U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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  • Video: Senator Coons condemns anti-Semitic comments by Egyptian president

    In Cairo Wednesday as part of a Congressional delegation to the region, Senator Coons spoke with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell about recently unearthed anti-Semitic comments made by Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, and how those comments could impact Egypt's relationship with the U.S. Senator Coons had met with President Morsi just hours earlier.

    Senator Coons also discussed the devolving situation in Mali, where Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and affiliated extremists -- which already control two-thirds of the country -- have launched an offensive against the Malian government. French forces have gone in to assist the Malian army in meeting that threat.

    He later appeared on CNBC to discuss the kidnapping of 41 individuals -- including Americans -- by Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb in response to the French action in Mali.

    al Qaeda
  • Video: Senator Coons talks Susan Rice and DRC on MSNBC

    Senator Coons talked with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell on Thursday about the possible nomination of U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice as Secretary of State, and about the developing crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo. 

    Senator Coons is chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs.

    You can watch the interview below:

  • Senator Coons touts Buffett Rule on Morning Joe

    Senator Coons appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe on Wednesday to talk about his support for the Buffett Rule and other policies that promote fairness in our tax code. Watch below.

    Buffett Rule
    Morning Joe
    Tax Reform
  • Video: Senator Coons talks detainees with Chris Hayes

    Still in Washington for votes on Saturday morning, Senator Coons appeared on MSNBC's Up with Chris Hayes to discuss the controversial detainee provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act approved by the Senate earlier in the week.

    Earlier in the week, Senator Coons entered an in-depth statement into the Congressional Record detailing his objections to the detainee provisions. Click here to read it. 

    Civil Liberties
  • Video: Chris talks about jobs, deficit reduction on MSNBC

    Chris was on MSNBC Tuesday afternoon to discuss President Obama's plans for jobs and deficit reduction. He also discussed his efforts to persuade leaders of African nations to oppose unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state at the United Nations. Watch the video below.

    Deficit Reduction
    President Obama
    United Nations
  • 12 million at risk from drought and famine in the Horn of Africa

    Senator Coons chaired a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs Wednesday with witnesses from from  the State Department, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and representatives of humanitarian organizations to examine conditions in the Horn of Africa following the worst regional drought in 60 years.  Currently, the United States is the largest donor of humanitarian assistance and emergency relief to the stricken region, which includes Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Uganda, and Djibouti. 

    Click here for a map of the affected areas and the aid organizations at work in each country.  

    Since receiving record low rainfalls over the past several months, which have caused drought and contributed to reduced crop yields and the lost of livestock, these countries – and Somalia in particular – are experiencing a growing humanitarian crisis that has jeopardized  the lives of millions of people.  Children are especially susceptible to the effects of hunger and malnutrition that accompany famine and drought, and UNICEF has estimated that 2.3 million children in the region are acutely malnourished and half a million are at risk of imminent death.  Last month, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance (UNOCHA) declared the conditions on the Horn of Africa to be a major, large-scale emergency and the UN declared a famine in five regions of Southern Somalia.  They are expected to declare the entire Southern area of Somalia as a famine zone within the next six weeks, and famine is expected to persist across Southern Somalia until the end of the year. 

    Ensuring critical aid reaches those in need has been especially difficult in Somalia, where areas in the South are controlled by al-Shabaab, a U.S.-designated terrorist organization with ties to al-Qaeda.  Al-Shabaab has obstructed access to areas of Southern Somalia, and the Obama administration recently provided legal assurances to aid groups in order to ease the flow of emergency relief.  “Just yesterday, the U.S. government announced an easing of restrictions on humanitarian organizations operating in Somalia in order to facilitate the delivery of aid”, Chris said in his opening statement.  “I look forward to hearing from today’s witnesses about this new policy, which aims to provide additional guidance and legal assurances to U.S. partner organizations operating Southern Somalia.”

    Testifying on the first of two panels at today’s hearing were Ambassador Donald Yamamoto, Principle Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs; Nancy Lindborg, Assistant Administrator of USAID for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance; and Dr. Reuben Brigety, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration.  Testifying on the second panel were Wouter Schaap, Assistant Country Director for CARE International; Jeremy Konyndyk, Director of Policy and Advocacy for Mercy Corps; and Dr. J. Peter Pham, Director of the Ansari Africa Center at the Atlantic Council. UNICEF submitted a statement for the record. 

    As drought and famine conditions have worsened, thousands of Somali refugees have fled to already overcrowded refugee camps in Kenya and Ethiopia each day, many in need of critical medical care and emergency food relief.  In the hearing, Senator Coons called on the United States and international community to continue to partner with regional governments to provide essential humanitarian aid.

    “Americans have demonstrated great leadership helping those in need both domestically and abroad,” Chris noted, “and I am confident we will continue to partner with the international community to save lives and protect future generations in the Horn of Africa.”

    After the hearing, Chris appeared on MSNBC's Mitchell Reports to discuss the situation and the findings of the hearing. You can watch that below.

    Horn of Africa
    Subcommittee on African Affairs
    United Nations
  • Video: Chris analyzes Boehner decision to move away from middle

    Chris was on MSNBC Friday afternoon talking with Martin Bashir about Speaker Boehner's decision to change his debt-ceiling bill in a way that would make a potential compromise even less likely.

    Watch video of his interview below:

    Speaker Boehner
  • Video: Chris offers support for plan to avert default crisis

    Chris was on MSNBC Monday afternoon talking with Dylan Ratigan about the plan for averting the default crisis offered Monday by Senate Democrats.

    Though the Senator believes it’s unfortunate that Congress wasn't able to get the bigger, $4 trillion deal that he, the President, Senate Democrats and at least a dozen Senate Republicans were looking to reach, he believes we have to move forward and focus on something that can succeed in averting this default crisis. Senator Reid’s plan does that.

    Watch video of his interview below:

    Debt Ceiling
    Deficit Reduction
  • Video: Chris talks default on MSNBC's Daily Rundown

    Chris was on MSNBC Thursday morning talking with Chuck Todd about the 'gang of six' framework for deficit reduction and why defaulting on America's debt would be disastrous for America. Watch the video below.

    Deficit Reduction
    Gang of Six
  • Video: Chris talks Afghanistan and the budget on MSNBC's Morning Joe

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    Chris talked this morning with MSNBC's Joe Scarborough and Mika Brezinski, as well as the Washington Post's Eugene Robinson, former RNC Chair Michael Steele, and commentator Donnie Deutsch about our path forward in Afghanistan and about a budget mechanism Chris is proposing to help require responsible deficit reduction.

    Deficit Reduction