(Banded rockfishes with strong head spines)

Flag rockfish
(Sebastes rubrivinctus)

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Body color:
Light pink w/ several broad vertical dark-red bands on body; bands faded in large specimens.
Maximum length: 26 in (64 cm) Peritoneum color: light to dark
Maximum depth: 165 fm (302 m) Shape between eyes: concave to flat
Common depth: 16-100 fm (30-183 m) Counts: D:XIII,12-15, Ar:6-8, P1:16-18, GR:26-30,
LLp:39-47, LLs:?-?, V:26

Similar species:

Redbanded RF - first red band passes over operculum and stops at pectoral-fin base; pectoral rays typically 19 (typically 17 in Flag RF); uncommon south of San Francisco.

Tiger RF - all head spines present; body red w/ black or crimson bars; anal spine 2 equal to or shorter than 3.

Treefish - body dark olive dorsally, yellowish ventrally w/ 5-6 black-olive bands; head spine 8 present.

Shortraker RF - body typically uniform pink to orange-pink occasionally w/ faint darker red bands above lateral line; head spine count differs; anal spine 2 shorter than 3; peritoneum light w/ black dots.

Distribution: Central California - Baja California

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