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01/06/2013 Fiscal Cliff ‘fix’ misses the mark
When negotiations began over averting the fiscal cliff, the ultimate goal in the process was supposed to be two-part: addressing tax increases and reducing the deficit. Unfortunately, the package negotiated by Vice President Joe Biden and Senate Mino...
12/23/2012 Responding to the tragedy in Newtown
A week ago Friday, a deranged young man entered Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut and took the lives of twenty children and six adults. We all mourn this loss as a nation and I, like many of you, will pray for strength and healing ...
12/21/2012 House has acted to avert fiscal cliff, now President & Senate must take action
Without action, current tax rates will expire on January 1 causing taxes to increase on every American. This part of the “fiscal cliff” will take more money out of the pockets of hardworking Americans and threatens to send our economy into the throes...
12/20/2012 House Acts to Cut Spending, Prevent Tax Increase on 99.81% of Americans
Tonight the House will again act to avert the fiscal cliff by attempting to break the logjam in the debate. First, we will vote to replace the arbitrary cuts to our military contained in the defense sequester with common-sense spending cuts and refor...
12/09/2012 Where are the spending cuts?
In the negotiations over the fiscal cliff, we have heard a lot from President Obama about raising taxes. We know that the President wants to increase taxes but despite all the talk about a “balanced approach” we have yet to see him propose any real s...
12/03/2012 Which plan do you support?
After three weeks of discussions over how to avert the fiscal cliff, President Obama last week threw a curveball into the negotiations by presenting what can only be described as an unserious proposal. At $1.6 trillion in tax hikes, President Obama’s...
10/23/2012 CORRECTION: Medicare Part D Workshop in Savannah
Next Tuesday, October 30, I will be hosting a workshop to assist beneficiaries of Medicare Part D, the prescription drug benefit, from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the Armstrong Center located at 11935 Abercorn Street. At this event, counselors will be availa...
10/23/2012 Medicare Part D Workshop in Savannah
Next Tuesday, October 30, I will be hosting a workshop to assist beneficiaries of Medicare Part D, the prescription drug benefit, from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the Armstrong Center located at 11935 Abercorn Street. At this event, counselors will be availa...
10/16/2012 Medicare Part D Workshop in Brunswick
Next Tuesday, October 23, I will be hosting a workshop to assist beneficiaries of Medicare Part D, the prescription drug benefit, from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Golden Isles Career Academy located at 4404 Glynco Parkway. At this event, counselors will be a...
10/15/2012 Medicare Part D Workshop in Waycross
This Thursday, October 18, I will be hosting a workshop to assist beneficiaries of Medicare Part D, the prescription drug benefit, from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at Waycross College. At this event, counselors will be available to speak with participants one-on...
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