Home.Trade Investigations Division

Trade Investigations Division


The Trade Investigations Division (TID) is comprised of investigators who ensure industry compliance with the laws and regulations administered by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB).


TID's investigators:

  • Ensure only qualified applicants are granted permits to engage in the production and distribution of alcohol and tobacco;
  • Investigate allegations of trade practice violations in the marketplace;
  • Examine Certificates of Label Approvals (COLAs) to deter unauthorized usage;
  • Promote voluntary compliance with the laws and regulations enforced by TTB;
  • Prevent misleading labeling and advertising of alcohol beverages;
  • Insure public safety by responding to credible information suggesting a health-related contamination or adulteration of an alcohol product; and
  • Conduct investigations of suspected alcohol or tobacco tax evasion.

This division provides assistance and advice concerning the provisions of the Federal Alcohol Administration Act, the Internal Revenue Code, and all related regulations to Bureau employees, other Federal and State agencies, members of the alcohol and tobacco industries, and the general public.