========================================================================== fullHRRR: account: rtrr xml: /whome/rtrr/HRRR3_conus/xml bin: /whome/rtrr/HRRR3_conus/bin WPS exec: /whome/rtrr/HRRR3_conus/exec/WPS WRF exec: /whome/rtrr/HRRR3_conus/exec/WRF WPP exec: /whome/rtrr/HRRR3_conus/exec/WPP/exec MODEL: WRF-ARW3.3.1 crontab used in the cycles: MAILTO="" * * * * * /whome/rtrr/HRRR3_conus/xml/run_hrrr3_conus run_hrrr3_conus /usr/local/esrl/bin/workflowmgr.rb --xml=/whome/rtrr/HRRR3_conus/xml/hrrr3_conus.xml --store=/whome/rtrr/HRRR3_conus/xml/hrrr3_conus.store ========================================================================== Backup RUC change logs: RUC-wiki change log: https://intranet.fsl.noaa.gov/twiki/bin/view/RUC13/RUC13QuickStart =========================================================================== 2013-01-22 (15 UTC) Conventional observations restored in 00z/12z HRRR initializations. =========================================================================== 2013-01-03 (20 UTC) Changed horizontal hydrometeor interpolation (metgrid) from 4 point bi-linear interpolation to nearest neighbor during pre-processing. This change includes cloud water, cloud ice, rain, snow, graupel and number concentrations for cloud ice and rain. =========================================================================== 2012-12-18 (12 UTC) Conventional observations removed from 00z/12z HRRR initializations. =========================================================================== 2012-11-27 (12 UTC) Conventional observations restored for 00z/12z HRRR initializations after transition from RUC to RAP at NCEP. =========================================================================== 2012-08-16 (19 UTC) UPP updated to revision 554 for diagnostic bug fix of 10 m U and V to use unstaggered values. =========================================================================== 2012-07-27 (15 UTC) UPP updated to use 11 dBZ echo top threshold in operational echo top field =========================================================================== 2012-07-10 (22 UTC) UPP updated to revision 552 to include monotonic pressure check bug fix. =========================================================================== 2012-07-07 (18 UTC) UPP updated to adjust echo top test field using 11 dBZ threshold in 18 dBZ mantle and interpolating to height =========================================================================== 2012-06-27 (04 UTC) UPP updated to adjust echo top test field using 12 dBZ threshold in 18 dBZ mantle and interpolating to height =========================================================================== 2012-06-20 (21 UTC) UPP updated to adjust echo top test field using 15 dBZ threshold in 18 dBZ mantle and interpolating to height =========================================================================== 2012-06-05 (05 UTC) WRF updated to revision 549 for change to lightning threat diagnostic =========================================================================== 2012-06-04 (05 UTC) UPP updated to produce new test echo top field in addition to original one using 10 dBZ threshold in 18 dBZ mantle and interpolating to height =========================================================================== 2012-05-01 (12 UTC) No conventional observations available for 00z/12z HRRR initializations after transition from RUC to RAP at NCEP. =========================================================================== 2012-04-26 (20 UTC) Updated UPP to revision 528 Bug fix to Radar VIL to limit calculations above -10 dBZ and provide zero values otherwise. =========================================================================== 2012-04-26 (16 UTC) Updated WRF to revsion 527 Added initialization of rain number concentration from RR via WPS =========================================================================== 2012-04-24 (07 UTC) Updated WPS to revision 526 Added ice and rain number concentrations to Vtable.RR Added rain number concentration to METGRID table Updated WRF to revision 524 Added initialization of ice number concentration from RR via WPS Switched to GRIB2 format for ungrib =========================================================================== 2012-04-09 (16 UTC) Updated WRF to revision 518 Disable lowest_lev_from_sfc in vertical interp of U and V fields from RR in real.exe to improve stability and avoid forecast degradation =========================================================================== 2012-03-31 (22 UTC) Decreased mp_tend_lim for improved stability New: mp_tend_lim = 0.07 Old: mp_tend_lim = 0.10 Added 64 cores for a total of 1128 cores (previous was 1064) for improved run time =========================================================================== 2012-03-31 (04 UTC) Decreased starting time step to 18 sec for improved stability New: max_time_step = 23 min_time_step = 20 starting_time_step = 18 Old: max_time_step = 23 min_time_step = 20 starting_time_step = 20 =========================================================================== 2012-03-19 (20 UTC) Updated WRF to revision 510 (only changes MYNN) Updated WRF to test new module_initialize_real.F to handle interpolation in complex terrain where application of using surface U,V from parent model results in unstable vertical shear profile and CFL violation. Increased minimum time step to 20 sec for improved runtime only. New: max_time_step = 23 min_time_step = 20 starting_time_step = 20 Old: max_time_step = 23 min_time_step = 18 starting_time_step = 18 =========================================================================== 2012-03-13 (01 UTC) Updated WRF to revision 506 (only changes MYNN) =========================================================================== 2012-03-12 (19 UTC) Updated WRF to test new module_initialize_real.F to handle interpolation in complex terrain where application of using surface U,V from parent model results in unstable vertical shear profile and CFL violation. =========================================================================== 2012-03-08 (00 UTC) Updated WRF to revision 501 Changes to MYNN scheme including scale height roughness relating to landuse and bulk transfer coefficient. Changes to snow roughness length and moisture availability in RUC LSM. Fix for frozen precip fraction in Thompson microphysics. =========================================================================== 2012-03-02 (14 UTC) Enabled fractional land use in WRF New: mosaic_lu = 1 mosaic_soil = 1 Old: mosaic_lu = 0 mosaic_soil = 0 =========================================================================== 2012-03-01 (16 UTC) Restored new 5th order vertical advection New: scalar_adv_opt = 1 V_MOM_ADV_ORDER = 5 V_SCA_ADV_ORDER = 5 Old: scalar_adv_opt = 2 V_MOM_ADV_ORDER = 3 V_SCA_ADV_ORDER = 3 =========================================================================== 2012-02-29 (22 UTC) Updated WPS/WRF to revision 491 (only changes to MYNN) Updated UPP to revision 492 Corrected GRIB encoding of 0-1km,0-6km shear,min/max vertical velocities Changed wrf_cntrl.parm New: (RADAR REFLECT - 1km ) SCAL=(-4.0) L=(10000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000) (MAX UPDRAFT HELICITY) SCAL=( 3.0) (GSD UPDRAFT HELICITY) SCAL=( 3.0) Old: (RADAR REFL AGL ) SCAL=(-4.0) L=(01000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000) (MAX UPDR HELICITY ) SCAL=( 3.0) (UPDRAFT HELICITY ) SCAL=( 3.0) Changed wrf_cnrl_subh.parm New: (RADAR REFLECT - 1km ) SCAL=(-4.0) L=(10000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000) (GSD UPDRAFT HELICITY) SCAL=( 3.0) Old: (RADAR REFL AGL ) SCAL=(-4.0) L=(01000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000) (UPDRAFT HELICITY ) SCAL=( 3.0) =========================================================================== 2012-02-29 (20 UTC) Testing old 3rd order verical advection timing New: scalar_adv_opt = 2 V_MOM_ADV_ORDER = 3 V_SCA_ADV_ORDER = 3 Old: scalar_adv_opt = 1 V_MOM_ADV_ORDER = 5 V_SCA_ADV_ORDER = 5 =========================================================================== 2012-02-28 (23 UTC) Updated WPS/WRF to revision 490 New Thompson reflectivity diagnostic with -3dB calibration Restored time step settings to previous values New: max_time_step = 23 min_time_step = 18 starting_time_step = 18 Old: max_time_step = 22 min_time_step = 22 starting_time_step = 22 =========================================================================== 2012-02-28 (17 UTC) Updated to WPS/WRFv3.3.1 revision 487 New Thompson reflectivity diagnostic with -2dB calibration Changed to 5th order (from 3rd) vertical advection Changed to positive-definite (from monotonic) advection Changed to 05 min (from 30 min) shortwave radiation updates Change initialize real.exe to use surface winds from donor model when vertically interpolating to recipient model Switched to MODIS land use (from USGS) Set minimum time step to 22 sec and match max time step New: radt = 05 scalar_adv_opt = 1 V_MOM_ADV_ORDER = 5 V_SCA_ADV_ORDER = 5 num_land_cat = 21 max_time_step = 22 min_time_step = 22 starting_time_step = 22 geo_em.d01.nc updated Old: radt = 30 scalar_adv_opt = 2 V_MOM_ADV_ORDER = 3 V_SCA_ADV_ORDER = 3 max_time_step = 23 min_time_step = 18 starting_time_step = 18 Updated UPP to revision 488 Includes option for MPI processing with bug fixes Initial precipitation array at F00 corrected Bug fix to downward short wave radiation at surface Bug fix to layer depths in storm-relative helicity calculations Corrrected 2m RH diagnostic to use 2m temp, dewpoint, press Merged version from NCEP for GRIB2 write capability =========================================================================== 2012-01-20 (20 UTC) Changed WRF w-damping option to Rayleigh damping new: damp_opt = 3, dampcoef = 0.2, old: damp_opt = 1, dampcoef = 0.02, =========================================================================== 2011-09-01 (22 UTC) Updated UPP to revision 384 to include improved visibility and cloud base diagnostic, and compute cloud fractions at all model levels and select pressure layers. =========================================================================== 2011-07-15 (20 UTC) Increased minimum and maximum time-step to ensure complete runs following completion of CFL testing and verification of no coherent change in forecast. new: max_time_step = 23 min_time_step = 18 old: max_time_step = 20 min_time_step = 15 =========================================================================== 2011-05-29 (00 UTC) SST data feed has been restored and is again used in the HRRR. =========================================================================== 2011-05-27 (22 UTC) Restored RR-primary as parent model for HRRRR following restoration of data feeds from NCEP/EMC. SST data is still unavailable and not used. =========================================================================== 2011-05-26 (22 UTC) Reverted HRRR to use RUC-backup as parent model while RR is unavailable due to problems at NCEP/EMC. =========================================================================== 2011-05-20 (17 UTC) Updated unipost to revision 346 to output new diagnostic variables including convective initiation and lightning fields. =========================================================================== 2011-05-17 (21 UTC) Updated WRF to revision 344 which includes modifications to diagnostic variables from Scott Dembek to handle adaptive time-stepping. =========================================================================== 2011-05-04 (18 UTC) Updated to WRF revision 339 which includes new diagnostic variables from Scott Dembek including convective initiation fields. =========================================================================== 2011-05-02 (21 UTC) Added TKE and Cloud Fraction to hourly post-processing. Added Radar VIL, VIL, Echo Top and Friction Velocity to hourly post-processing. =========================================================================== 2011-05-02 (16 UTC) Discontined sub-hourly NetCDF wrfouts with a temporary version of WRF revision 333. A single set of history (wrfout) files are now created every 15 minutes into the model forecast period. =========================================================================== 2011-04-14 (22 UTC) **** Switched the parent model from the RUC-backup to the RR-primary ****** Switched to higher resolution SST data (0.083 degrees). Raised the model pressure top from 85 mb to 20 mb. new: p_top_requested = 2000 old: p_top_requested = 8500 =========================================================================== 2011-04-14 (14 UTC) Enabled new sub-hourly processing of output in GRIB2 format. WRF will now generate full history files every 15 min which are then post-processed into GRIB1/2 files. Sub-hourly GRIB files are then concantinated into four valid times per hour. ========================================================================== 2011-04-14 (03 UTC) Updated WRF to revision 333. Changes mostly related to binary I/O and rebalance/save hydrometeor options after DFI which are not currently applicable in the HRRR. Updated Unipost to revision 326. ========================================================================== 2011-03-01 (05 UTC) Updated Unipost to revision 315. Corrected wind output to 80 m AGL which was set to 0 m AGL at the inception of Unipost in the HRRR at 21 UTC on 05 November 2010. ========================================================================== 2011-01-27 (21 UTC) Updated Unipost to revision 300. Change in precipitation type calculation to reduce areas of rain/snow mix. If snow fraction of overall water content of mixed precipitation exceeds 60% then all snow is reported. ========================================================================== 2011-01-21 (20 UTC) Disabled 6th order diffusion in WRF. new: diff_6th_opt = 0, diff_6th_factor = 0.25, old: diff_6th_opt = 2, diff_6th_factor = 0.25, ========================================================================== 2011-01-08 (00 UTC) Updated WRF to revision 282. Changes include evaporation/graupel bug fix to Thompson scheme, updated MYJ PBL to 3.2.1 version, RUC LSM initialized water vapor mix ratio at surface for cold start runs, and hydrostatic rebalance after WRF init. Updated unipost to revision 292. ========================================================================== 2010-12-21 (00 UTC) Changed xml workflow and WPS to increase efficiency of WRF pre-processing. Boundary conditions are now processed starting at 10 min after top of the hour using previous RUC cycle to generate initial wrfinput and wrfbdy file. Initial conditions are processed starting at 45 min after using only the RUC DDFI file to produce only a wrfinput file. da_update_bc is then executed to adjust tendencies in the first time frame of the wrfbdy file using DDFI wrfinput file prior to WRF start at 60 min. ========================================================================= 2010-12-16 (18 UTC) Updated unipost to revision 288. Added 2-m potential temperature and relative humidity with respect to precipitable water to post output and NCL graphics. Changed GRIB identifiers for 0-1 km and 0-6 km U,V shear to more representative values. ========================================================================== 2010-11-05 (19 UTC) Updated WPS to revision 220 Updated WRF to revision 246 Updated UPP to revision 244 WPS change includes capability to add residual to soil moisture if WRF is initalized from RUC. WRF changes include ability to compute and store cloud fraction, bug fix to advance through boundary conditions more efficiently, proper clearing of updraft helicity. Unipost processor enabled and WPP disabled. ========================================================================== 2010-06-09 (00 UTC) Reduced microphysics temperature tendency limit to avoid CFL in convection. new: mp_tend_lim = 0.1 old: mp_tend_lim = 0.75 ========================================================================== 2010-05-26 (00 UTC) Updated workflow to use 2-hr old RUC boundary conditions for HRRR 01/13 UTC cycles since 00/12 RUC cycles are delayed too long for 16 hr forecast availability. ========================================================================== 2010-05-07 (19 UTC) Updated WRF to revision 147 to incorporate a tiling bug fix. Tiling namelist option changed to increase to 8 tiles. new: numtiles = 8 old: numtiles = 4 ========================================================================== 2010-05-03 (20 UTC) Re-enabled tiling option new: numtiles = 4 old: numtiles = 1 ========================================================================== 2010-04-29 (22 UTC) Updated WRF to revision 138 which is merged import of WRFv3.2 into respository but is identical to version used as of 2010-04-14 23 UTC ========================================================================== 2010-04-29 (21 UTC) Updated WPS to revision 129 which is initial import of WPSv3.2 into repository but is identical to version used as of 2010-04-14 23 UTC ========================================================================== 2010-04-28 (20 UTC) Updated WPP to revision 128 to ensure dewpoint remains below temperature. ========================================================================== 2010-04-24 (17 UTC) Lowered pressure top again to avoid real failure with RUC native input. new: p_top_requested = 8500 old: p_top_requested = 6500 ========================================================================== 2010-04-24 (16 UTC) Decreased minimum time step to avoid crashing in convection. new: time_step = 18 starting_time_step = 18 max_time_step = 20 min_time_step = 15 old: time_step = 18 starting_time_step = 18 max_time_step = 20 min_time_step = 16 ========================================================================== 2010-04-23 (18 UTC) Shifted start/end WRF time to +85 min and +145 min (+20 min delay for WPS 15 hr processing including overlap with RR cycle) Shifted end post-proc time to +170 min ========================================================================== 2010-04-22 (19 UTC) Changed time-step to larger values to ensure completion of 15 hr fcsts while preventing crashes near Mt. Shasta. new: time_step = 18 starting_time_step = 18 max_time_step = 20 min_time_step = 16 old: time_step = 16 starting_time_step = 16 max_time_step = 18 min_time_step = 14 ========================================================================== 2010-04-20 (01 UTC) Disabled WRF tiling option pending bug fixes to microphysics scheme and 15min field code. ========================================================================== 2010-04-19 (22 UTC) Decreased time-step again to 14/16/18 sec due to crashing over Mt. Shasta. ========================================================================== 2010-04-16 (22 UTC) Added 128 cores to total of 1000 cores for WRF Shifted start/end WRF time to +75 min and +135 min (5 min delay for WPS) Extended forecast period to 15 hrs ========================================================================== 2010-04-14 (23 UTC) Changed WPS and WRF to v3.2 from v3.1.1 with RUC-like modifications. Extended time-step, raised pressure top, enabled tiling. new: time_step = 18 starting_time_step = 18 max_time_step = 22 min_time_step = 16 p_top_requested = 6500 numtiles = 8 old: time_step = 16 starting_time_step = 16 max_time_step = 18 min_time_step = 14 p_top_requested = 8500 ========================================================================== 2010-04-14 (18 UTC) Change (in RUC assimilation) dt_refl_heat (period over which latent heat is assumed to be released from all condensate estimated from radar reflectivity) from 1800s (1/3 heating) to 600s ("full heating"). ========================================================================== 2010-03-29 (20 UTC) Updated WPP to revision 126 to change GRIB parameter numbers ========================================================================== 2010-03-01 (21 UTC) Updated WPP to revision 124 to produce wind at 80 m AGL ========================================================================== 2010-02-24 (21 UTC) Updated WRF solve_em.F, Registry.EM (13 snapshots instead of 49) and wrf.nl to produce 15min wrfout files once every 3 forecast hours. Added surface pressure, 10 m wind, 2 m temperaure and dewpoint to output. new: auxhist2_outname = '15min_d_' auxhist2_begin_h = 3, auxhist2_interval = 180, nio_groups = 2, old: auxhist2_outname = 'VIL15min_d_' auxhist2_begin_h = 12, auxhist2_interval = 720, nio_groups = 1, ========================================================================== 2010-02-14 (00 UTC) Restored SST analysis to metgrid input on CONUS domain, absent since inception of CONUS domain ========================================================================== 2010-02-03 (03 UTC) Updated WRF and WPP to produce incoming shortwave radiation at surface and wind power generation at 80 m AGL ========================================================================== 2010-01-11 (23 UTC) Updated WRF v3.1.1 to revision 118 including bug fix for snow accumulation on sea ice. ========================================================================== 2009-12-14 (18 UTC) Updated WPP to change verbosity of debug statements. ========================================================================== 2009-12-10 (18 UTC) Updated WPP to fix a 2m dewpoint bug that caused WPP to fail. ========================================================================== 2009-12-08 (17 UTC) Updated WPP to fix a precipitation type bug that reversed sleet and freezing rain. ========================================================================== 2009-12-06 (17 UTC) Increased (lowered) requested pressure top to prevent top RUC level from dipping below requested pressure top causing real.exe to fail. new: p_top_requested = 8500 old: p_top_requested = 8000 ========================================================================== 2009-12-03 (15 UTC) Updated WRF-post to change to RUC-like precipitation type calculation. ========================================================================== 2009-12-02 (23 UTC) Update WRF v3.1.1 code to revision 109 including RUC LSM updates that pass regression tests at NCAR and add precipitation buckets. ========================================================================== 2009-11-17 (18 UTC) Increased (lowered) requested pressure top to prevent top RUC level from dipping below requested pressure top causing real.exe to fail. new: p_top_requested = 8000 old: p_top_requested = 7000 ========================================================================== 2009-10-23 (20 UTC) Updated CONUS HRRR WRF-post to change 2-m temp back to flux-based calculation and use new uni WRF-post GSD variables for MAPS MSLP etc... ========================================================================== 2009-10-19 (20 UTC) Changed GRIB output of CONUS HRRR to include mimic HRRR-large grids and updated file naming conventions in sfcextract_hrconus.ksh ========================================================================== 2009-10-16 (20 UTC) Updated CONUS HRRR WRF-post to change 2-m temp/dewpoint and 10-m wind diagnostic to use lowest model level. ========================================================================== 2009-10-14 (22 UTC) Added six sub-domains to CONUS HRRR web graphics including changes to ncl1h_hrconus.ksh ========================================================================== 2009-10-14 (16 UTC) Increased (lowered) requested pressure top to prevent top RUC level from dipping below requested pressure top causing real.exe to fail. new: p_top_requested = 7000 old: p_top_requested = 6500 ========================================================================== 2009-10-13 (22 UTC) Reduced time step on CONUS HRRR to prevent CFL violation in northern CA near i,j,k = 220,730,2 new: time_step = 16 starting_time_step = 16 max_time_step = 18 min_time_step = 14 old: time_step = 18 starting_time_step = 18 max_time_step = 22 min_time_step = 16 Increased # of processors to 840 from 740 ========================================================================== 2009-10-07 (21 UTC) Started developmental CONUS HRRR on njet using WRF v3.1.1 and 740 procs Initial domain size 1800x1060 gridpoints and 3.0 km grid spacing ========================================================================== 2009-04-23 Changes to the WPP code from Scott Dembek to output new variables. =========================================================================== 2009-04-20 (approximate date) fullHRRR by Tanya changed wrf.nl new: diff_6th_opt = 2 diff_6th_factor = 0.25 old: diff_6th_opt = 1 diff_6th_factor = 0.125 =========================================================================== 2009-04-13 Changes to the WRF code from Scott Dembek, NSSL. ========================================================================== 2009-03-28 More efficient way of VIL output. VIL became a 3-d array where 3rd dimention being a number of 15-min snapshops. There are 49 snapshots for 12-h forecast. The 3-d VIL is written out once at the end of the forecast. Cortesy Mei Xu, UCAR. ========================================================================== 2009-03-23 Switched from small HRRR in the NE US to a larger HRRR. (domain parameters are in /lfs0/projects/rtrr/DOMAINS/hrrr_large/static/namelist.wps) ========================================================================== 2008-08-04 Switch to version 3.01 of WRF. ========================================================================== 2008-04-29 Switch to use version 3.0 of WRF (WPS, WRF adn WPP) Made changes to produce VIL output (Registry/Registry.EM, dyn_em/solve_em.F, namelist.input) ==========================================================================