Haiti Braces for Tropical Storm / New U.S. Central Bank Initiative / Social Media, Social Change

The U.S. is helping Haiti prepare for tropical storm Tomas. The Federal Reserve announces an aggressive new economic plan while the U.S. Treasury announces new sanctions on terror groups. Americans celebrate their heritage in many ways; explore a photo gallery showing some of them. And finally, watch a video of students from America and Kosovo discussing the potential of social media for effecting social change.

Haiti Braces for Storm, With U.S. Help
U.S. civilian and military personnel are helping the Haitian government prepare its people for tropical storm Tomas which is bearing down on the island nation. Of special concern: More than one million Haitians who have lived in temporary shelters after being displaced from their homes by the January 13 earthquake. At right, a man holds a child in a refugee camp.

New Action by U.S. Central Bank
The Federal Reserve has stepped in to boost the sputtering U.S. economy with an aggressive plan to buy $600 billion in U.S. Treasury securities aimed at reducing interest rates and spurring employment. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, right, says the buying of Treasury securities has helped in the past and looks to be effective again.

New Sanctions for Terror Groups
The U.S. Treasury Department announces actions against the financial and support networks of two Pakistan-based terrorist groups, including sanctions to seize or freeze the assets of their key leaders. The two terrorist groups, Lashkar-e Tayyiba and Jaish-e Mohammed, “have proven both their willingness and ability to execute attacks against innocent civilians,” says Under Secretary Stuart Levey.

Americans Preserving Cultural Heritage
Americans preserve music, dance and other cultural expressions by living and celebrating them in communities both large and small. This photo gallery explores ways Americans celebrate their cultural heritages. It includes shots from a Vietnamese Cultural Center in Boston, Massachusetts; a steel drum performance in Houston, Texas; and a Scottish Heritage Festival and Celtic Gathering in West Virginia. The photo gallery is part of an eJournal called “A Living Legacy: Preserving Intangible Culture”

Student Dialogue: New Media and Social Change
In the below video, students from the United States and Kosovo meet in Washington, D.C. to discuss the role of new media tools, such as Facebook and Twitter, and their profound effects on social change. One woman says that the international view of Kosovo as a whole has changed because observers see that young people in Kosovo are up-to-date on movies, culture and global issues and are not “all about war.” Another woman discusses how social media “gives people a voice who didn’t have a voice before.” See what others had to say.

[video href = "http://www.america.gov/multimedia/video.html?videoId=653165684001"]

Mideast Peace Talks, Muslim Chaplains, "Harvard Cookie Girl"

The leaders of Israel and the Palestinian Authority head to Washington for the historic resumption of Midddle East peace talks. Across America, Muslim chaplains are becoming more and more common on college campuses. The U.S. central bank will do whatever it can to sustain the economic recovery. And, finally, the story of an Iranian-American woman’s sweet success.

Mideast Peace Talks Relaunched
The United States will host Israeli-Palestinian direct negotiations on September 2 in Washington, with the intent that all final-status issues will be resolved within one year. At right, clockwise from upper left, President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

Muslim Chaplains on U.S. Campuses
Since the 1999 appointment of Imam Yahya Hendi at Georgetown University as the first Muslim chaplain on an American college campus, more institutions have been looking to fill the void. Yale University’s Muslim chaplain, Omer Bajwa Bajwa says the number of Muslim Chaplains is growing to meet the needs of an expanding population of American Muslim students.

The Fed’s “Unconventional” Options
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke says the U.S. central bank will do everything it can to support the economic recovery and prevent the U.S. economy from spiraling into a period of deflation. In a speech at a U.S. central bankers’ gathering, Bernanke said the Federal Reserve has a limited range of “unconventional” options left to support the economy.

Harvard Cookie Girl
Bibi Kasrai, 43, grew up in Tehran, fled Iran for Russia, and studied at Harvard Business School.  This is the story of how she began teaching children about nutritious and tasty food as Harvard Cookie Girl. At right she works with daughter Ava, who at age 9 is the self-appointed mascot of Harvard Cookie Girl.