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Image: Farm Economy

Program Provisions

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The 2008 Farm Act PDF icon (16x16) provides a framework for farm and commodity programs for fiscal years 2008-12. The Act amends various existing laws and adds some new programs. However, commodity policy also reflects applicable provisions of underlying permanent legislation and recent supplemental legislation and appropriations acts. Unless current legislation suspends or revises the permanent provisions of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act of 1948, and the Agricultural Act of 1949, they are automatically in force and are the basis of current programs. New farm legislation will likely be written in 2012 when many provisions of the 2008 Farm Act expire. The following pages describe the basic features of the primary farm and commodity programs.

Title I (Commodity Programs)

Title II (Conservation)

Title III (Trade)

Title IV (Nutrition)

Title VI (Rural Development)

Title VII (Research and Related Matters)

Title X (Horticulture and Organic Agriculture)

Title XII (Crop Insurance and Disaster Assistance Programs)

Program Provisions for Previous Farm Acts

Last updated: Monday, October 29, 2012

For more information contact: Joseph Cooper, Robert Dismukes, Anne Effland, and Erik O'Donoghue