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Basic Plan for Motorcoach Passenger Safety Awareness

Recommended Safety Topics to be Covered

  1. Emergency Exits - Point out the location of all emergency exits (push-out windows, roof vent, and side door) and explain how to operate them. Emphasize that, whenever feasible, the motorcoach door should be the primary exit choice. Encourage able-bodied passengers to assist any injured or mobility-impaired passengers during an emergency evacuation. Provide passengers with sufficient guidance to ensure compliance with 49 CFR 392.62, "Safe operation, buses."
  2. Emergency Contact - Advise passengers to call 911 by cellular telephone in the event of an emergency.
  3. Driver Direction - Advise passengers to look to the driver for direction and follow his/her instructions.
  4. Fire Extinguisher - Point out the location of the fire extinguisher.
  5. Restroom Emergency Push Button or Switch - Inform motorcoach passengers of the emergency signal device in the restroom.
  6. Avoiding Slips and Falls - Warn passengers to exercise care when boarding and exiting the motorcoach and to use the handrail when ascending or descending steps. Encourage passengers to remain seated as much as possible while the motorcoach is in motion. If it is necessary to walk while the motorcoach is moving, passengers should always use handrails and supports.

Various Methods of Presenting the Safety Information
The following presentation methods do not represent an exhaustive list of ways to present safety information to motorcoach passengers. The list below should not be construed to restrict combinations of the following methods or additional presentation methods.

  1. During passenger boarding - Informational pamphlets could be distributed to motorcoach passengers during boarding.
  2. After passenger boarding and immediately prior to moving the motorcoach - Advise passengers to look to the driver for direction and follow his/her instructions.
    1. The driver requests the passengers to review informational pamphlets located in the pouches or sleeves on the back of seats.
    2. The driver provides an oral presentation (similar to the presentations by airline flight attendants prior to take-off) with or without informational pamphlets as visual aids.
    3. An automated audio presentation broadcasts a cassette tape or compact disk over the motorcoach audio system.
    4. An automated video presentation plays a videotape or DVD on the motorcoach video system.

Timing and Frequency of the Presentation
Demand-responsive motorcoach operations, such as charters and tour services, should present the safety information to motorcoach passengers after boarding and prior to movement of the motorcoach.

Fixed-route motorcoach service operations should present the safety information at all major stops or terminals, after passenger boarding and prior to movement of the motorcoach.

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Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590 • 1-800-832-5660 • TTY: 1-800-877-8339 • Field Office Contacts