Bookstore Grand Reopening

As readers of this blog know, I’m a real book person. Give me a bookstore to roam around in and I’m a goner for the day. That’s why it was especially rewarding this morning, when I got to witness the grand reopening of the Government Printing Office’s own bricks and mortar store, which has been closed for renovation for several months. Although the store has been in existence since 1921, this has got to be the most extensive makeover it’s ever had. The whole atmosphere is more like a small independent bookstore, with an open airy feel, comfortable chairs to read in, and even a children’s corner. Even better, part of the store is now an exhibit area for photos and objects that tell the story of printing at GPO – from handset to digital. All of the work – the design, the cabinetry, the décor – was done by GPO’s own in-house designers and craftsmen.

If you live in the greater Washington, DC area or just in town for a visit, please come on by. You can find all of the sales titles I’ve blogged about and many more of our newest and best books. Even I’m astonished at the vast range of subject matter. Come on book lovers, it’s time to head our way!

For more information, please click here. The address is 710 North Capitol St, NW, Washington, DC 20401.

9 Responses to Bookstore Grand Reopening

  1. Christmas Recipes says:

    My sister recently moved to Fredricksburg and loves books. I will tell her she needs to stop in the next time they are in DC.

  2. Daniel Cornwall says:

    Back in the late 1980s, I worked for a law firm office in downtown Los Angeles. Occasionally I was sent to the GPO Bookstore that was in downtown at the time. It was always a treat. I liked browsing govdocs even then and the staff was always friendly.

    I don’t when my travels will bring me back to DC, but I’ll be sure to visit the bookstore when I do.

  3. Be Wildered says:

    Hello, this is great news. Might be helpful to let people know the address and how to get there by subway or bus and whether there is nearby parking.

    I had to dig for a while on your website before finding 710 N. Capitol St. NW. Then I used Google maps to discover that you were near the Union Station Metro on the Red line.

    • govbooktalk says:

      You make a good point. If you click on the link at the end of the postt, it brings up a page that includes the address, but perhaps it should have been in the post itself. I will go ahead and add it.

  4. Susan James says:

    Will add it to my DC travel list for October-November-thanks!

  5. Jorg says:

    Oooh, I am adding this to my list of places-to-go when I visit DC later this year! Thanks!

  6. 19to82 says:

    Book Talk,
    I was able to swing by the renovated bookstore this morning. It looks great!

  7. Deb Christmas says:

    Wish I could be there. This is one of my favorite spots in DC, a little-known, but veritable treasure trove!

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