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Protein Probes for Biomass

New protein probes find enzymes for biofuel production

February 2013
Results: New protein probes developed at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory are now helping scientists find the best biomass-to-biofuel production enzymes that nature has to offer. To help find these microbe-made enzymes, called glycoside hydrolases (GHs), a team of PNNL scientists built a suite of chemical probes purposefully designed to bind to known GH active sites.

Toxicologists to Receive Best Paper Award from International Society

February 2013
Congratulations to a team of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory toxicologists and their colleagues whose journal article was selected as the 2012 best paper by the Biological Modeling Specialty Section of the Society of Toxicology (SOT). "Comparative Computational Modeling of Airflows and Vapor Dosimetry in the Respiratory Tracts of Rat, Monkey, and Human" was selected from more than 1,000 publications.

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