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Coats Supports Plan to Create Jobs, Strengthen Economy

Senate Republican Jobs Plan Would Empower Businesses to Hire

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator Dan Coats (R-Ind.) today supported the Senate Republican Jobs Plan, a blueprint developed to create private sector growth and strengthen the economy.

For the past two years, we have seen that more spending, more taxing and more regulating does not create jobs,” Coats said. “As the national debt increases and the value of the American dollar decreases, it is time for new ideas and bold action. The Senate Republican Jobs Plan, which incorporates the pro-growth proposals I have advocated, will put Americans back to work and ensure our country’s standing in an increasingly competitive global marketplace.”

The plan, unveiled by Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio), includes budget, tax, regulatory, trade, energy, workforce, and health care proposals.

“When visiting with Hoosier business owners and workers across Indiana, I hear consistently about the harmful impacts of government regulations, taxes, health care and energy costs,” added Coats. “This proposal includes ideas and input from America’s business owners to help provide the certainty our job creators need to plan, invest and hire.”

Below is an outline of the Senate Republican Jobs Plan.

Senate Republican Jobs Plan

Begin Living Within Our Means

  • Require a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution.
  • Require a Statutory Spending Limit.
  • Cut Spending to Immediately and Substantially Reduce Deficits.

Reform Tax Code To Spur Economic Growth

  • Simplify and Reduce Business and Individual Tax Rates.
  • Make Research and Development Tax Credit Permanent.
  • Extend and Make Permanent the Small Business Investment Tax Incentive.
  • Reduce Taxes on Capital Gains and Dividends.

Unburden The Economy From Washington Regulations

  • Codify the President’s Proposal to Require Cost Benefit Analysis in the Formulation of Regulations.
  • Support passage of S.299 REINS Act.
  • Prohibit EPA from Regulating Greenhouse Gases under the Clean Air Act.

Create Competitive Workforce

  • Reform Federal Retraining Programs.
  • Stop Card-Check.

Increase Exports To Create More Jobs

  • Ratify Three Pending Export-Opening Agreements.
  • Provide Trade Promotion Authority for the President.

Power America’s Economy

  • Lift the Outer Continental Shelf Prohibitions.
  • Increase Federal Loan Guarantee Authority for Nuclear Power.
  • Require Greater Access to Federal Lands for Exploration of Resources.

Adopt Common Sense Health Care Solutions

  • Repeal ObamaCare.
  • Enact Meaningful Medical Malpractice Reform.
  • Allow for Purchases of Insurance Across State Lines.
  • Provide Additional Risk Pools for Small Business.
  • Strengthen Health Savings Accounts and Patient-Centric Health Care.

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