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About this site Teen Survival Guide: Health Tips for On-the-go Girls


The Teen Survival Guide is a 78-page, pocket-sized publication for girls which answers questions like:

  • “Does chocolate cause pimples?”
  • “What do I do if the kids at school make fun of me?”
  • “Can I get a sexually transmitted disease from kissing?”

It teaches girls about their health through:

  • teen tips
  • activities
  • fun quizzes
  • a glossary of new words
  • questions from young women

You can download a PDF of the Teen Survival Guide: Health Tips for On-the-go Girls pdf (19MB) or view an online version of the guide.

This publication is currently unavailable to order. You may view and print the brochure directly from this page.


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Content last updated September 15, 2011

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.
