, MS; Ross, SW; Sulak, KJ.  2004.  Preliminary observations on the diversity of the invertebrate fauna associated with Lophelia Banks off North Carolina.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Geophysical Union 12th Ocean Sciences Meeting; Portland, OR; Jan. 26-30, 2004; np.  Postal address code: NS.

NIZINSKI, MS; Ross, SW; Sulak, KJ.  2004.  Preliminary observations on the diversity of the invertebrate fauna associated with Lophelia Banks off North Carolina.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 24.  Postal address code: NS.

Opitz, HM; MacLEAN, SA; Giray, C; Bouchard, D; Clouthier, S; Young-Lai, W; Beane, D; Blake, D.  2004.  Latent infectious salmon anemia virus (ISAV) infection in experimentally infected Atlantic salmon in saltwater and freshwater.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Second Maine Salmon Technical Advisory Committee Research Forum; Orono, ME; Jan. 7, 2004; p. 11.  Postal address code: NG.

O'REILLY, JE; Ducas, T.  2004.  Seasonal and annual variability in primary production in the Northeast U.S. Large Marine Ecosystem.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting; Washington, DC; Apr. 14-16, 2004; np.  Postal address code: NG.

PALKA, DL.  2004.  Estimating g(0) in aerial surveys in the Gulf of Maine.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: European Cetacean Society 18th Annual Conference; Kolmården, Sweden; Mar. 28-31, 2004; np.  Postal address code: WH.

PALKA, DL.  2004.  Estimating g(0) in shipboard surveys in the Northeast Atlantic.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: European Cetacean Society 18th Annual Conference; Kolmården, Sweden; Mar. 28-31, 2004; np.  Postal address code: WH.

PALKA, DL.  2004.  Using computer simulations and models as an experimental tool.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: European Cetacean Society 18th Annual Conference; Kolmården, Sweden; Mar. 28-31, 2004; np.  Postal address code: WH.

PALKA, DL; SMITH, DW.  2004.  Update of specifications of data simulating the IDCR/SOWER surveys – 2004.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: International Whaling Commission Scientific Committee Meeting; Sorrento, Italy; Jun. 29 - Jul. 10, 2004; np.  Postal address code: WH.

Peck, MA; BUCKLEY, LJ; Bengston, DA; Temming, A.  2004.  Effects of temperature, body size and feeding level on the growth bioenergetics of young juvenile cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus).  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: ICES Symposium - Gadoid Mariculture: Development and Future Challenges; Bergen, Norway; Jun. 13-16, 2004; p. 35.  Postal address code: RI.

PEREIRA, JJ; GOLDBERG, R; CLARK, P.  2004.  Abundance and distribution of juvenile flatfishes in a near-shore, shallow water habitat in New Haven Harbor.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Ninth Flatfish Biology Conference; Westbrook, CT; Dec. 1-2, 2004; p. 24.  Postal address code: MF.

PEREIRA, JJ; Schultz, E; Auster, P.  2004.  Density-dependent habitat use in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank, or what do Fretwell and Lucas know anyway?  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 19.  Postal address code: MF.

PERRY, DM; NELSON, DA; KATERSKY, R; Metzler, S; Redman, D.  2004.  Growth of black sea bass, Centropristis striata, in a recirculating seawater system: update.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: 24th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 2004; np.  Postal address code: MF.

Pershing, AJ; Bailey, BA; BRODZIAK, JKT; O'BRIEN, L; Greene, CH.  2004.  Climate-based assessment and forecasting for ecosystems in the Gulf of Maine.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: ICES Symposium on the Influence of Climate Change on North Atlantic Fish Stocks; Bergen, Norway; May 11-14 2004; np.  Postal address code: WH.

PESSUTTI, J; MANDERSON, J.  2004.  Potential contribution of new technologies to essential fish habitat designation.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 13. Postal address code: SH.

Pietrak, M; LEGAULT, CM; Beland, K.  2004.  Evaluation of adult scales to determine the origin of Atlantic salmon recovered in Maine.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Second Maine Salmon Technical Advisory Committee Research Forum; Orono, ME; Jan. 7, 2004; p. 7.  Postal address code: WH.

PINTO DA SILVA, P.  2004.  Maritime extractive reserves: opportunities for artisanal fishing communities.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting; Dallas, TX; Mar. 31 - Apr. 4, 2004; p. 125.  Postal address code: WH.

PINTO DA SILVA, P.  2004.  Promoting social & cultural sustainability of marine resources.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: IUCN [World Conserv. Union] World Conservation Forum; Bangkok, Thailand; Nov. 17-25, 2004; np.  Postal address code: WH.

PINTO DA SILVA, P.  2004.  Social capital and MPA's: measuring potential for successful long term conservation.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting; Dallas, TX; Mar. 31 - Apr. 4, 2004; p. 125.  Postal address code: WH.

PINTO DA SILVA, P; Stoffle, B; Norman, K.  2004.  Ecological knowledge, social networks and co-management: two coastal communities.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: 4th World Fisheries Congress; Vancouver, BC; May 2-6, 2004; np.  Postal address code: WH.

PREZIOSO, J; KANE, J.  2004.  The abundance and distribution of Temora longicornis (Copepoda) within the Northwest Atlantic shelf waters, 1977-2002.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 56.  Postal address code: NG.

Quinlan, J; MANDERSON, JP; Shaheen, P; Law, G.  2004.  Knowing where you are: using coastal observatories to design and interpret plankton surveys in the New York Bight apex.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Geophysical Union Conference; San Francisco, CA; Dec. 13-17, 2004; np.  Postal address code: SH.

RICHARDS, RA; FOGARTY, MJ; MOUNTAIN, DG.  2004.  Environmental effects on recruitment of northern shrimp in the Gulf of Maine.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: ICES Symposium on the Influence of Climate Change on North Atlantic Fish Stocks; Bergen, Norway; May 11-14 2004; np.  Postal address code: WH.

ROBOHM, RA; DRAXLER, AFJ; KAPAREIKO, D; PITCHFORD, S; WIECZOREK, D; DAVIAS, L.  2004.  Effects of environmental stressors on disease susceptibility in lobsters: a controlled laboratory study.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 27.  Postal address code: MF.

Rothschild, BJ; LOUGH, RG; Stokesbury, KDE.  2004.  The influence of the Georges Bank wind index on the Scotian Shelf Gulf of Maine stocks of cod, haddock, and scallops.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 2004 ICES Annual Science Conference; Vigo, Spain; Sep. 19-21, 2004.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2004/P:15; p. 7.  Postal address code: WH.

SAMSON, JC; DESHPANDE, AD.  2004.  Condition of young-of-the-year bluefish from two different estuaries along the Mid Atlantic Bight.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 15.  Postal address code: SH.

SCHMIDT, B.  2004.  Culture and rearing techniques of scyphozoans and hydrozoans (jellies) in public aquaria for exhibit display.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 57.  Postal address code: WH.

SHEPHERD, N; SUTHERLAND, SJ; PREGRACKE, S; CASSIDY, D; ESTEVES, C; JACKSON, B; O'NEILL, E; BURNETT, J.  2004.  Sectioning otoliths in the 21st century: increased efficiency through the use of new technology.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 58.  Postal address code: WH.

SHERMAN, K; O'REILLY, J; KANE, J.  2004.  Climate, ocean regimes and biomass yields of five North Atlantic large marine ecosystems.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 2004 ICES Annual Science Conference; Vigo, Spain; Sep. 19-21, 2004.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2004/M:05; p. 3.  Postal address code: NG.

SHRUMP, DD; CHAMBERS, RC.  2004.  Spawning duration and frequency of weakfish, Cynoscion regalis, near the northern margin of its geographic range based on the size and age structure of young-of-the-year.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 59.  Postal address code: SH.

Siegel, DA; Maritorena, S; O'REILLY, J.  2004.  Optical properties of oceanic Case 1 waters: still an issue!  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: ASLO/TOS Ocean Research Conference; Honolulu, HI; Feb. 15-20, 2004; p. 100-101.  Postal address code: NG.

SILVA, V; MUNROE, N; PREGRACKE, SE; BURNETT, J.  2004.  Age-structure reference collections: the importance of being earnest.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 60.  Postal address code: WH (c/o N. Munroe).

SMITH, BC; MESECK, S.  2004.  Some implications of controlling CO2 supply to cultures of Tetraselmis chui (PLY429).  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 24th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 2004.  J. Shellfish Res. 23(2):642.  Postal address code: MF.

SMITH, BE; METHRATTA, ET; LINK, JS.  2004.  Benthic food webs on Georges Bank: where do flatfish fit into the picture?  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Ninth Flatfish Biology Conference; Westbrook, CT; Dec. 1-2, 2004; p. 66.  Postal address code: WH.

STILES, S; CHOROMANSKI, J; JEFFRESS, D.  2004.  A review of genetic studies on commercial species of bivalves.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 24th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 2004.  J. Shellfish Res. 23(2):642-643.  Postal address code: MF.

Stringer, M; Judge, M; STEIMLE, F; Kiernan, S; LOCK, M.  2004.  Oyster restorations in the Hudson-Raritan Estuary - best management practices we have learned.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 7th International Conference on Shellfish Restoration; Charleston, SC; Nov. 17-20, 2004; np.  Postal address code: SH.

Sulak, KJ; Ross, SW; NIZINSKI, MS.  2004.  Lophelia pertusa landscapes and megafaunal biotopes on the Blake Plateau off the southeastern U.S.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 2004 ICES Annual Science Conference; Vigo, Spain; Sep. 19-21, 2004.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2004/AA:12; p. 6.  Postal address code: NS.

SUTHERLAND, S; MUNROE, N; O'NEILL, E; BURNETT, J.  2004.  Indirect age estimation of butterfish (Peprilus triacanthus) based on otolith weights.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 3rd International Symposium on Fish Otolith Research & Application; Townsville, Queensland, Australia; Jul. 11-16, 2004; np.  Postal address code: WH.

SUTHERLAND, S; MUNROE, N; O'NEILL, E; BURNETT, J.  2004.  Indirect age estimation of butterfish (Peprilus triacanthus) based on otolith weights: preliminary results.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 36.  Postal address code: WH.

Swimmer, Y; Arauz, R; Musyl, M; Ballestero, J; Mailloux, L; Nielson, A; BRILL, RW.  2004.  Survivorship and behavior of sea turtles off the coast of Costa Rica following interactions with longline fishing gear.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: 24th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Conservation and Biology; San Jose, Costa Rica; Feb 22-29, 2004; np.  Postal address code: VA.

TAYLOR, MH; MOUNTAIN, DG.  2004.  The influence of surface layer salinity changes on wintertime convection in Wilkinson Basin.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 31.  Postal address code: WH.

VEILLEUX, DJ; Mihalek, K.  2004.  Communal effects between Argopecten irradians irradians and  Nassarius obsoletus.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 61.  Postal address code: MF.

VEILLEUX, DJ; Mihalek, K.  2004.  Communal effects between Argopecten irradians irradians and  Nassarius obsoletus.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 24th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 2004.  J. Shellfish Res. 23(2):643-644.  Postal address code: MF.

VITALIANO, JJ; REID, RN; Valentine, P.  2004.  Benthic macrofauna and sedimentary habitats of the closed areas on Georges Bank.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 32.  Postal address code: SH.

WEINBERG, JR.  2004.  Has ocean warming caused a die-off of Atlantic surfclams at the southern extreme of their range?  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 134th Annual Meeting; Madison, WI; Aug. 22-26, 2004; pnk.  Postal address code: WH.

WEINBERG, JR.  2004.  Has ocean warming caused a die-off of Atlantic surfclams at the southern extreme of their range?  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: ICES Symposium on the Influence of Climate Change on North Atlantic Fish Stocks; Bergen, Norway; May 11-14 2004; np.  Postal address code: WH.

WENZEL, FW; Allen, J; Berrow, S; Jann, B; Lein, J; Martin, AR; Seton, RE.  2004.  Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) of the Cape Verde Islands.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Fifth International Symposium on Fauna and Flora of Atlantic Islands; Dublin, Ireland; Aug. 24-27, 2004; np.  Postal address code: WH.

WESTWOOD, AD; CADRIN, SX.  2004.  Yellowtail flounder cooperative tagging study.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 33.  Postal address code: WH.

WIDMAN, JC Jr; MESECK, S; SENNEFELDER, G; VEILLEUX, DJ.  2004.  Effects of 96 hour exposure to ammonia on bay scallops,  Argopecten irradians irradians.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 24th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 2004.  J. Shellfish Res. 23(2):644.  Postal address code: MF.

WIDMAN, JC Jr; VEILLEUX, DJ.  2004.  Determining optimum feeding concentrations for bay scallops, Argopecten irradians irradians, using an automated control system.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 24th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 2004.  J. Shellfish Res. 23(2):644-645.  Postal address code: MF.

WIKFORS, GH.  2004.  The estuarine dinoflagellate, Prorocentrum minimum – “HAB” or “HAB-not?”  Prepared for: 24th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 2004.  J. Shellfish Res. 23(2):645.  Postal address code: MF.

WIKFORS, GH; ALIX, JH; DIXON, MS; SMITH, BC.  2004.  The northern quahog Mercenaria mercenaria has slower growth and poorer conversion efficiency than oysters or scallops fed identical dietary rations and regimes.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 96th Annual Meeting of the National Shellfisheries Association; Honolulu, HI; Mar. 1-5, 2004.  J. Shellfish Res. 23(1):317.  Postal address code: MF.

WIKFORS, GH; WIDMAN, JC; SMITH, BC; VEILLEUX, D; CHOROMANSKI, J; MESECK, SL; GOLDBERG, R; STILES JEWELL, S.  2004.  Development of secure rearing systems for domesticated bivalve broodstock.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 96th Annual Meeting of the National Shellfisheries Association; Honolulu, HI; Mar. 1-5, 2004.  J. Shellfish Res. 23(1):317.  Postal address code: MF.

WILLIAMS, CR; DUNNIGAN, B.  2004.  Use of computed tomography to detect a dual infection of the nematodes Crassicauda grampicola and Stenurus globicephalae in retrobulbar and periotic tissues of a Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus).  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Regional Stranding Network Annual Meeting and Conference, Portland, Maine April 16-18th, 2004; p. 15-16.  Postal address code: WH.

WILLIAMS, SD; DESHPANDE, AD.  2004.  PCB bioaccumulation trends and ecosystem stress responses in young-of-the-year bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix).  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 62.  Postal address code: SH.

Wirgin, I; CHAMBERS, RC; WITTING, A; Cerino, DS.  2004.  Genetic adaptation of Atlantic tomcod from the Hudson River to PCBs and dioxin.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 134th Annual Meeting; Madison, WI; Aug. 22-26, 2004; pnk.  Postal address code: SH.

YANG, Z; MOUNTAIN, DG; HART, D; RAGO, P.  2004.  Modeling study of movement and settlement of the Atlantic sea scallops in the Northeast United States coastal region.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Eighth Science Symposium; Atlantic City, NJ; Feb. 3-5, 2004; p. 30.  Postal address code: WH.

ZISKOWSKI, J.  2004.  Axial skeletal anomalies in commercially-important fish from the North Atlantic.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Ninth Flatfish Biology Conference; Westbrook, CT; Dec. 1-2, 2004; p. 69.  Postal address code: MF.

ZISKOWSKI, J; PEREIRA, J; MERCALDO-ALLEN, R; KUROPAT, C.  2004.  Fin rot in winter flounder from New Haven Harbor, CT: the clinical profile of a wasting disease.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Ninth Flatfish Biology Conference; Westbrook, CT; Dec. 1-2, 2004; p. 68.  Postal address code: MF.
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