Division of Genomic Sciences Staff

Tina Gatlin, Ph.D.

Tina Gatlin
Program Director
Library of Integrated Network of Cellular Signatures (LINCS)
Protein Capture Reagent Program

Division of Genome Sciences

Ph.D, University of Washington, 1995

phone 301-402-2851
fax 301-480-2770
e-mail gatlincl@mail.nih.gov
5635 Fishers Ln
Room 4076
Rockville, MD 20892

Library of Integrated Network of Cellular Signatures (LINCS)

Protein Capture Reagents

Dr. Tina Gatlin joined the National Human Genome Research Institute's (NHGRI's) Extramural Research Program as a program director in 2010. Her main responsibility at NHGRI is to help administer is two Common Fund (trans-NIH) initiatives — the Library of Integrated Network of Cellular Signatures (LINCS) and the Protein Capture Reagents Program. The LINCS program aims is to generate a public resource that enables access to perturbation-induced (small molecule and RNAi) molecular and cellular signatures. Protein Capture Reagents is a pilot program using human transcription factors as a test case to examine the feasibility and value of generating a community resource of low cost, renewable affinity reagents for all human proteins. Dr. Gatlin also manages a portfolio of proteomics-related grants and co-leads on NHGRI's training and career development programs.

Prior to joining NHGRI, Dr. Gatlin held a faculty appointment at the College of William and Mary, was an associate director at TIGR (The Institute for Genomic Research), and a senior director at Large Scale Biology Corporation where she led efforts in protein biomarker discovery.

Dr. Gatlin holds a B.S. in biology, and received a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from the University of Washington. She completed post-doctoral research in proteomics also at the University of Washington.

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Last Updated: January 16, 2013