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Computational Sciences & Mathematics Division
Staff Awards & Honors

February 2013

PNNL Scientist Invited to Participate in National EPA Advisory Panel

Katrina Waters

Katrina Waters, a senior research scientist in computational biology and bioinformatics at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, was invited to participate in an Environmental Protection Agency Scientific Advisory Panel on methods for prioritizing endocrine disrupting chemicals using computational toxicology tools.

The panel is convened under the Safe Drinking Water Act and will discuss and make recommendations to the EPA on how to prioritize the listing of chemicals that have the highest potential to interact with the human estrogen receptor system.

Waters has more than 10 years of experience in microarray and proteomic data analysis, data integration and biomarker discovery. Her research interests are focused on the reconstruction of cell response networks from integrated gene and protein expression data to enable predictive mechanistic modeling of disease and toxicity pathways. Her current programs include pathway-based biomarker discovery for environmental exposure to toxicants, toxicogenomic analysis of PAH mixtures bioactivity, and host-pathogen interactions during pandemic respiratory infections.

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