========================================================================== fullHRRR: account: rtrr xml: /whome/rtrr/HRRR3dev_conus/xml bin: /whome/rtrr/HRRR3dev_conus/bin WPS exec: /whome/rtrr/HRRR3dev_conus/exec/WPS WRF exec: /whome/rtrr/HRRR3dev_conus/exec/WRF WPP exec: /whome/rtrr/HRRR3dev_conus/exec/WPP MODEL: WRF-ARW3.2 crontab used in the cycles: MAILTO="" * * * * * /whome/rtrr/HRRR3dev_conus/xml/run_hrrr3_conus run_hrrr3_conus /usr/local/esrl/bin/workflowmgr.rb --xml=/whome/rtrr/HRRR3dev_conus/xml/hrrr3_conus.xml --store=/whome/rtrr/HRRR3dev_conus/xml/hrrr3_conus.store ========================================================================== 2013-01-29 (13 UTC) Changed WRFv3.3.1 to experimental configuration to allow linear ramp down of specified latent heating during a pre-forecast hour and use four 15-min periods of 3-km retreived latent heating rates. GSI revision 504 code used to map radar reflectivity obs to 3-km latent heating (temperature tendency) array during each 15 min period. RAP-primary post-DFI used as initial conditions at start of pre-forecast hour. Disabled RUA and RTMA code during this test. ========================================================================== 2012-10-19 (20 UTC) Changed WRFv3.3.1 to revision 612 and UPP to revision 601 to switch to 9-level RUC LSM (from 6). The Vtable, METGRID.TBL and wrf.nl were updated to handle 9-level RUC LSM from RAP. The wrf_cntrl.parm was updated to produce 9-level UPP output. ========================================================================== 2012-10-18 (18 UTC) Created RTMA GSI for 3-km 2-D var using 1-hr HRRRdev1 forecast from previous run as a background. ========================================================================== 2012-10-16 (20 UTC) Updated RUA GSI to revision 611. Radar reflectivity now re-diagnosed after cloud analysis but only rain and snow retrieved from obs before diagnosis. ========================================================================== 2012-09-20 (05 UTC) Created RUA GSI 3-km cloud analysis using 1-hr HRRRdev1 forecast from previous run as a background. Conventional, radar, satellite and lightning observations used. ========================================================================== 2012-08-24 (23 UTC) Changed horizontal hydrometeor interpolation (metgrid) from 4 point bi-linear interpolation to nearest neighbor during pre-processing. This change includes cloud water, cloud ice, rain, snow, graupel and number concentrations for cloud ice and rain. ========================================================================== 2012-07-11 (18 UTC) Updated WRF to revision 550 to include new lightning threat diagnostic and updated Vtable and METGRID.TBL to handle two moment rain init from RAP. ========================================================================== 2012-04-12 (18 UTC) HRRR-dev1 enabled on Zeus with WPSv3.3.1 revision 478 WRFv3.3.1 revision 519 UPP revision 492 ========================================================================== 2011-09-09 (22 UTC) HRRR-dev disabled from real-time runs for retrospective testing. ========================================================================== 2011-09-02 (00 UTC) Updated UPP to revision 384 to include improved visibility and cloud base diagnostic, and compute cloud fractions at all model levels and select pressure layers. ========================================================================== 2011-08-05 (22 UTC) HRRR-dev switched to RUC-backup I.C. and B.C. Pressure top lowered to 85 hPa from 20 hPa. ========================================================================== 2011-07-16 (04 UTC) HRRR-dev switched back to RR-dev I.C. but RR-primary B.C. to test impact of changes to background errors in GSI. ========================================================================== 2011-07-08 (18 UTC) HRRR-dev switched to RR-primary I.C. and B.C. with PBL pseudo obs but maintined increased time step. HRRR-dev enabled every other hour. ========================================================================== 2011-07-07 (21 UTC) Maximum timestep in WRF increased from 20 to 23 s. Minimum timestep increased from 15 to 18 s. ========================================================================== 2011-06-13 (21 UTC) HRRR-dev enabled using RR-dev I.C. and B.C. with PBL pseudo obs. Configuration identical to HRRR-primary otherwise. Runs every 3rd hour out to 12 hrs. ========================================================================== 2010-10-06 (22 TUC) HRRRdev using RUC-dev I.C. with the following RUC-dev changes: (1) Creation of RH-cloud obs (types 590, 591) for METAR cloud obs with ceiling < 900m (saturation just above cloud base), subsaturation below cloud base (2) dt_refl_heat = 1800. (1/3 latent heating from radar reflectivity) (3) extension of no-echo zone from radar data profile down to PBL top, similarly to how lowest echo (with convection) is extended down to PBL top ========================================================================= 2010-11-08 (05 UTC) Reverted back to RUC-dev I.C. using faster pre-processing sequence. ========================================================================= 2010-11-06 (22 UTC) Changed to RUC-backup I.C. to test faster pre-processing sequence. ========================================================================= 2010-11-05 (19 UTC) Updated WPS to revision 220 Updated WRF to revision 246 Updated UPP to revision 244 WPS change includes capability to add residual to soil moisture if WRF is initalized from RUC. WRF changes include ability to compute and store cloud fraction, bug fix to advance through boundary conditions more efficiently, proper clearing of updraft helicity. ========================================================================== 2010-09-22 (16 UTC) HRRRdev reenabled using RUC-dev I.C. and RUC-backup boundary conditions. Runs every 3rd hour out to 15 hrs. ========================================================================== 2010-06-12 (00 UTC) Switched HRRRdev to use RUC-devel I.C. with 1/3 tten and zero tten down to PBL top (below radar coverage) where no echo exists. ========================================================================== 2010-06-08 (00 UTC) Switched HRRRdev to use Backup RUC with 0.1 mp_tten_lim ========================================================================== 2010-05-10 (13 UTC) Upgraded HRRR to WPS/WRFv3.2+ (revision 147) Switched HRRRdev to use RR-primary with no 3 km GSI ========================================================================== 2010-04-10 (17 UTC) Removed use of metars and NESDIS cloud data in 3 km GSI ========================================================================== 2010-04-10 (06 UTC) Changed 3km GSI to clear hydrometeors ========================================================================== 2010-04-06 (22 UTC) Switch HRRRdev to use RUC-backup with 3km GSI and DDFI ========================================================================== 2010-04-01 (22 UTC) Switch HRRRdev to use RR-devel with new radar tten formulation ========================================================================== 2010-03-24 (22 UTC) Initial inception of HRRRdev using RR-primary as initial/boundary conditions. ==========================================================================