11 years later: Honoring the Fallen–Moving Forward

In honor of September 11, Army Live is featuring blog entries from across the Army highlighting messages from Army Senior Leaders and Soldiers alike. Our first message comes from the Under Secretary of the Army, Dr. Joseph Westphal

September 11, 2001


For Americans, the date “September 11, 2001” evokes very distinct memories of that specific time in our lives when the world, as we knew it, changed forever. Our memories mark this day far more poignantly than any words ever will.

We will forever honor the victims of those attacks and pay tribute to a generation that has borne the burden of our nation’s security through their sacrifice and commitment to our American ideals.

What did our nation, and the world, learn at 9:37 a.m. on September 11, 2001 in the midst of that unimaginable act of terrorism? That Americans unite through adversity like no other society, and our resiliency enables us to draw the strength necessary to navigate through any challenge. Today, our country is in a time of great change and our Army is transforming to meet the needs of our nation—like it has for more than 237 years of service, sacrifice, and valor.

With all the changes we face, one thing will never change–the strength of the Army is its Soldiers, Families and Civilian workforce. The Army is committed to their well-being and will never break the non-negotiable contract to provide them the resources they deserve to be successful, on the battlefield or at home.

Military service is tough and often dangerous. The values of our Soldiers are based on the ideal that liberty is worth defending, and their dedication comes with a cost. The commitment, selfless service and adaptability of our Soldiers exemplify the excellence of our entire society and embody the American spirit.

No matter how hard the winds of change may blow, our Army will continue to move forward and remain strong—Army Strong!