
Man using a breathalyzer

Breath study brings roadside drug testing closer

26 April 2013

A group of researchers from Sweden have provided further evidence that illegal drugs can be detected in the breath, opening up the possibility of a roadside breathalyzer test to detect substances such as cocaine, amphetamines and cannabis

Credit: Nicole Mazouchova

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April 26

  • 1986 An accident occurs at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the USSR, present-day Ukraine, becoming the worst nuclear accident in history
  • 1994 The first experimental evidence of the existence of the top quark is announced
  • 1879 Birth of Owen Willans Richardson, who was awarded the 1928 Nobel Prize for his work on thermionic emission
  • 1933 Birth of Arno Allan Penzias, co-discoverer of the cosmic microwave background radiation along with Robert Woodrow Wilson - the pair shared half of the 1978 Nobel Prize with the other half being awarded to Pyotr Leonidovich for unrelated work
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