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Back to School: Checking in with your DSO

Back to School: Checking in with your DSO

August 15, 2012

F and M students need to check in with their designated school officials (DSO) within 30 days of entering in the United States.

Back to School: Returning to the United States

Back to School: Returning to the United States

August 14, 2012

Whether you spent your vacation working, traveling or visiting your home country, there are important documents you must bring with you when you travel back to school.

Universities Help International Students Adjust to Life in United States

Universities Help International Students Adjust to Life in United States

November 11, 2011

Many U.S. universities are making efforts to help international students adjust to life in the United States. In particular, the University of Oklahoma and the University of Kansas are trying to help their students feel more at home.

Friendly American Professors a Welcomed Surprise for International Students

Friendly American Professors a Welcomed Surprise for International Students

October 31, 2011

For many international students, the American style of education is not the same as their home nation – where private and professional lives are clearly divided. In the United States, professors have no qualms opening their doors to students and providing guidance on issues beyond the classroom. The article reports that many professors treat their students in a similar fashion to how they would treat their own children – warm and friendly but also with high expectations.