Child Welfare Information Gateway Child Welfare Information Gateway

Child Welfare Information Gateway E-lert! February 2013

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The following new and updated publications and resources are now available from Child Welfare Information Gateway. Use the links listed below, or contact us to request print copies, which we will mail you free if they are available.

The Information Gateway website search function is now powered by Google. Check it out today!


Clergy as Mandatory Reporters of Child Abuse and Neglect

Reviews laws that require members of the clergy to report cases of suspected child abuse and neglect.

Mandatory Reporters of Child Abuse and Neglect

Presents laws that designate the groups of professionals that are required to report cases of suspected child abuse and neglect.

Penalties for Failure to Report and False Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect

Discusses laws that impose penalties on mandatory reporters who fail to report cases of suspected child abuse and neglect as required by the reporting laws.

Toll-Free Crisis Hotline Numbers

Lists toll-free phone numbers maintained by crisis organizations that offer emergency help with situations ranging from child abuse to youth runaways. Spanish version is also available.

In This Month's CBX

The February issue of Children's Bureau Express (CBX) highlights issues affecting the child welfare workforce. Staff from the National Child Welfare Workforce Institute contributed a guest article, and we explore research on performance-based contracts and worker retention.

The CBX Centennial Series, CB Decade-by-Decade, features articles that examine highlights from each decade of the Children's Bureau's first 100 years.

Subscribe to CBX at

Did You Know?

Mental Health Web Section

This section provides professionals and families with information on best practices and access to quality mental health services.

Give Us Your Feedback

To help us meet your needs, we welcome your ideas and suggestions. Please check out our website for publications surveys and other ways you can provide input. Thank you!

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Contact Information

Child Welfare Information Gateway
Phone: 800.394.3366

Chat live with an Information Specialist between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. EDT.

E-lert! is a free service of the Children's Bureau/ACF/HHS and Child Welfare Information Gateway.