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An official website of the United States Government.

Our People & Organization Senior Staff Bios

Kathie Ann Whipple

Kathie Ann Whipple serves as the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) Deputy General Counsel, where she oversees legal matters for the agency.

Ms. Whipple joined the Office of the General Counsel at the Office of Personnel Management in December 2000. From January through July 2001 and again from March through July 2006, she served as the Acting General Counsel, directing the administrative litigation work and counseling services of a staff of approximately 20 attorneys. From January through April of 2009 she served as Acting Director of the agency. 

Prior to her arrival at OPM, Ms. Whipple served for five and one-half years as a Trial Attorney with the Civil Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. At Justice, she worked on Government contract cases, including cases against the Government arising from the savings and loan association reforms of the 1980s, and appeals to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit from both the Merit Systems Protection Board and various agencies' Boards of Contract Appeals.

Prior to her stint at Justice, Ms. Whipple served for more than eight years as an Assistant Attorney General in the New York City Litigation Bureau of the office of the New York State Attorney General, including more than five years as a Deputy Bureau Chief or Acting Bureau Chief. Her work with the New York State Attorney General's Office included defending the State and state officers and employees in litigation under the civil rights statutes and challenges to state administrative action.

Ms. Whipple began her legal career as a litigation associate at the New York City law firm of Chadbourne and Parke. She is a graduate of Harvard Law School (1980) and Wellesley College (1974). She is admitted to the bar in Massachusetts as well as New York.

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