USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Pic of the Week

Photo of the Week

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Pic of the Week

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Picture of the Week

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Pic of the Week

The twelve members of the Wanawake Kwanza (Women First) growers association in Tanzania, have received Feed the Future support through USAID to boost their incomes and improve nutrition in the village. After only two months of growing vegetables on a single acre plot, these women have saved nearly $500. Based on their success, Maza village [...]

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Pic of the Week

As Haiti passes six months since the earthquake, men and women are employed in the USAID-funded reconstruction of an irrigation canal that not only provides a source of water for agriculture and livestock, but also a source of income for Haitians.

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Pic of the Week

Dr. John P. Holdren, the President’s Science Advisor and Co-Chair of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) speaks at the USAID conference entitled Transforming Development Through Science, Technology and Innovation.  USAID has gathered many of the world’s leading scientists and development thinkers, along with leaders of key federal science agencies to [...]

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Pic of the Week – Strawberries in Pakistan

Aware of the strawberry’s potential, the Competitiveness Support Fund (CSF), a joint initiative of the Pakistani government and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), saw an opportunity to help farmers and boost the economic growth of the region with the production of such a marketable commodity. A pilot program of the Sindh provincial government [...]

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Pic of the Week – USAID Health Huts

A community health hut is an innovative approach to ensure health services for those who don’t have the money or the transportation to travel great distances to see a doctor.  USAID supports a nationwide network of nearly 1,500 huts in Senegal, staffed by almost 10,000 volunteers, covering a population of nearly two and a half [...]

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USAID – Pic of the Week

Angelina Jolie, U.N.’s goodwill ambassador, talks with USAID/Haiti Mission Director Carleene Dei (in black vest) at the U.S. Embassy in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on June 19, 2010. Jolie spoke about child-protection issues with the State Department, USAID and USAID partner Pan American Development Foundation. For more pics, check out USAID’s Facebook Album.

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Pic of the Week – 17 June

A group of small farmers who operate a fish farm use a net to catch young tilapia. These fish will be used to help other farmers start their fish farms that will help them diversify their sources of income. Four of five Mozambicans live in rural areas. Since most survive by subsistence farming, agricultural extension [...]

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