Los Alamos National Laboratory

Science >  LANL Institutes >  Information Science and Technology Institute

National Security Education Center


ISTI Collaborative Research Program

Proposals are invited in areas broadly related to computer and 
computational science and engineering including (but not limited
to) storage systems, database systems, real-time systems, networking, 
information systems, machine learning, reliability,  and relates areas.
Proposals in all computer science/engineering areas of interest 
to Los Alamos National Laboratory will be considered.

As part of its ongoing mission, the ISTI provides funding to its 
Institute Partners, faculty, and graduate 
students involved in research and education in Information Science areas.
The funding is intended to:
- Foster research and education in areas of interest to LANL and the its partners;
- Introduce and promote the university and research topics of interest to LANL and
    LANL to a broader audience within the universities;
- Establish collaborations with LANL researchers leading to joint projects, 
    student engagement, and external funding;
- Establish a pipeline of people interested in and knowledgeable about information 
    science; and
- Reward university faculty for development of and active participation in a strong 
    graduate-level distance learning program with LANL.

Proposals may include up to 1 month of faculty summer support (with or 
without accompanying GSR support), and a Graduate Research Fellowship,
which includes a LANL summer research internship and GSR
support for the academic year.

Preference will be given to:
- Projects in areas of interest to LANL
- Projects with a LANL collaborator
- Projects with the potential for longer-term collaboration with LANL researchers;
- Projects leading to proposals for external funding; 
- Projects funding students willing to spend the summer at LANL; and
- Faculty who have taught or are willing to teach LANL-simulcast courses.
Due to the nature of the funding, funds may only support domestic students
(except where a LANL collaborator indicates that an exception may be made).

Single and multi-year projects are possible, howeve multi-year projects 
will require annual review.

Quartly ISTI/student/faculty/LANL Staff meetings via video teleconference 
are required at a minimum.

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA
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