EPA's system for helping you track and improve energy efficiency across your entire portfolio of buildings.
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EPA’s Portfolio Manager tool is being upgraded. Visit our new project page to see a timeline, download a fact sheet, or register for our next quarterly update webinar.

Attention all Portfolio Manager users: Starting April 10, EPA will place a temporary hold on the Leaders recognition program. While the program is on hold, we will be assessing options for how to grow and evolve this program to best meet the needs of our partners. If your organization is currently eligible for Leaders recognition, you must submit your completed application no later than April 10, 2013.

At this time, EPA estimates that Portfolio Manager will be unavailable for at least two weeks in June 2013 to allow for the migration of data to the new, upgraded Portfolio Manager. In March 2013, we will have a more accurate estimate of how long Portfolio Manager will be unavailable, as well as the likely dates, and we will provide another update at that time.

About Portfolio Manager

  • Learn what Portfolio Manager can do for your organization
  • Take the Portfolio Manager Tour
  • Train on how to use Portfolio Manager
  • Review eligibility requirements to benchmark your facility
  • Import facility data
Success through ENERGY STAR

  • Read the ENERGY STAR Snapshot to discover how you are contributing
  • Learn about ENERGY STAR Leaders that have improved organization-wide
  • Take the ENERGY STAR Challenge – improve your buildings' energy efficiency by 10%
  • Find buildings that have earned the ENERGY STAR
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