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Academy Nominations


Each year, I receive a high volume of applications from young men and women desiring a nomination to one of our nation’s service academies. The Eighth District has always been one of the most competitive in the country for the limited number of academy nominations available, and determining nominations are always a difficult decision for the Service Academy Nomination Board I have appointed here in Texas.
If you are interested in applying to one of the service academies, the process is quite simple. First, you must download the application and fill it out online (see the link below), or call my office to have them send you a copy. In each case, you must mail your application in upon completion. You will also need to open up a candidate file with the academy, or academies, you are interested in attending. You will be asked to submit credentialing information and possibly undergo a medical assessment and a physical fitness test.
The key to having a successful application is starting early. It is best to begin work on this process during your junior year of high school so that you have more time to obtain all of the required documentation.
It is important to follow all the directions for the application and submit all necessary materials. A completed packet must be received by the deadline, which is determined each year. If you have any questions, please contact Justin Davidson at 936-439-9532 or via email at justin.davidson@mail.house,gov.

Click here to download the Academy Application Packet (PDF file - 423KB).
Academy Application Packet (02/02/12 10:52 AM PST)