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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Exempted Fisheries Permits (EFP)

Applications and Final Reports

Halibut Bycatch
  • EFP 2012-1 to evaluate how various fishing and handling practices affect halibut mortality
  • Final Report for EFP 09-01 on a Halibut Bycatch Discard Survival Experiment for a Bering Sea, Non-pelagic Trawl Fishery North Pacific Fisheries Foundation, January 2011
  • Final Report for EFP 09-02 to study methods for reducing halibut discard mortality in trawl fisheries by evaluating various fishing and handling practices, October 2010
  • Final Report for EFP 08-01 to continue assessment of an electronic monitoring system for quantifying at-sea halibut discards in the Central Gulf of Alaska rockfish fishery, September 2009
  • Final Report for an EFP to test the use of electronic monitoring to quantify at-sea halibut discards in the Central Gulf of Alaska rockfish fishery, May 2008

Halibut Excluder
  • EFP 06-03 to evaluate the effectiveness of a halibut excluder for the GOA trawl cod fishery

Pollock Survey
  • EFP 07-01 to improve Aleutian Islands pollock stock assessment, conservation, and management

Rockfish Electronic Monitoring
  • EFP 08-01: Continued Assesment of an Electronic Monitoring System for Quantifying At-sea Halibut Discards in the Central Gulf of Alaska Rockfish Fishery

Salmon Bycatch
  • EFP  2013-1 for the Purpose of Testing a Salmon Excluder Device in the Central Gulf of Alaska Pollock Fishery
  • EFP to continue research on salmon bycatch reduction devices with a focus on chum salmon bycatch reduction and one field season to improve to Chinook salmon escapement rates
  • EFP 08-02 to explore the potential for flapper-style salmon excluders for the Bering Sea pollock fishery.
  • EFP 07-02A to evaluate the effectiveness of a "voluntary rolling hot spot" salmon bycatch management system
  • EFP 03-01 to test a salmon excluder device for the Bering Sea pollock fishery

Questions and Answers

What is an EFP?

An exempted fishing permit is a permit issued by the Alaska Region of NMFS to allow groundfish fishing activities that would otherwise be prohibited under regulations for groundfish fishing. These permits are issued for limited experimental purposes to support projects that could benefit the groundfish fisheries and the environment. Examples of past projects supported by an EFP include the development of new gear types for an underutilized fishery and development of devices that reduce prohibited species bycatch.

Who can apply?

Anyone who is planning on groundfish fishing activities that would otherwise be prohibited by the regulations may apply for an EFP. The permit is issued to the applicant but a copy must be on the vessel at all times during the project.

What regulations describe the process for obtaining an EFP?

Regulations that describe the application and review process for EFPs are at 50 CFR 679.6.

How do I apply?

You must follow the procedures detailed in 50 CFR 679.6, which include sending a completed application to the AK Regional Administrator for consideration.

How long does the review process take?

It depends on the complexity of the project and North Pacific Fishery Management Council's meeting schedule. If you plan on doing an experiment, the experimental design must be approved by the Alaska Fisheries Science Center before a permit may be issued. You should work with the AFSC on the experimental design before submitting an EFP application. This would speed the review process. NMFS may need to write an environmental analysis of the impacts of issuing the EFP. This document would support the decision making and inform the public of the EFP project. The Regional Administrator is also required to consult with the North Pacific Fishery Management Council before issuing an EFP. This usually involves a Federal Register notice of the receipt of your application and your presentation of the EFP project at a Council meeting. Applicants should plan on at least 6 to 12 months from the date of application submittal before the EFP is issued.

For more information on EFPs, email the Sustainable Fisheries Division or call: 1-800-304-4846 and select option #3, or call: (907) 586-7228.

Exempted Fisheries Permit: OMB No. 0648-0206, Expiration Date: 04/30/2013

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