United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Major Land Resource Area (MLRA) Soil Survey Regional Offices (MOs)

Clicking on a region will take you to that region’s staff directory or choose from the list below.

MO 12 - Amherst, MA MO 11 - Indianapolis, IN MO 10 - St. Paul, MN MO 9 - Temple, TX MO 8 - Phoenix, AZ MO 7 - Auburn, AL MO 6 - Morgantown, WV MO 6 - Morgantown, WV MO 5 - Denver, CO MO 4 - Bozeman, MT MO 3 - Raleigh, NC MO 3 - Raleigh, NC MO 2 - Davis, CA MO 2 - Davis, CA MO 2 - Davis, CA MO 1 - Portland, OR MO 1 - Portland, OR Image map of MLRA Office Regions.

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MLRA Soil Survey Regional Offices Map (PDF; 1.6 MB)
MO Regions and MLRA Soil Survey Areas (PDF; 4.58 MB)


MLRA Soil Survey Regional Office Directories (MOs)

MO 1 - Portland, OR

MO 2 - Davis, CA

MO 3 - Raleigh, NC

MO 4 - Bozeman, MT

MO 5 - Denver, CO

MO 6 - Morgantown, WV

MO 7 - Auburn, AL

MO 8 - Phoenix, AZ

MO 9 - Temple, TX

MO 10 - St. Paul, MN

MO 11 - Indianapolis, IN

MO 12 - Amherst, MA










Last Modified: 01/07/2013