HRIBF Decay Spectroscopy Workshop
August 18-19, 2003
Bld 6008 Conference Room

The Executive Committee of the HRIBF Users Group will host a workshop on nuclear decay studies at the HRIBF on August 18-19, 2003 in the conference room of building 6008. This workshop will discuss current capabilities at the HRIBF and develop new ideas for decay spectroscopy experiments. Particular emphasis will be on experiments which utilize neutron-rich beams produced from the fission of uranium carbide at HRIBF. The recent observation of beams containing significant amounts of 78,79Cu and 85,86Ge indicate that the HRIBF can play a competitive role in decay spectroscopy of very neutron-rich isotopes. Current and future radioactive ion beams (RIBs) available at the HRIBF will also be discussed. This is an excellent opportunity to begin or join a collaboration at HRIBF and to see how the latest developments in neutron-rich RIB production at HRIBF can enhance your research program.

The workshop format will consist of a few talks to introduce a topic followed by short contributed talks about planned or possible experiments at HRIBF. Generous time will be allocated for discussion.

Speakers include:

H. Grawe (GSI)
J. H. Hamilton (Vanderbilt University)
P. Mantica (Michigan State U.)
U. Koester (CERN)
W. Nazarewicz (U. Tennessee/ORNL)
P. H. Regan (Surrey)
L. Trache (Texas A&M)
W. B. Walters (U. Maryland)
M. Wiescher (Notre Dame)
J. A. Winger (Mississippi State University)
J. Wood (Georgia Tech.)
A complete schedule can be found here: Schedule

Discussion topics include:

In addition to the oral presentations and discussions, there will be a tour/demonstration of the equipment available at the HRIBF. If you are not registered yet, please do so now.

There will be a HRIBF users group meeting on Monday 8/18 from 6-7 PM. A list of participants may be found here: Workshop Participants

Entrance to ORNL

If you have your badge, don't forget to bring it. If you don't have your badge (or don't have one), go to the guard station, show your ID and tell them you are on the visitor list, you will then be instructed on how to get to the visitor center. All new guests and visitors and those with expired badges will need to report in at the Visitor Center. You will need to bring a photo ID. Foreign nationals will need to bring their passport and visa.

Each person in the car must have their own badge. There has been a lot of construction in the area of the visitor center. A map showing how to get there can be downloaded at:

Organizing Committee

P. F. Mantica Co-chair
E. F. Zganjar Co-chair
J. C. Batchelder Local
K. Rykaczewski Local

Relevant links

Relevant information

This information was last updated on July 14, 2003 .