Iowa Jail-Based Substance Abuse Treatment Project-NCJA-DC Public Safety

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The program interviews:

  • Lonnie Cleland, Program Planner, Iowa Department of Public Health, Jail-Based Substance Abuse Treatment Project Coordinator
  • Leesa McNeil, District Court Administrator in Woodbury County, Iowa
  • Kim Brangoccio. Clinical Director, United Community Services

The state of Iowa has seen tremendous success in re-arrest, abstinence, and employment rates among offenders following the implementation of a four-county Jail-Based Substance Abuse Treatment Project (J-BT Project). The program is designed to treat problems associated with both substance abuse and criminal thinking.

In the last six years, the project has served 2,006 patients. Of the ex-offenders who successfully completed treatment and were interviewed 12 months following their admission, 78.5 percent were clean, 91.9 percent had not been arrested, and 68.2 percent were employed full time.

The website for the Iowa program is

The website for the National Criminal Justice Association is

The program is hosted by Leonard Sipes. The producer is Timothy Barnes.
