U.S. Department of Justice

Offender Reentry/Transition

Jurisdictions release hundreds of thousands of offenders from jails and prisons each year. The successful transition of offenders back into the community -- without their reoffending -- is critical to community safety. A wide range of efforts are underway to prepare and support offenders for a successful return to their communities. In some jurisdictions, efforts are systemwide and led by corrections agencies, involving other public agencies and community stakeholders in system change efforts. Other efforts are more limited in scope and may focus on specific offender groups or geographic locations.

NIC has several active reentry projects, including:

  1. The Transition from Jail to Community Initiative (TJC)
  2. The Transition from Prison to Community Initiative (TPC)

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Recommended Reading

Date Title Type
Document preview
TPC Case Management Handbook: An Integrated Case Management Approach
By Burke, Peggy; Herman, Paul; Stroker, Richard; Giguere, Rachelle. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
“This handbook is designed for teams of correctional and noncorrectional staff at the policy, management, and line staff levels who have been charged with implementing improvements in supervision and case management that support an overall strategy to reduce recidivism and enhance community safety through successful offender reentry” (p.1). Seven chapters are contained in this publication: an overview of the Integrated Case Management (ICM) approach; the critical challenges and strengths of the ... Read More
143 p.
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TPC Reentry Handbook: Implementing the NIC Transition from Prison to the Community Model
By Burke, Peggy B.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Center for Effective Public Policy (Silver Spring, MD); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
“The TPC Reentry Handbook has been developed as a resource for a broad range of stakeholders involved in improving transition and reentry practices” (p.3). Chapters comprising this manual are: transition and reentry—a key public policy issue; the Transition from Prison to the Community (TPC) model; why and how to take on the challenge of transition and reentry—lessons from the eight TPC states (Georgia, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, and Rhode Island); implementi... Read More
266 p.
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Offender Reentry: An Annotated Bibliography
National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
“Each year, more than 700,000 individuals are released from state and federal prisons. Another 9 million cycle through local jails. When reentry fails, the costs—both societal and economic—are high … Because reentry intersects with issues of health and housing, education and employment, family, faith, and community well-being, many federal agencies are focusing on the reentry population with initiatives that aim to improve outcomes in each of these areas” (p. 3). This annotated bibliography addr... Read More
55 pages
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Transition from Prison to Community Initiative
By Barnett, Liz; Parent, Dale G.. Abt Associates (Cambridge, MA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
An examination of the Transition from Prison to Community Initiative (TPCI) from the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) is presented. This report contains two parts -- the problem and the solution. Sections that comprise the second part of this document, an in-depth look at TPCI are: a new model for the transition process -- an overview of TPCI and a description of its seven elements; and the implementation of the transition model -- partnerships and how to overcome barriers. TPCI "will he... Read More
37 p.
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Law Enforcement Tech Guide: How to Plan, Purchase and Manage Technology (Successfully!): A Guide for Executives, Managers and Technologists
By Harris, Kelly J.; Romesburg, William H.. SEARCH Group, Inc. (Sacramento, CA); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (Washington, DC).
"[S]trategies, best practices, recommendations and ideas for successful IT planning and implementation" (p. 3) are provided. This guide is divided into the following parts: seven facts to know before reading this document; build the foundation; conduct a needs analysis; create a project plan; acquire the technology; implement the technology; and maintain the technology. Descriptions of information technology and a glossary are also included.... Read More
280 p.
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