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F and M Students: What You Need to Know About Holiday Travel

F and M Students: What You Need to Know About Holiday Travel

December 17, 2012

During the holiday season, many of you will be traveling outside of the United States and returning to your home country. To help ensure timely readmission and return to school, it is very important that you travel with the required documents.

Back to School: Returning to the United States

Back to School: Returning to the United States

August 14, 2012

Whether you spent your vacation working, traveling or visiting your home country, there are important documents you must bring with you when you travel back to school.

International Students and Vacations

International Students and Vacations

June 27, 2012

As warmer weather and longer days approach in the United States, so does summer vacation for many students. If you are interested in taking a vacation, make sure you know the rules so you can stay in compliance and maintain your F or M student status.

Here to Help:  International Students & CBP

Here to Help: International Students & CBP

January 26, 2012

Entering the United States may seem complicated. However, if you know what to expect, it can be a smooth and efficient process. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), an agency within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, controls the flow of goods and people into the United States to prevent terrorists, high-risk and improperly documented travelers and goods from entering the United States, while facilitating the entry of legitimate travelers and trade into the United States. CBP’s work focuses at the borders of the United States, including airports, land borders and seaports.

Coming Back to the United States after the Holidays? Read this First

Coming Back to the United States after the Holidays? Read this First

January 3, 2012

Every year in January, thousands of international students come back into the United States from holiday trips abroad. Unfortunately, many students forget to bring all the necessary paperwork with them to get through customs. If this happens to you, you may be issued an instructional form called an I-515A.

Designated School Officials: Advising Students on Holiday Travel

Designated School Officials: Advising Students on Holiday Travel

December 5, 2011

During the holiday season, many international students will be traveling outside of the United States and returning home. To ensure that nonimmigrants students have an uninterrupted traveling experience, designated school officials (DSOs) should remind them about SANTA: