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U.S. Department of Justice

CHRP Programmatic Reporting

This page is dedicated to providing CHRP grantees with the most up-to-date information on programmatic reporting requirements including instructions and FAQs for successful completion of the required reports. COPS Hiring Recovery Program (CHRP) grantees are required to submit two types of quarterly Program Progress Reports. The first is the Recovery Act quarterly programmatic progress report that should be completed through the website. The Recovery Act report is due ten days after the end of each calendar quarter. The second quarterly report is to be submitted directly to the COPS Office through the Account Access portion of the COPS Office website at and is due 30 days after the end of the calendar quarter. Recovery Act Quarterly Report

If you have any programmatic questions related to the Recovery Act Progress Report, please contact COPS staff by e-mail at or by phone at 800-659-7379 between the hours of 8:00 A.M and 5:30 P.M EST Monday through Friday.

If you require technical assistance with submitting your Recovery Act report or need to obtain your user name and/or password to gain access to your online report, please contact the Federal Reporting Service Desk at 877-508-7386, or by email at















Page Location:
Funding > COPS Hiring Recovery Program (FY09) > CHRP Programmatic Reporting