Maps & Publications

Green Mountain or Finger Lakes National Forest - Visitor Maps

Green Mountain National Forest Visitor MapA large 37"x48" double sided shaded relief map revised in 1997. This map shows in detail Forest Service system roads, points of interest, campgrounds (with facilities) and hiking trails. Map scale is 0.5 inch = 1 mile. Also included is a general description of the forest, travel management and leave-no-trace camping information.

Map cost - $10.00 (free shipping)

Map Order Form


USGS Topographic Quad Map Coverage of the Forest

Forest Map

The USGS's most familiar product is the 1:24,000-scale Topographic Quadrangle Map. This is the primary scale of data produced with with the greatest detail for an area.  USGS Topo Quad Maps are 22"x27".

Map cost - $8.00 ($3.50 shipping)  Map Order Form 

 Other Forest Maps 

 National Geographic GMNF North Map

National Geographic Green Mountain National Forest North Map

National Geographic GMNF South Map
National Geographic Green Mountain National Forest South Map

Green Mountain Club Long Trail Map
Green Mountain Club Long Trail Map

Catamount Trail GuideCatamount Trail Guidebook

  VAST Trail Map


Free Map Downloads

Motor Vehicle Use Map 2011

Green Mountain National Forest Motor Vehicle Use Map 2012

Green Mountain National Forest (North Half) Map

Green Mountain National Forest (South Half) Map


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