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Two Sen. Franken Provisions to Protect Victims of Sexual Violence Clear Key Hurdle

Violence Against Women Act Passes Out of Judiciary Committee

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Two key provisions introduced by U.S. Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) that will provide critical protections to victims of sexual violence were incorporated in the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) that passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee today. The bill next moves to the full Senate for debate.
Sen. Franken’s Housing Rights for Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence Act would make it unlawful to evict a woman from federally-supported housing just because she is a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. His Survivors of Sexual Assault Act ensures that survivors of sexual assault are never forced to pay for their own rape kits. Both provisions were incorporated into today’s bill.
“It’s unconscionable to think that someone could be evicted from her home because she was the victim of sexual violence, or that a victim of sexual assault would be forced to pay for her own rape kit,” said Sen. Franken. “I’m pleased that my provisions to help women in these terrible circumstances passed this important hurdle.”
Sen. Franken’s Housing Rights for Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence Act, originally introduced with bipartisan support last November, would:

  • Extend VAWA’s housing protections to victims of sexual assault;
  • Extend VAWA’s housing protections to 9 additional federal housing programs; and
  • Provide emergency transfer policies, which will allow victims to move to other available housing units if they would remain in danger by staying in their current home.

Sen. Franken first introduced the Survivors of Sexual Assault Act with bipartisan support in 2011. The provision would overturn the current law that allows states and localities to bill victims for their rape kits so long as those individuals are subsequently reimbursed. Victims billed under this law are then forced to navigate the maze of insurance companies and state crime victims' funds to get reimbursed.

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