• Welcome to Diamond Elementary School
  • Home of the Gators
  • South Carolina/Fort Stewart School District
  • Mailing Address
  • Diamond Elementary School
  • 482 Davis Ave
  • Fort Stewart, GA 31315
  • Principal: Brenda Gilchrist
  • Asst Principal: Christie Cook
  • Phone: (912) 876-5797
  • Fax: (912) 876-8350

DoDEA Mission Statement

Educate, Engage, and Empower Each student to succeed in a dynamic world.

Diamond Elementary School Vision Statement

Diamond is a collaborative community engaging in meaningful lifelong learning while promoting respect for all.

Diamond Elementary is a STEM School

STEM education is the intentional interdisciplinary approach to learning where the core curriculum is coupled with real-world project-based learning using the Engineering Design Process to develop STEM Literacy. Please click here for further information regarding the STEM program at Diamond Elementary.

Education Forum to be held on February 21

The Fort Stewart CYSS / SLO welcomes you to participate in the first DoDEA / Liberty Co Schools Education Forum held on FMWR's Facebook page, February 21, 2013 from 5-6 PM. Please follow these steps to participate in the forum: Select your school district or agency of interest and get connected! STEP 1: "LIKE" FortStewartHunterFMWR Facebook Page. STEP 2: Click on the "Forum" Tab located at the top of the page. STEP 3: Read the Welcome and Instructions thread before you begin. STEP 4: Choose your school district or agency of interest and start writing your questions or comments.

DoDEA myDATA Button Pilot now available for Parents

DoDEA has launched the myDATA Button Portal for pilot schools, which includes Diamond Elementary School. This tool will provide students and parents in grades PreK-6 with easy access to current student performance data and information at any time and any place.

Parents of students in grades PreK-6 will need to download, complete and return a new DoDEA Form 700, requesting access to myDATA Button Portal Account. Please click here to download and print the new DoDEA Form 700. Once the form is received at the school, the information will be verified and parent accounts will be created. Parent account information will be emailed in two seperate emails, one containing log in ID's and one containing password information.

For more information about the DoDEA myDATA Button Pilot, please click here.

Student Attendance Policy Implemented

DoDEA implemented a new student attendance policy. Please click here for more information. Student attendance will be designated according to the minutes they are in attendance, please click here for more information.

No Early Sign Outs Permitted - Dismissal Reminder

Parents, there will be no early sign outs permitted 30 minutes prior to dismissa. Please click here for more information.

Student's Rights and Responsibilities

In preparation for the upcoming school year, I wanted to alert you to the new DoDEA Administrative Instruction 2051.02, “Student Rights and Responsibilities,” April 17, 2012, that will be effective beginning SY 2012-13.  The link to the instruction on the DoDEA regulations website is provided here

Please note the rights retained by students listed in the policy section, which include the right to a safe school environment (free from bullying, harassment, etc.), the right to a public education of high quality, First Amendment rights, and right to fair and appropriate discipline.  There is also a mutual courtesy and respect requirement.

This AI incorporates the Equal Access policy pertaining to student-led, noncurriculum-related groups.  It also provides requirements for students such as to comply with the standards for student behavior outlined in school policy and procedures, refrain from disruptive conduct, and respect the rights and human dignity of other students and school employees.  Other areas covered include student dress codes, freedom of expression, search and seizure, and student complaints.     

DoDEA Adopts Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics for K-12

Parents, the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) has adopted the Common Core State Standards, which provides us with an apportunity to embark on bold pathways that will position our students for success in college and careers.

Please click here to view the memorandum for DoDEA Parents. To learn more about the Common Core State Standards, please visit http://www.corestandards.org/. The National Parent Teacher Association also has resources for parents on the Common Core State Standards, please visit http://www.pta.org/common_core_state_standards.asp.

Receiving Electronic Copies of the Weekly Diamond Gator Gram Parent Newsletter

Parents, our Gator Gram weekly newsletter is sent electronically via email to the primary parent email address we have in our student database. The primary parent email is not required to be the sponsor's military email address.

We have several students that we do not have parent email address in our student database.

If you are not receiving an electronic copy of the Gator Gram via email, please contact our school registrar to update your families email address, which could be a Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL, etc., email address.

Also, please add the Diamond Gator Gram to your email contact list so our weekly Diamond Gator Gram parent newsletter will not be sent to your Spam Folder.

The Gator Gram sent electronically to military email addresses are not going through their server and/or being delayed in delivery. We have received notifications from several families they are not receiving the Gator Gram to their military email address on this issue.

Our Gator Gram is also posted to our school website by clicking on the Newsletter (PDF) link on this page.

DDESS Newsroom

Please click here to read up to date news releases from DDESS

Registration Hours 2012-2013

Parents, student registration hours are M-Th 9:00 - 12:00 noon. For more information, please click here.


The PTO needs parent volunteers! For Volunteer Forms, please click here.



Mark Your Calendars!

Feb 15 No School for PreK / PSCD Students
Feb 18 No School for All Students
Federal Holiday/Washington's Birthday
Feb 21 Fort Stewart / CYSS / LCSS / SLO Education Forum on FMWR's Facebook Page 5-6 PM
Feb 22 Popcorn Friday
Feb 25 - Mar 1 TerraNova Testing Dates for Grades 3-6
Feb 28 FSSS School Board Meeting 4 PM at Diamond

School Schedule

Grades K - 6

  • School Starts: 8:00
  • Tardy Bell: 8:01-8:10
  • Dismissal:  2:45
Thursdays **
  • School Starts: 8:00
  • Tardy Bell: 8:01-8:10
  • Dismissal: 1:30

PreK Schedule

  • AM: 8:00-10:35
  • PM: 12:10-2:45
Thursdays **
  • AM: 8:00-10:10
  • PM: 11:20-1:30

** Please note that Thursdays are Early Release days

Review the Student Attendance Designations for specific minutes missed by students and how these minutes are coded as a portion of the day absent or full day absence.

Bus Schedule

Parents, please click here for the updated Diamond Bus Schedule.

Is now activated new for SY 12-13!

Parent Portal will be for those who have students in grades 4-6 only.

Note: The DoDEA myDATA Button Portal will be an online tool that allows students, parents, and guardians to monitor DoDEA student’s progress. It will provide instant access to DoDEA student grades and other information anytime and anywhere.

During the initial pilot release for the 2012-2013 school year, the portal will be available to sponsors/parents/guardians in grades K-6, and students in grades 4-6.

For more information about DoDEA myDATA Button Pilot, please click here.

Lunch Prepay 10/19/11

Parents, you may sign-up for Lunch Prepay to pay on your child/ren's meal account. Please see the school registrar or cafeteria cash clerk for your child/ren's 10-digit student number. Please click the LunchPrepay.com link to access website.

Military Child Education Coalition

Join us for informative workshops that helps you be the best advocate for your child/ren. Please click on the link for the MCEC Schedule for this school year. MCEC Parent to Parent Workshop Schedule

Technology Showcase

Parents, please click here to view some technology projects our students have completed.

Dr. Clifford Stanley's Blog
Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness)

This document was last updated February 13, 2013 .  Contact the site Webmaster with questions or comments about this website.

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