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Wolf Creek Safety Rehabilitation Project Updates

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  • Wolf Creek Dam Safety Rehabilitation Project Work PlatformBarrier wall construction continues and remains on schedule to be completed in December 2013 with the intention of raising the pool in increments for the 2014 recreation season upon its completion. An independent assessment of quality control data and a re-evaluation of the structure’s Dam Safety Action Classification will ensure a tolerable risk level has been achieved once construction is finished.
  • The total project cost estimate has been raised to $594 million primarily due to delays associated with the work suspension in Critical Area 1 from March to November 2010. In Mar 2010, the Great Lakes and Ohio River Divi-sion commander directed a suspension of work in Critical Area 1 due to potential embankment instability in the wrap-around section.
  • Foundation Remediation Contractor Treviicos Soletanche JV (TSJV) completed the Protective Concrete Embankment Wall on June 19, 2012—protecting the entire earth em-bankment.
  • To date, TSJV has completed approximately 92 percent of the Pile Barrier Wall, and 100 percent of the pilot holes.
  • The Judy Company completed drilling and grouting in the switchyard plaza in July 2012. Results of the grouting pro-gram were used to analyze the need for additional meas-ures in this area. A subsurface barrier wall to supplement the wall constructed in the plaza area in 1979 is planned.
  • Barrier wall construction continues and remains on sched-ule to be completed in December 2013 with the intention of raising the pool for the 2014 recreation season upon its completion. An independent assessment of quality control data and a re-evaluation of the structure’s Dam Safety Ac-tion Classification will ensure a tolerable risk level has been achieved once construction is finished.
  • The total project cost estimate has been raised to $594 million primarily due to delays associated with the work suspension in Critical Area 1 from March to November 2010. In Mar 2010, the Great Lakes and Ohio River Divi-sion commander directed a suspension of work in Critical Area 1 due to potential embankment instability in the wrap-around section.
  • Foundation Remediation Contractor Treviicos Soletanche JV (TSJV) completed the Protective Concrete Embankment Wall on June 19, 2012—protecting the entire earth em-bankment.
  • To date, TSJV has completed approximately 80 percent of the Pile Barrier Wall, and 98 percent of the pilot holes.
  • The Judy Company completed drilling and grouting in the switchyard plaza in July 2012. Results of the grouting pro-gram are being used to evaluate the switchyard area for possible future mitigation efforts.
  • Barrier wall construction continues and remains on sched-ule to be completed in December 2013 with the intention of raising the pool for the 2014 recreation season. An in-dependent assessment of quality control data and a re-evaluation of the structure’s Dam Safety Action Classifica-tion will ensure a tolerable risk level has been achieved once construction is finished.
  • The total project cost estimate has been raised to $594 million primarily due to delays associated with the work suspension in Critical Area 1 from March to November 2010. In Mar 2010, the Great Lakes and Ohio River Divi-sion commander directed a suspension of work in Critical Area 1 due to potential embankment instability in the wrap-around section.
  • Foundation Remediation Contractor Treviicos Sole-tanche JV (TSJV) has completed 64 percent of the Protec-tive Concrete Embankment Wall in Critical Area 1. When the final 16 panels are completed, the entire embankment will be protected.
  • To date, TSJV has completed approximately 66 percent of the Pile Barrier Wall, 73 percent of the Combined Barrier Wall, and 88 percent of the pilot holes.
  • The Judy Company continued drilling and grouting in the switchyard plaza. Zones of no recovery were encountered in the vicinity of the sinkholes that formed in the late 1960s. An exploratory drilling and geophysical program to define and treat those features has been negotiated with the con-tractor and results are expected by June 4, 2012.
  • Project construction is expected to be completed in December 2013 with the intention of raising the pool for the 2014 recreation season. The pool raise is dependent on the final risk assessment and evaluation to revise the structure’s Dam Safety Action Classification.
  • Foundation Remediation Contractor Treviicos Soletanche JV (TSJV) has completed raising and wid-ening the work platform in Critical Area 1. The platform slab as well as the guide wall have been installed.
  • On Feb. 15, TSJV successfully completed excavation of the first Protective Concrete Embankment Wall (PCEW) panel in the cave and core trench section of Critical Area 1.
  • To date, TSJV has completed approximately 91 percent of Protective Concrete Embankment Wall, 41 percent of the Pile Barrier Wall, 55 percent of the Combined Barrier Wall, and 83 percent of the pilot holes.
  • The Judy Company continued drilling and grouting in the gallery and plaza. The grouting program has confirmed a hydraulic link between the tail water and piezometers on the downstream embankment. Additional holes will be drilled in the plaza to precisely locate and treat those features.
  • Work continues six days a week, 24 hours a day.


Sign of Million Hours without a lost-time accidentWork crews reach million-hour safety milestone at Wolf Creek Dam

JAMESTOWN, Ky. (Aug. 17, 2012) – Construction crews at the Wolf Creek Dam Foundation Remediation Project reached a lofty safety milestone today when the men and women installing a concrete barrier wall deep into the dam’s embankment reached 550 days and one million work-hours on the job without a lost-time accident.

 Nashville mayor goes up river to see dam safety project

JAMESTOWN, Ky. (Aug. 7, 2012) – Nashville Mayor Karl Dean visited Wolf Creek Dam today to see the ongoing foundation remediation construction, which is a dam safety project of vital importance to the citizens he represents 270 miles downstream.